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Limiting Belief: I need to be more skilled in reading tarot cards to others.

Why do I believe this to be true? It’s true because I’m still learning and practicing, and I feel more experience before I can confidently read for others.

Why is it not true? I have learned a lot about Tarot and have been practicing consistently. I have already started reading Tarot for myself and received positive feedback from friends and family. I have the basic knowledge and skills to begin reading for others, and I can continue learning and improving as I go.

  1. Overcoming limiting beliefs is crucial to start reading Tarot for others.
  2. Acknowledge the feeling of self-doubt and let go of it to move forward.
  3. Connect with the desire to serve others and help them connect with their intuition.
  4. Labeling oneself as a tarot reader is necessary, and it is optional to start reading Tarot for others.
  5. Journaling and using Tarot cards to go deeper can help overcome limiting beliefs.
  6. Write down the limiting Belief that has held you back from reading Tarot to others.
  7. Identify why you believe this and why it’s not true.
  8. Visualize yourself as the person you want to be to eliminate limiting beliefs.
    Hey there. This blog post will discuss taking the first steps to read Tarot for others. This is really about aligning your mindset, overcoming any limiting beliefs that might be getting in your way, and then thinking practically about the next steps you will take to start reaching out to your friends and family to start practicing reading for others. So, let’s begin with those limiting beliefs. I know I had this one when I started, and I’m not ready. But here’s the thing. I have yet to be 100% ready. Have you? I don’t know. I’ve been about 80% or 90% every time I’ve gone for it. There’s always been that little part of doubt in me. I could do better in this part or better in that part. I want to acknowledge that it’s widespread to feel that limiting Belief that I’m not ready, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Here’s the thing. If you’ve been studying with me and taking this journey, you already know the Tarot card meanings, the upright and the reversed card meanings, and how to do some simple one to three-card spreads. And no doubt, you’ve already started reading for yourself, and you’ve seen some unique insights from your own readings. So, even if you might not feel ready to read with others, I want you to feel rock solid knowing that you are more prepared than you are. All right. Overcoming limiting belief number two is that I need to be better than that. Okay. You’ve probably heard of imposter syndrome, where you feel like you’re a fraud, you’re not good enough, and you’re not ready enough. But here’s the thing. We all go through this at some time. And you think, Well, I’m not psychic enough, or I’m not intuitive enough, or I haven’t quite mastered this skill or that skill. Just acknowledge that feeling of self-doubt coming up and then just let go of it because it’s there; you say, “Hello, self-doubt, I can see you. All right. Thanks very much. Pop you in the corner while I get on and read Tarot. “And here’s the thing. I want you to connect with that desire that comes from being of service to others, to help others, to really connect with your intuition, and to help others connect with their intuition. It’s when we see that we can be of service and are fulfilling a deeper purpose and meaning with our Tarot readings that it doesn’t matter if we’re good enough. Speaker 2: We go for it anyway because we know we’re here to serve and help. So, connect with that desire that comes from within you to help and serve. All right. So, number three, one of the other limiting beliefs that come up is that I wonder if I want people to know I’m a Tarot reader. I had this same Belief, particularly when I was younger. So, in my early twenties, I started reading tarot cards. And you know what? I don’t want people to think I’m a Tarot reader because I had an image of an older woman dressed in scarves with her crystal ball and dark eye shadow. I thought, well, that’s not me. And if I start calling myself a Tarot reader, does that mean I’m trying to step into that or not. Here’s the thing. What I want you to see yourself as is just someone who’s using Tarot cards to connect with their inner wisdom. You don’t have to label yourself a Tarot reader just yet. You can be a regular person who owns some cards and pulls a few cards to tune into their inner wisdom. All right. So those are some of the most common limiting beliefs. You should think now about your potential limiting beliefs when reading Tarot to others. So, this is in your workbooks, and I would love for you to work through it. So, the way I’d like you to do this is to journal. You might use your Tarot cards to go a little bit deeper. But first, I just want you to write down what comes to mind. So, what limiting Belief has held you back from reading Tarot to others? Now, I know one of mine was I’m not psychic enough. So that’s what you write down, whatever your limiting Belief might be. Now, number two, why do you believe this to be true? So, for me, it was I’m not psychic enough. Well, to dead people. I don’t see ghosts. Therefore, I’m not psychic enough, right? This is the thinking that was going on. Now, number three, why is it not true? What evidence tells you that this Belief is false? Okay. So now we’ve got to flip our thinking a little bit. If I think I’m not psychic enough, what evidence do I have that this is false? Well, there was that one time when I was holding someone’s watch, and I had all of this imagery flash up about his life and career. And I go, okay, well, maybe I have some evidence that I am at least a little psychic. So, I want you to think about this for your limiting Beliefs. What evidence do you have that limiting Belief is false? The fourth step is to visualize yourself as the person you want to be. So, if I’m thinking about whether or not I am psychic enough, what it looks like when I am psychic to the level that feels comfortable for me. So I might close my eyes. I might imagine myself in that beautiful, psychic, intuitive state, and there goes the limiting Belief, right? We’ve eliminated those beliefs and are bringing something more aligned and truer to ourselves. So I definitely invite you to do that. Now, you can pause the video or after the end of this video. All right, let’s talk now about who to practice with. So we’re getting a little bit more practical, more tactical. Here are some ideas about getting started by reading Tarot for others. So one, you can practice with friends. Friends are great because they’ve got your back. They get you. They understand you. They’re your best cheerleaders. They really do want to see you succeed. You can also practice with Tarot study buddies. Maybe there’s another Tarot we can do readings for and exchange readings together. Now, you can also start doing the free Tarot readings or the practice readings on the Biddy Tarot community. This is a more expansive experience because you read for people you don’t know. Still, you’ll have access to people worldwide who would love to have a reading with you and will provide you with these amazing practice opportunities. And then, finally, you might have a Tarot group locally in your community. Maybe you even have a Tarot meet-up where you have eight or 10 people in a room practicing giving readings to each other. Again, it is a supportive learning environment that you can create for yourself and your practice readings. All right. I want to give you some tips for asking about your first tarot date. So, number one, mindset is key. So we’ve done some work around letting go of those limiting beliefs and replacing those beliefs with a powerful sense of positivity about what you can achieve. So that leads me to this condone, which is to set a positive intention. You might even envision that moment when you ask your friends, Hey, can I give you a reading?And then you imagine that they say, “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it’s taken you so long to ask me. “And you have a really positive experience. So, set that positive intention. Number three is to let people know that you want to practice. And I know it can be a little bit nerve-wracking to let other people know that you read because we always worry about being judged or what someone else will think. But I have been pleasantly surprised so many times when I’ve told someone about Tarot, and I didn’t think they would like it, but they did. And it’s led to some really positive interactions. So, just by letting people know you are ready and willing to practice, people will say, “Yes, please. I would love to read with you. ‘And all of those opportunities that are going to open up to you. Number four is to listen for the opportunities. So, let’s say you’re having a conversation with a friend. You might hear her saying, “Oh, well, I’ve got to decide whether I got his direction or this direction. “You’re like, “Oh, I think I could use my Tarot cards for that. “Or maybe she’s saying, “Look, I’m not sure what to do in my career. I feel like something else is calling me. “And you’re like, “Okay, let’s pull out those Tarot cards. “So there are lots and lots of opportunities there for you. Now, the final one is no pressure. So whether it’s okay for your friend, family member, or whoever to say no, thank you. So you might offer your reading that at the end of the day, they might say, “You know what? I don’t think it’s for me. “That’s okay. Don’t worry. There’s plenty more fish in the sea and plenty more people who would love to have a reading with you. Don’t take it personally. Just respect that we each have our different ways of doing things. All right. So that should have you all set up to ask for your first Tarot date. So that leads us to the next activity. And this is your commitment. So, what one action do you commit to in the next seven days to find someone to practice your readings with? So you might consider reading for a friend or a family member. You might think about who that is. You might think about what they’ve been talking about lately and how to set that positive intention, so go out and ask them, “Hey, can I practice my tarot readings with you? “I think they are going to be so excited to have you read their cards for them, and they’ve probably been wondering why it’s taken you so long to ask them. So that is your activity for today. All right. So, in our next video, I will talk about the beginner’s guide to reading Tarot for others, which walks you through the seven steps to how you can now take all those beautiful skills you’ve created and use them to read for others. I’ll see you there.

About MissPsycosexual

Hello Generous And Single Gentlemen/Oil Tycoons/Sugar Daddies And Boys That Are Not Broke, I Am What Dreams Are Made Of - Warm, Sweet, Affectionate And Charming With A Dangerously Wild Side. I Am A Devout Catholic And A Voodoo Believer! My Tight Ass Is Smooth, I Am Very Friendly With An Out Going Personality And A Great Sense Of Humour. I Am A Great Shopper. I Am Daring Yet Delicate. If You Want To Date Me Out, Then Let Me Know. I Love To Drink Guiness Stout, Red Wine, Gin With Pineapple Juice And I Love To Eat Pizza, Barbecue Pork Ribs, Laksa, Chilli Slices And Onions On Prata, Lean Beef Rendang, Lean Beef Steak. I Can Only Go Out From 1 pm And I Have To Be Home By 6 pm. When We Are Together You Will Be Spoiled Pampered And You Will Definitely Reach Your Climax. I Am A Genuine Treasure Don't Wait Text Message Me Only Now +65 90269350.CHEERS! The Funny Thing About Me Is That I Can Be Every Daddy's Little Psycho. PayPal.Me/TerryTSwendybella

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