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Check out this captivating review of Nelson & MacIlwraith (Moon Murder Mysteries #2) by K Sterling.

In my opinion, the book I just finished was quite a challenging read to evaluate and process. Although the first installment possessed many outstanding qualities, some of these same elements contributed to an exasperating reading experience with the sequel. While the initial book extensively delved into the characters’ personalities and the universe they inhabited, including their mystical powers, the follow-up struggled to maintain the same level of engagement and coherence.

Review: Nelson & MacIlwraith (Moon Murder Mysteries #2) by K Sterling

“Discover the Top 15 Books That Expanded My Views on Sex and Pregnancy”

In celebration of Autostraddle’s 15th anniversary, we’re compiling a series of whimsical and queer Top 15 Lists. Today, I’m reminiscing about the 15 books I devoured before fully grasping the complexities of adult intimacy. From innocent curiosity to perplexing revelations, these literary adventures left a lasting impression on my impressionable young mind. Let’s journey through my formative literary encounters, from the least to the most bewildering.

15. “The Wild Swans” by Hans Christian Andersen
While devoid of explicit content, this fairy tale captured my imagination with its silent heroine weaving sweaters from stinging nettles in a graveyard. The imagery sparked an early fascination with the mystical and the macabre.

14. “Drawing Down the Moon” by Margot Adler
Intriguing accounts of Satanists crafting altars from naked individuals piqued my curiosity about the secret lives of adults. It left me pondering the enigmatic behaviors of grown-ups and the diverse range of their rituals.

And so on, the list continues, with each book leaving a unique and thought-provoking impression on my young mind. It was not a primary concern when making my foray into my future sex and dating life.
1. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe
There was a line in this book, which I co-led with my best friend at age ten or so, that involved a sleeping bag that all the guys on some hippie bus jerked off into.
Tom Wolfe would go on to say that the sleeping bag could get a virgin pregnant. I took this literally as a possibility and would be afraid of errant sperm on surfaces for QUITE SOME TIME.

Thank you to our members for keeping Autostraddle here and queer for 15 years! Become an AF member today to help keep media queer AF.

Top 15 Books That Gave Me Weird Ideas About Sex and Pregnancy