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How you love yourself is how you teach others how to love youπŸ‘‘πŸ‘ŠπŸ₯°πŸŽ»πŸ€œπŸŽΆβœ¨πŸ’–πŸ‘€πŸ’•πŸ‘€πŸ’πŸ‘€βœ¨πŸ‘βœ¨

Unleashing the Magic: Crafting Your Own Candle Spells

Unleashing the Magic: Crafting Your Own Candle Spells

Here is a step-by-step guide to assist you in carefully planning a single-candle spell. Always remember that magick involves shaping change in alignment with your intentions. Usually, magick will only handle some of the tasks. It is important to remember that taking action in the physical world is crucial for the success of your magical endeavors. 


  1. What is the desired result I am seeking from this spell?Β The desired result you seek from this spell is the ultimate outcome or transformation that you aim to bring about through magic. It is crucial to clearly define and express the specific goal or intention that you wish to accomplish. Remember, you are shaping this outcome, and offering a well-defined and succinct statement of your desired outcome will empower you to channel your energy and intention during the spellcasting procedure.

For instance, if you want to invite love into your life, you might aim to find a romantic partner who brings happiness and fulfillment. The clear and focused intention will direct the spell’s energy towards achieving the desired result.

Aim: Number 2 What is the real reason for wanting this?

The true motivation behind desiring to perform this spell is to manifest a favorable transformation in your life. By having a clear vision and channeling your efforts, you can strive to achieve the desired result. For example, if you are looking for love, the spell can assist you in attracting a satisfying romantic relationship. It’s crucial to carefully consider your motivations and ensure they align with your genuine desires and values. This will assist you in approaching the spellcasting process with a clear and focused mindset. Remember that the authenticity and sincerity of your intention significantly impact the spell’s effectiveness. 

Aim: Number 3 How do I expect to feel once I have this?

Once the desired outcome of the spell is manifested, you can experience a deep sense of fulfillment, joy, and contentment. Imagine the feelings and experiences that come with successfully reaching your goal. Consider envisioning the pleasure and comfort of loving and supportive relationships if you seek love. By emphasizing these emotions, you can synchronize your energy and intention with the desired outcome, enhancing the effectiveness of the spellcasting process. Always maintain a positive and optimistic mindset, fully aware that the spell is actively working to manifest positive transformations in your life. 

 Aim: Number 4 How realistic is this aim?

The accuracy of your aim relies on several factors, including your faith in the spell, the harmony between your intentions and actions in the real world, and your sincere desire for the desired outcome. It’s crucial to have a well-rounded approach to spellcasting. While magic can help bring about change, it’s equally important to take practical actions toward achieving your goal. Consider the possible difficulties and hurdles that may come up, and think about how you can overcome them using a combination of magical and non-magical methods. Take a moment to reflect on previous experiences that have resulted in similar outcomes. Allow yourself to be inspired by these moments. Combining elements of fantasy and reality can increase the chances of reaching your desired result.  

 The Spell  

  • What candle color will I use?

When selecting a candle color for your spell, it is crucial to consider your spell’s precise intention. Each candle color is linked to different energies and purposes. As an illustration:

White candles are commonly used for various purposes, such as purification, healing, truth, and sincerity.

– Red candles are often linked to intense emotions like passion, love, courage, and strength.

– Pink candles represent love, romance, friendship, and compassion.

Green candles symbolize growth, fertility, abundance, and financial matters.

– Blue candles are associated with peace, harmony, intuition, and communication.

– Yellow candles represent intellect, creativity, confidence, and clarity.

– Purple candles are associated with spirituality, wisdom, and psychic awareness.

– Black candles are commonly used for protection, banishing negativity, and releasing.

Consider the specific objective of your spell and select a candle color that aligns with that intention. This will ensure the spell’s energy is perfectly attuned to your desired outcome. Considering your intuition when choosing the candle’s color is essential, as it can significantly impact the spell’s effectiveness.  

  • What herbs/or oils will I use?

To achieve the desired outcome, consider incorporating herbs and oils that resonate with your intention into a single-candle spell. For instance, using rose petals or rose oil could be a great option if you’re looking for love. If you’re looking for a solution to protect yourself, consider using sage or frankincense oil. It is crucial to select herbs and oils that align with your purpose and have a strong historical connection to the intention you are striving for. Use high-quality, ethically sourced herbs and oils for your spellwork to achieve optimal results. 

  • What phase of the moon will be best for this spell?

The phase of the moon is an important consideration when planning a spell. The lunar cycle affects the energy available for different types of magic. Here are some recommendations for aligning your single-candle spell with the phases of the moon:

1. New Moon: This phase is ideal for setting new intentions and starting fresh. If your spell involves new beginnings or setting goals, performing it during the new moon can be powerful.

2. Waxing Moon: As the moon grows from new to complete, it’s an excellent time for spells that involve growth, progress, and manifestation. If your spell aims to attract something into your life or increase specific qualities, consider performing it during this phase.

3. Full Moon: The full moon is a potent time for all forms of magic. It’s perfect for spells that require extra energy, heightened intuition, or maximum impact. If your spell involves culmination, completion, or reaching a peak, the full moon is the best time to perform it.

4. Waning Moon: During this phase, the moon shrinks from complete to new. It’s a good time for spells that involve releasing, banishing, or removing obstacles. If your spell focuses on letting go of negativity, breaking bad habits, or diminishing specific influences, consider performing it during the waning moon.

By aligning your single-candle spell with the appropriate phase of the moon, you can harness the lunar cycle’s natural rhythms to enhance your magic’s effectiveness. Consider your specific intentions and the desired outcome when choosing the best time to perform your spell.

Can one establish a connection with ancestors, past loved ones, or spirits in the spiritual realm?

Can one establish a connection with ancestors, past loved ones, or spirits in the spiritual realm?

Connecting with ancestors, past loved ones, or spirits in the spiritual realm is possible. While there may be no scientific evidence to support this belief, the experiences and practices of countless people stand as a testament to the profound and valid nature of these connections.

Meditation or prayer is a powerful tool for connecting with ancestors or loved ones who have transitioned. By directing your thoughts and intentions towards the person you wish to communicate with, you can often sense their presence or receive a message from them.

Another way to connect with the spiritual realm is through rituals or ceremonies. Many cultures have traditions that involve honoring ancestors or spirits, such as lighting candles or burning incense.

Acknowledging that these practices are profoundly personal and may not resonate with everyone is crucial. It’s also vital to approach any spiritual practice with the utmost respect and caution, as the beliefs and traditions surrounding the spiritual realm are diverse and unique to each culture.

If the idea of connecting with the spiritual realm sparks your curiosity, exploring various practices and traditions can be a gateway to profound personal growth and enlightenment. Additionally, seeking guidance from a trusted spiritual leader or counselor can provide invaluable insights and support on your unique path, further enhancing your spiritual journey.

Embrace a mindset of unwavering belief and wholeheartedly chase after the things that bring you tranquility. Follow your instincts and do what aligns with your true self. Embrace the things that fill your heart with happiness. The choice is entirely up to you. If you are someone who finds profound meaning in the act of taking another person’s life, you have the freedom to explore that path. It is essential to acknowledge and embrace the outcomes that may arise.Β 

Wicca and Witchcraft Traditions

Wicca and Witchcraft Traditions

Modern Witchcraft and Wicca revolve around the connection with nature and spiritual practices. The beauty of nature is celebrated, and the enchantment of magic is woven into the fabric of everyday existence. Nevertheless, a wide array of Wiccans and witches with diverse practices exist.  

Gardnerian Wicca

Gerald Gardner (1884 – 1964) is widely recognized as the pioneer of Wicca. Gardner dedicated a significant amount of time to 

Malaysia greatly influenced him, sparking a desire to revive ancient European practices. 

I am exploring the rich tapestry of pagan practices in England.

Gardner stated that he was initiated into a witchcraft tradition in 1939. It seems that the 

The coven endured the process of Christianisation in Europe and has continued to exist until the present day. Gardner was also known for his ability to think outside the box and pay attention to even the most minor details. 

Heavily influenced by Freemasonry, spiritualism, Aleister Crowley, the Golden Dawn, and other sources, 


The Gardnerian ritual format reflects influences seen in constructing the Wiccan practices. 

I am interested in the circle, four quarters, pentagram, and the four ritual tools (wand, pentacle, sword, and cup).

In a manner reminiscent of Freemasonry, Gardnerian Wicca adheres to the traditional practice of having three degrees. Of beginning. Each one requires a whole year and meticulous attention to detail.

Gardnerian Wiccans meticulously observe the sabbaths and Lunar phases with great attention to detail. According to many scholars 

Gardnerian Wicca recognizes and celebrates gender polarity through its duo-theistic beliefs. 

Divine beings. However, most Wiccans embrace a polytheistic belief system, honoring numerous Goddesses and Gods, who are highly respected and valued in most traditions.

Many of the chants that we enjoy today were written by Doreen Valiente, a significant contributor in 

We are exploring the development of Wicca as a religion. I truly appreciate the way Valiente’s work breathes life into Gardnerian Wicca. 

I wonder if Wicca would have gained the same level of popularity without her significant influence. 

Alexandrian Wicca

Alex and Justine Sanders established this tradition in the 1960s. Both were initially part of a Gardnerian coven. Much of this tradition drew inspiration from Gardnerian Wicca, incorporating additional elements of ceremonial magic such as Enochian magick and Kabbalah.

The renowned ancient Egyptian library inspired the name of Alexandrian Wicca in Alexandria. This library was famous for its immense size and historical importance.

Like Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrians also celebrate the sabbats, Moon Cycles, and polar deities and adhere to a degree system.

Dianic Wicca

While the original forms of Wicca originated in the UK, Dianic Wicca emerged as an American contribution. Many covens have a long-standing tradition of being predominantly female, reflecting a commitment to feminist principles.

Dianic Wiccans prioritize the Goddess and feminine energy over the masculine, resulting in a more flexible and less rigid structure than the original traditions.

Seax Wica

Raymond Buckland established another version of the Craft in the 1970s, adding to the American lineage. Similar to Sanders, he was welcomed into a Gardnerian coven.

Buckland tailored his Wicca style to align with American culture, which was more egalitarian. Seax Wicca is known for its more flexible and open approach, without the traditional emphasis on secrecy oaths or hierarchical degrees found in Gardnerian or Alexandrian Wicca. It’s a style of Wicca that embraces fluidity and evolution.

Wicca with a Cultural Twist

As Wicca has evolved, numerous practitioners have been exploring and crafting paths that align closely with their ancestral roots. There are various forms of Wicca, such as Norse Wicca, Celtic Wicca, Druidic Wicca, and more. 

These new forms of Wicca incorporate elements from traditional practices, including culturally specific deities, myths, and imagery.  

Eclectic Wicca

Eclectic Wicca has become increasingly popular as many individuals are drawn to the Craft but face challenges finding covens. Many Eclectic Wiccans prefer to practice their Craft independently, working alone rather than being part of a coven system.

This path offers a wide range of diversity, encompassing various traditions of Wicca, traditional witchcraft, and even Eastern religions. A Wiccan with a unique approach will carve their way, drawing inspiration from different spiritual traditions and practices.

Individual practitioners of Wicca

An individual practicing Wicca independently is not affiliated with a coven. The term gained popularity in the 1980s as many individuals were attracted to this path but needed access to a coven or had no interest in joining one.

Many solitaires acquire knowledge and skills by reading books, attending workshops, and participating in seminars.

Exploring Witchcraft Traditions

While Wicca may be considered a more recent religious practice, witchcraft has a much longer history. There are countless variations of witchcraft across different cultures, each with unique practices and traditions.

The list below focuses on modern European-based witchcraft, which has emerged from the witchcraft revival pioneered by Gardner. While these traditions are commonly referred to as “modern,” it’s important to note that many have origins in traditional shamanic practices.

The Feri Tradition was established in the 1950s by Victor and Cora Anderson, who drew inspiration from Gardner.

They have a unique belief and teaching centered around the concept of the Three Souls. This tradition is characterized by its flexibility, passion, and emphasis on joyous celebration, artistic expression, and sensuality.

Hedge Witch This tradition embraces the essence of how witchcraft was traditionally practiced, emphasizing creativity and precision. Hedge witches primarily work from the comfort of their homes, dedicating their attention to the practical aspects of their Craft.  

Unlock Your Potential: A Guide To Tarot Readings For Personal Growth

Unlock Your Potential: A Guide To Tarot Readings For Personal Growth

Tarot readings have the transformative power to help individuals gain self-awareness, clarity, and insights into their lives. By tapping into the mystical and spiritual realm, tarot readings can provide a unique perspective that can be difficult to achieve through traditional means. Some potential benefits that my tarot readings can offer include:

1. Self-Discovery: Tarot readings can help individuals better understand themselves and their innermost desires, fears, and motivations. By delving into the subconscious, tarot readings can reveal aspects of the self that may have been previously hidden or repressed.

2. Clarity: Tarot readings can help individuals gain clarity on a particular situation or problem they may face. By providing a fresh perspective, tarot readings can help individuals see the situation from a new angle and understand what is truly important.

3. Insights: Tarot readings can offer profound insights into the universe’s workings and the interconnectedness of all things. By tapping into the tarot’s collective wisdom, individuals can better understand the world around them and their place in it.

My tarot readings offer a unique and transformative experience that can help individuals tap into their innermost selves and better understand themselves and the world around them.

Tarot readings can be a powerful tool for gaining clarity and insight into your life. Here are a few examples of how tarot readings can help you:

1. Decision-Making: If you’re facing a difficult decision, a tarot reading can provide insights and guidance to help you make the best choice. The cards can reveal potential outcomes and offer perspectives you may not have considered.

2. Self-Discovery: Tarot readings can help you better understand yourself, your desires, and your motivations. By exploring your subconscious, tarot readings can reveal aspects of yourself that may have been hidden or repressed.

3. Relationship Issues: If you’re experiencing problems in your relationships, a tarot reading can offer insights and advice on improving them. The cards can reveal patterns in your behavior or your partner’s behavior that may be causing conflict and guide how to resolve them.

4. Career and Financial Decisions: Tarot readings can help you make informed decisions about your career and finances. The cards can reveal potential opportunities or obstacles and guide navigating them.

5. Spiritual Growth: Tarot readings can help you connect with your spiritual side and better understand the universe and your place in it. The cards can offer insights into the interconnectedness of all things and help you connect with your higher self.

Overall, tarot readings can help you gain clarity and insight into various areas of your life, providing guidance and support as you navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

Interpreting the cards in a tarot reading can seem daunting, but it can become easier with practice. Here are a few examples of how to interpret the cards in a tarot reading:

1. The Fool: The Fool represents new beginnings, taking risks, and following your intuition. When The Fool appears in a reading, it may indicate that you’re about to embark on a new journey or start a new chapter in your life.

2. The Tower: The Tower represents crisis, upheaval, and sudden change. When The Tower appears in a reading, it may indicate that you will experience a significant change or crisis.

3. The Empress: The Empress represents abundance, nurturing, and fertility. When The Empress appears in a reading, it may indicate that you’re about to experience a period of growth, abundance, or creativity.

4. The Wheel of Fortune: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles, change, and destiny. When The Wheel of Fortune appears in a reading, it may indicate that you will experience a significant change or shift in your life.

5. The High Priestess: The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and secrets. When The High Priestess appears in a reading, it may indicate that you must trust your intuition and pay attention to your inner voice.

Remember, the interpretation of the cards is subjective and may vary depending on the context and the individual’s intuition. Trusting your instincts and letting the cards guide you to the insights and guidance you need is essential.

Β Expanding Your Tarot Practice

Β Expanding Your Tarot Practice

Hello, and welcome back. In this blog post, we will talk about how toΒ expand your tarot practice. This is about adding value to your tarotΒ readings, adding complementary modalities, and creating readings thatΒ really align with your clients and set you apart from different readers. So, inΒ this video, we will cover how to add some sparkle to your tarotΒ readings for more people. And, of course,Β the first steps to going pro and becoming a professional tarot reader, if that’sΒ your chosen path. So, there are really two types of expansion when itΒ comes to your readings. The first is adding to what you’re already doing, which might be adding different modalities and tools soon. I’m going toΒ share a few of those ideas with you shortly. And doing more of what you’reΒ already doing. So, read for more people and expand your circles about who you do tarotΒ readings for. So here are a few ideas of how you can add that extra sparkle toΒ your tarot readings. And this is about adding different modalities, tools, resources, and soon. What I love about Tarot is that it blendsΒ beautifully with many different modalities. So, if you already have a skill,Β talent, or passion in a different area, you can compellingly integrate that into yourΒ tarot readings. So, I will share some ideas for you to do just that. But also, think about what other skills youΒ have that you could integrate. So, one thing is tarot and oracle cards. I loveΒ doing a tarot reading that begins by pulling an oracle card to tuneΒ into the bigger energy that is present and then using Tarot to dive into moreΒ of the details. And then sometimes, if the reading was a little bit, I don’t know,Β heavy or a bit challenging, I do like to pull an oracle card at the end to liftΒ things up and close the reading with an empowering or upliftingΒ message. So, of course, you can choose how you want to use Oracle cards inΒ your readings and what feels most aligned for you. Tarot and crystals are so yummy. So, even just doing a tarot reading and bringing in your favorite crystals as you do the reading can be compelling. If you’re doing a love tarot reading, then bringing in some rose quartz could be very powerfulΒ as well, or some labradorite if you want to get really in touch with yourΒ intuition, or some smoky quartz if it’s a bit of a challenging reading thatΒ you’re doing. As a result of reading, you might also tune into what crystal the clientΒ might want to connect with over time. So, for example, maybe theΒ high priestess is coming out in the reading, and the high priestess is veryΒ much about intuition. And you just feel cold that this intuition aligns with theΒ amethyst crystal, and maybe that is a calling to share the amethyst crystalΒ with your client. Tarot and astrology really do go hand in hand as well. There areΒ so many astrological associations with the Tarot, and you could do a compelling reading that integrates both, say, a birth chart reading plus tarotΒ cards to go deeper. I think that astrology does really well because it looks atΒ the current environment and the nature of a person, and then the Tarot helpsΒ you go deeper into more of the details of what’s really going on andΒ what actions one can take. Tarot and aroma therapy. Oh, this is powerful stuff, my friends. So you can useΒ even just an essential oil that helps open up the intuition, whether itΒ might be something like sandalwood, which is grounding and earthy. Maybe it’s Clary Sage or whatever feels really good in alignment with you. Maybe it’s some rose oil if you are doing a love reading. So you can burn theΒ oil throughout a reading. What it does is it helps to alter your state andΒ bring you present with the reading and the theme for the reading. For example, you might be inspired to create essential oil blends for theΒ Major Arcana cards. And then maybe if this Major Arcana card isΒ featured in the reading, you might also gift your client the essential oil blend. And then, if you’re burning that during the reading, you’re creating thisΒ association, the smell and the experience of the reading and the message. Then, the client can go away and reconnect with that feeling and experience again every time they smell the blend that you have created. TheΒ potential is unlimited. You could also integrate Tarot and yoga. So, I have aΒ few friends who really enjoy teaching a yoga practice based on a card. So, they might pull a card from the Major Arcana cards and use it as the yoga practice theme. Now, equally, you might again have a MajorΒ Arcana card feature in your reading, and there might be a yoga pose thatΒ you would recommend aligned to that particular card. For instance,Β one is the hanged man doing more inverted yoga poses. So, again, the opportunities and the options are absolutely endless. And, ofΒ course, you can combine any other personal interest into your readiness. It’sΒ about your creativity and what you want to create for yourΒ clients. What experience do you want to create that is special, unique,Β memorable, and highly valuable? All right, let’s now focus on some tipsΒ on how to do more tarot readings with more people. Because as you buildΒ up your skills, no doubt, you’re excited to work with more people and have anΒ impact on more people. So, ask more friends and family members if theyΒ want to have a reading. So you can put yourself out there and letΒ them know you are doing more reading. You could also let your wider social circles know you seekΒ more clients. So, maybe you say, “Hey friends, I am developing my skills as aΒ tarot reader, and I’m looking to work with five more people over the nextΒ month. Is there anyone that you can recommend to me? “And you might beΒ choosing to do free readings to build up your experience, or you might beΒ transitioning to paid readings if that’s feeling good and in alignment for you. You might want to gift readings for birthdays and special occasions. I used toΒ do this with my friends on birthdays, offering them a beautifulΒ birthday tarot reading. You might post flyers at your local hang-outs to say you are takingΒ readings. And you might even join a tarot reading circle. So that could be inΒ person, or it could be with a group of people online, such as with our Biddy Tarot Community. And, of course, you can be a part of the Biddy TarotΒ Community, where you can practice with people from all around the world,Β whether they’re fellow tarot readers or people looking for a free reading inΒ exchange for feedback and experience. Now, I want to share just a few tipsΒ about how to start to become a professional. I know some ofΒ you are already getting amazing feedback from your readings. Your skills are evolving and elevating, and you might feel that call toΒ start getting paid readings. So, number one, it’s a mindset and a decision to go pro. There willΒ be that point, and you go, “Okay.Yes, I’m going to do it. I’m ready. Let’s do it.” Then, once you’ve decided, set your offer and price. So whatΒ is it that you want to give? Is it half an hour reading? Is it relationshipΒ reading? Is it a life-purpose reading? And so on. And then, what’s the financial exchange for that reading? And sometimes, with your pricing, youΒ might want to start out a bit lower and, over time, build it up as you buildΒ up your experience. Then, set up your payment and your booking system. ItΒ might just be a cash payment or a bank deposit, or you might want to useΒ something like PayPal or Stripe. And a booking system, again, it might be just a paper diary or an onlineΒ appointment scheduler. But this way, you are ready to accept paid readings, and you’re ready to show up for those readings. And then, finally, when you’reΒ ready to go, start sharing it with your circle of friends and family and put theΒ word out there that you are now taking paid readings. Now, I go into this in aΒ lot more detail in my course, which is how to attract your first five payingΒ clients and seven simple steps to go out there and get paid readings. But these are some great steps to get you going on your journey. So, your activity for this video is to reflect on what actions you will take toΒ expand your tarot reading practice? Are you going to add some extraΒ sparkle with these extra modalities?Are you going to read for more people? Or maybe you’re feeling that call to become a professional tarot reader? So, take a moment in your workbook to determine your action plan. Then, in the next blog post, we’ll recap module five. So, it’s our finalΒ blog post for the module. We’ll recap what you have learned and createdΒ in this module. I’ll see you there.

  1. This module provides ideas to expand your tarot practice by adding complementary modalities and tools to your readings.

2. Tarot can blend beautifully with many modalities, such as oracle cards, crystals, astrology, aroma therapy, and yoga.

3. Adding complementary modalities can help you create a reading that aligns with your clients and sets you apart from other readers.

4. You can also do more of what you’re already doing by reading for more people and expanding your circles of clients.

5. When using complementary modalities, it’s essential to choose what feels most aligned for you and your clients.

6. You can create essential oil blends for the Major Arcana cards and gift them to your clients to associate the smell with the reading experience.

7. Yoga can also be a complementary modality to Tarot. You can recommend yoga poses aligned to specific cards or use a card as the theme for a yoga practice.

8. The potential for combining personal interests with Tarot is unlimited, and it’s all about your creativity and what you want to create for your clients.

Some ideas that you can consider to expand your Tarot reading practice:

  1. Research and explore the complementary modalities and tools mentioned in this module, such as oracle cards, crystals, astrology, aroma therapy, and yoga. Identify the most resonating with you and learn how to integrate them into your Tarot readings.

2. Experiment with using complementary modalities in your Tarot readings. Start by incorporating one or two modalities at a time and see how they enhance your readings. Remember to be open-minded and flexible in your approach.

3. Read for a broader range of people. Consider offering your services to different groups, such as friends, family, coworkers, or even strangers. You can also explore online platforms to reach a larger audience.

4. Network with other Tarot readers and practitioners. Attend Tarot events, join online communities, and connect with other readers to learn from their experiences and exchange ideas.

5. Continually develop your Tarot skills and knowledge. Read books, take courses, and practice regularly to deepen your understanding of the Tarot and improve your readings.

Remember, expanding your Tarot reading practice is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to explore new possibilities.

Spring Cleansing Spell

Spring Cleansing Spell

February 26

For March! 

I like to use the energy of the Spring Equinox to thoroughly cleanse (and clean) my home. This process involves cleaning your space the old-fashioned way and clearing it of the spiritual gunk that hides in the corners. It takes time and physical energy. Feel free to take a few days to complete this work or ask loved ones to help you complete the tasks.

For this work, you will need the following:
*Household Cleaning Supplies
*Cleansing Herb Mix
*Yellow Chime Candle (one for every room of your house)
*Favorite Cleansing Incense

Take the salt and pour it into a small bowl. Speak blessings over the salt and ask it to help cleanse your space of spiritual and physical residue. Put a pinch of salt into any cleaning products you use.

Take the Cleansing Herb Mix and make a big pot of tea. While the tea is cooling, start cleaning your home. Back of the house to front of the house and top to bottom.

When you finish a room, speak your prayer for a clean and cleansed space and light the yellow chime candle. Ensure it is in a fireproof container and safe to burn. Move to the next room and complete the process until you’ve cleaned every room of your home.

When the whole space has been cleaned from top to bottom and back to front, take the Cleansing Herb Mix tea and use it to wash the floors. If you only have carpet, use this as a room spray. Finally, light the incense and offer a smoke cleanse to your entire space. When all the candles have burnt out, take excess wax and throw it out the back of your home.


Spring is a time of renewal, and what better way to celebrate the season than by thoroughly cleansing your home? By clearing out the physical and spiritual clutter that may have accumulated over time, you can create a fresh, vibrant, and energized space. In this process, you must arm yourself with household cleaning supplies, salt, cleansing herb mix, yellow chime candles, and your favorite cleansing incense. Completing this work may take a few days, but the result will be worth it. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your loved ones, and prepare to give your home the cleaning it deserves!

Dear [Your Name],

As the Spring Equinox approaches, I want to cleanse my home of all the negative energy that may have accumulated over time. This process will bring physical cleanliness, spiritual clarity, and renewal. Therefore, I am committed to taking the time and effort to thoroughly clean my space.

I will start by gathering all the necessary supplies, including household cleaning products, salt, cleansing herb mix, yellow chime candles, and my favorite cleansing incense. I will also make a pot of tea from the cleansing herb mix, which I will use to wash the floors after cleaning every room of my house.

As I go from room to room, I will pray for a clean and cleansed space and light a yellow chime candle in each room. I will ensure the candle is in a fireproof container and safe to burn. I will also sprinkle a pinch of salt into my cleaning products to help cleanse my space of spiritual and physical residue.

Finally, I will offer a smoke cleanse to my entire space using my favorite cleansing incense. When all the candles have burned out, I will take excess wax and throw it out of my home, signifying that I have removed all the negative energy and allowed new and positive energy to flow in.

This may take a few days, but I am committed to this renewal and rejuvenation process. I am excited to see and feel the results of my hard work.


[Your Name]

Full Moon March 25th in Libra

Full Moon March 25th in Libra

For this Full Moon, allow the Venusian energy of the moon to help you pamper yourself.Β 

You will need the following supplies:

*2 cups Epsom salts

*1 cup Kosher salt

*1 cup rose petals

*1 tablespoon honey

*Favorite essential oil

*Favorite incense

*Relaxing playlist

Draw a hot bath and add in the salts, roses, honey, and essential oils. While the tub is filling up, turn on the relaxing playlist. Light your incense; if you feel like calling, light some candles too. When the tub is full, get into the water. Let yourself relax. When you feel ready, speak out loud and say some affirmations to yourself. Speak out loud about your accomplishments up to this point in the year. And finally, talk out loud about your desires for the spring.



We will discuss the beginner’s guide to reading tarot for others. This is all about those seven steps to a remarkable reading, but this time, I am applying them to reading tarot for others. So, let’s do a quick recap of those seven steps. One is to create the space. Two, get to the heart of the question. Third, choose the layout. And four, shuffle the cards. Five read the cards and tell the story. Six, answer the question, and seven, reflect and ask for feedback. By now, you’re using these seven steps in your tarot readings, and you’re likely starting to find an excellent flow with these seven steps. So, I want to take you through the same seven steps with you in this video, but we will do it in the context of your reading for your friend. And what I love about having these seven steps on hand is that they give you a little structure. It gives you a guide so you know you’re doing all the right things, moving forward in the right direction, and don’t need to worry. So, let’s go through each of these steps one by one. All right. So, number one is to create the space. Now, when creating the space for a tarot reading, you’re trying to create a space different from the everyday. It doesn’t have to be a big elaborate, I don’t know, or yurt that’s been all fancily designed. It can be as simple as just clearing the table, making sure you have a clear space, maybe even lighting a candle, pulling out one of your favorite crystals, or laying down a beautiful cloth, which gives it that charming, sacred feeling. Then, the mental space is obvious: “Look, I’m learning how to read tarot. I might not do it perfectly, but I’m open to your feedback and sharing this experience.” So, you’re setting up a safe environment with your friend to let her know you are here to learn. Also, it’s an excellent time to clear any nervousness in this mental space. You might be slightly nervous about your first reading, or your friend might also be nervous about using the tarot because not everyone has used tarot before. So, just name the feeling and emotion, then let it go. And then, finally, the spiritual space. Now, again, this does not need to be elaborate; it can be if you want to, but it can be as simple as just closing your eyes, taking in a few deep breaths, and setting an intention to be able to really receive that inner guidance and wisdom throughout the reading. So that’s creating the space. The next part is to get to the heart of the question. And I find the easiest way to do this is to ask, “What’s on your mind? What question do you have that I can answer with the tarot cards?” Now, sometimes, this might also turn into more of a conversation. I recall one of the readings I did with a good friend from my mother’s group, and I think we spent half an hour conversing before we even pulled out the tarot cards. Now, that half an hour, it was mighty; even though we weren’t doing a tarot reading, it compellingly supported the tarot because what we did was we got to the heart of the question, the heart of the issue through that conversation. So, there is a lot of value in diving deep into the conversation before going to the tarot cards. Conversely, it might be like, “Oh, I would just like to read about my career.” Okay. That’s good. Let’s dive a little bit deeper. So, it’s okay to be asking questions. It’s okay to ask for more information. Now, once you have that information, you must confirm your understanding. If you’ve had that half-hour conversation, think about how you can summarize what was shared and what is really the question that’s being asked here and make sure that your friend is also clear, and you’re on the same page, that you’re in alignment. Then, of course, confirm that question, “Here’s what I heard you say. This is what I’m suggesting: we ask the tarot. Does that feel in alignment? Does that feel good? Is that going to give you the insight that you need?” All right. So you now have the question. It’s time to choose a layout. I recommend starting small and discussing only one, two, or three cards. Forget about a 10-card Celtic Cross unless you want to practice that one. Keep it small because you’ll not have to worry about the spread positions. You can just give a reading and stay present and clear with that reading. Another way to do it is to use just one card per question. So, if your friend has asked, “Well, what’s happening in my current career? What could I be moving towards?” Maybe you just pull a card per question. So you’ve got the layout, so you’re now ready to shuffle the cards. I like to do this because when I have somebody with me present with me in physical terms, I like to shuffle the cards a little bit, and then I hand them over to the other person. I have them shuffle it. And as they’re shuffling, I tell them, “Look, you’ve got to really tune into your question, your situation, and channel that energy into the cards.” Now, you have to judge a situation bit because sometimes people grab those cards, fly everywhere, and feel nervous just shuffling them. If that’s the case, shuffling the cards yourself and channeling their energy on their behalf is okay. All right. So now you have these beautifully shuffled cards, and you’re ready to pull them out and lay them out for reading. So, when reading the cards, you can interpret each. Card by card is a great way to start if you’re a beginner, and then you can look for those connections in the cards. Now, because you were reading for a friend, I would love for you to involve your friend in the reading. Maybe you pick up one of the cards and say, “What do you see on this card? I see this, but what do you see? And where do you see yourself on this card? What kinds of feelings or emotions arise when you look at this card? What do you think the deeper message is for you?” I tell you that even when. I’ve been reading for over 20 years, I love using this technique with others because it’s so fascinating what comes up through their intuition and what it’s doing is also supporting that person to connect with their own inner wisdom at the same time and that has potent effects in the long term. So, involve your friends in reading and invite them to interpret the cards. It’s also a lovely way to engage and connect with your friend, and it’s almost like learning together. All right. So then at the end of that reading, once you’ve interpreted the cards, you’ve looked for the connections, you’ve invited your friend to be part of it, answer the questions, go back to what was the original question that was asked, and what do these cards tell you about that particular question. You can also summarize the key points and highlight any key cards. So perhaps you’ve seen a Major Arcana card that really stood out to you or a theme across these cards. Bring that to the surface as you answer the question. All right. Finally, reflect and ask for feedback. Like, “What was the surprising thing you got for this reading? You, your friend, will probably say, “What a wonderful reading you’ve just given.” Sometimes, you might need to ask or dig deeper to get feedback, “Well, what could I have done better?” Knowing that will help you improve your skills as a tarot reader. And then, finally, I really want to invite you to reflect on what you have learned during the process. This is your opportunity to learn more about your reading for others and how you can personally develop. You are honing your intuitive wisdom muscle as well as you do this. So, I’ve created two bonus resources to support you in this process. So, I’ve created a guide sheet with seven steps for reading tarot with others. I recommend you print this out and have it nearby when you read tarot for others. And that way, you know, “Okay, I’ve done that step, that step,” and so on. In the end, it’ll be like riding a bicycle to know you have to think about everything at the start, but as you do it a few times, you’ll be able to let go of that guide sheet and wild bonus resource I have for you is the reading tarot for others and the self-reflection worksheet. This worksheet is designed to support you after each reading that you do so that someone else can reflect on what you could do better. What did I learn from this reading? What has this shown me about myself and my style as a reader? So make sure you print out a few of those and have them handy as you read them for others. All right. So you now have the seven steps for reading tarot for others, which means your activity for this video is to go and read for a friend, a study buddy, or a family member, and use this as your practice opportunity to bring everything that you’ve just learned into action, and really learn it from the experience. Then, use that self-reflection worksheet so that you can get a profound understanding of what you’re doing well and where you can improve. All right, my friends. So, in our next video, I’ll talk you through the 7 tips for success of tarot reading.

  1. The module is about tarot card reading for beginners.
  2. The seven steps for a remarkable reading are: create the space, get to the heart of the question, choose the layout, shuffle the cards, read the cards and tell the story, answer the question, and reflect and ask for feedback.
  3. Creating a safe and sacred space is crucial for a successful tarot card reading session.
  4. Getting to the heart of the question and confirming understanding before proceeding with the reading is essential.
  5. Start small with the layout, choosing just one or two cards to keep the reading simple and straightforward.
  6. Shuffling the cards is crucial to channel the energy into the cards.
  7. Reading the cards and telling a story is vital to the reading process.
  8. Answering the question should be done with empathy and understanding.
  9. Reflecting and asking for feedback is essential to improve your tarot reading skills.

Friend’s name: Sarah
Date of Reading: August 15th, 2021
Question: What can I do to improve my relationship with my sister?
For this reading, I used a three-card spread. As I shuffled the cards, I focused on Sarah’s question, asking the universe to guide me toward the cards that would provide the most helpful insight. The first card I drew was the Three of Cups, representing celebration, joy, and coming together. This card tells me that Sarah and her sister have the potential for a harmonious and joyful relationship. The second card I drew was the Five of Swords, which may indicate a past conflict or disagreement between the two. However, the card is reversed, which suggests that Sarah and her sister have the opportunity to move past this and find a resolution. The third card I drew was the Ace of Cups, representing emotional fulfillment and new beginnings. This card tells me that Sarah and her sister have the potential to deepen their relationship and create emotional abandon the cards that came up in the rreadiSaraa’srsister can improve their relationship by focusing on the positive aspects of their connection and looking for opportunities to celebrate and come together. They may need to address past conflicts or disagreements, but there is the potential for healing and resolution. Finally, the Ace of Cups suggests the potential for a new beginning in their relationship, with the possibility of creating a deeper emotional connection.

The reflection of this reading indicates that Sarah and her sister have the potential for a harmonious and joyful relationship. The cards suggest that they can improve their relationship by focusing on the positive aspects of their connection and looking for opportunities to celebrate and come together. The reading also indicates that they may need to address past conflicts or disagreements, but there is the potential for healing and resolution. Finally, the Ace of Cups suggests the potential for a new beginning in their relationship, possibly creating a deeper emotional connection. Overall, the reading offers hope and encouragement for Sarah and her sister to work on improving their relationship and building a stronger bond.



Limiting Belief: I need to be more skilled in reading tarot cards to others.

Why do I believe this to be true? It’s true because I’m still learning and practicing, and I feel more experience before I can confidently read for others.

Why is it not true? I have learned a lot about Tarot and have been practicing consistently. I have already started reading Tarot for myself and received positive feedback from friends and family. I have the basic knowledge and skills to begin reading for others, and I can continue learning and improving as I go.

  1. Overcoming limiting beliefs is crucial to start reading Tarot for others.
  2. Acknowledge the feeling of self-doubt and let go of it to move forward.
  3. Connect with the desire to serve others and help them connect with their intuition.
  4. Labeling oneself as a tarot reader is necessary, and it is optional to start reading Tarot for others.
  5. Journaling and using Tarot cards to go deeper can help overcome limiting beliefs.
  6. Write down the limiting Belief that has held you back from reading Tarot to others.
  7. Identify why you believe this and why it’s not true.
  8. Visualize yourself as the person you want to be to eliminate limiting beliefs.
    Hey there. This blog post will discuss taking the first steps to read Tarot for others. This is really about aligning your mindset, overcoming any limiting beliefs that might be getting in your way, and then thinking practically about the next steps you will take to start reaching out to your friends and family to start practicing reading for others. So, let’s begin with those limiting beliefs. I know I had this one when I started, and I’m not ready. But here’s the thing. I have yet to be 100% ready. Have you? I don’t know. I’ve been about 80% or 90% every time I’ve gone for it. There’s always been that little part of doubt in me. I could do better in this part or better in that part. I want to acknowledge that it’s widespread to feel that limiting Belief that I’m not ready, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Here’s the thing. If you’ve been studying with me and taking this journey, you already know the Tarot card meanings, the upright and the reversed card meanings, and how to do some simple one to three-card spreads. And no doubt, you’ve already started reading for yourself, and you’ve seen some unique insights from your own readings. So, even if you might not feel ready to read with others, I want you to feel rock solid knowing that you are more prepared than you are. All right. Overcoming limiting belief number two is that I need to be better than that. Okay. You’ve probably heard of imposter syndrome, where you feel like you’re a fraud, you’re not good enough, and you’re not ready enough. But here’s the thing. We all go through this at some time. And you think, Well, I’m not psychic enough, or I’m not intuitive enough, or I haven’t quite mastered this skill or that skill. Just acknowledge that feeling of self-doubt coming up and then just let go of it because it’s there; you say, “Hello, self-doubt, I can see you. All right. Thanks very much. Pop you in the corner while I get on and read Tarot. “And here’s the thing. I want you to connect with that desire that comes from being of service to others, to help others, to really connect with your intuition, and to help others connect with their intuition. It’s when we see that we can be of service and are fulfilling a deeper purpose and meaning with our Tarot readings that it doesn’t matter if we’re good enough. Speaker 2: We go for it anyway because we know we’re here to serve and help. So, connect with that desire that comes from within you to help and serve. All right. So, number three, one of the other limiting beliefs that come up is that I wonder if I want people to know I’m a Tarot reader. I had this same Belief, particularly when I was younger. So, in my early twenties, I started reading tarot cards. And you know what? I don’t want people to think I’m a Tarot reader because I had an image of an older woman dressed in scarves with her crystal ball and dark eye shadow. I thought, well, that’s not me. And if I start calling myself a Tarot reader, does that mean I’m trying to step into that or not. Here’s the thing. What I want you to see yourself as is just someone who’s using Tarot cards to connect with their inner wisdom. You don’t have to label yourself a Tarot reader just yet. You can be a regular person who owns some cards and pulls a few cards to tune into their inner wisdom. All right. So those are some of the most common limiting beliefs. You should think now about your potential limiting beliefs when reading Tarot to others. So, this is in your workbooks, and I would love for you to work through it. So, the way I’d like you to do this is to journal. You might use your Tarot cards to go a little bit deeper. But first, I just want you to write down what comes to mind. So, what limiting Belief has held you back from reading Tarot to others? Now, I know one of mine was I’m not psychic enough. So that’s what you write down, whatever your limiting Belief might be. Now, number two, why do you believe this to be true? So, for me, it was I’m not psychic enough. Well, to dead people. I don’t see ghosts. Therefore, I’m not psychic enough, right? This is the thinking that was going on. Now, number three, why is it not true? What evidence tells you that this Belief is false? Okay. So now we’ve got to flip our thinking a little bit. If I think I’m not psychic enough, what evidence do I have that this is false? Well, there was that one time when I was holding someone’s watch, and I had all of this imagery flash up about his life and career. And I go, okay, well, maybe I have some evidence that I am at least a little psychic. So, I want you to think about this for your limiting Beliefs. What evidence do you have that limiting Belief is false? The fourth step is to visualize yourself as the person you want to be. So, if I’m thinking about whether or not I am psychic enough, what it looks like when I am psychic to the level that feels comfortable for me. So I might close my eyes. I might imagine myself in that beautiful, psychic, intuitive state, and there goes the limiting Belief, right? We’ve eliminated those beliefs and are bringing something more aligned and truer to ourselves. So I definitely invite you to do that. Now, you can pause the video or after the end of this video. All right, let’s talk now about who to practice with. So we’re getting a little bit more practical, more tactical. Here are some ideas about getting started by reading Tarot for others. So one, you can practice with friends. Friends are great because they’ve got your back. They get you. They understand you. They’re your best cheerleaders. They really do want to see you succeed. You can also practice with Tarot study buddies. Maybe there’s another Tarot we can do readings for and exchange readings together. Now, you can also start doing the free Tarot readings or the practice readings on the Biddy Tarot community. This is a more expansive experience because you read for people you don’t know. Still, you’ll have access to people worldwide who would love to have a reading with you and will provide you with these amazing practice opportunities. And then, finally, you might have a Tarot group locally in your community. Maybe you even have a Tarot meet-up where you have eight or 10 people in a room practicing giving readings to each other. Again, it is a supportive learning environment that you can create for yourself and your practice readings. All right. I want to give you some tips for asking about your first tarot date. So, number one, mindset is key. So we’ve done some work around letting go of those limiting beliefs and replacing those beliefs with a powerful sense of positivity about what you can achieve. So that leads me to this condone, which is to set a positive intention. You might even envision that moment when you ask your friends, Hey, can I give you a reading?And then you imagine that they say, “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it’s taken you so long to ask me. “And you have a really positive experience. So, set that positive intention. Number three is to let people know that you want to practice. And I know it can be a little bit nerve-wracking to let other people know that you read because we always worry about being judged or what someone else will think. But I have been pleasantly surprised so many times when I’ve told someone about Tarot, and I didn’t think they would like it, but they did. And it’s led to some really positive interactions. So, just by letting people know you are ready and willing to practice, people will say, “Yes, please. I would love to read with you. ‘And all of those opportunities that are going to open up to you. Number four is to listen for the opportunities. So, let’s say you’re having a conversation with a friend. You might hear her saying, “Oh, well, I’ve got to decide whether I got his direction or this direction. “You’re like, “Oh, I think I could use my Tarot cards for that. “Or maybe she’s saying, “Look, I’m not sure what to do in my career. I feel like something else is calling me. “And you’re like, “Okay, let’s pull out those Tarot cards. “So there are lots and lots of opportunities there for you. Now, the final one is no pressure. So whether it’s okay for your friend, family member, or whoever to say no, thank you. So you might offer your reading that at the end of the day, they might say, “You know what? I don’t think it’s for me. “That’s okay. Don’t worry. There’s plenty more fish in the sea and plenty more people who would love to have a reading with you. Don’t take it personally. Just respect that we each have our different ways of doing things. All right. So that should have you all set up to ask for your first Tarot date. So that leads us to the next activity. And this is your commitment. So, what one action do you commit to in the next seven days to find someone to practice your readings with? So you might consider reading for a friend or a family member. You might think about who that is. You might think about what they’ve been talking about lately and how to set that positive intention, so go out and ask them, “Hey, can I practice my tarot readings with you? “I think they are going to be so excited to have you read their cards for them, and they’ve probably been wondering why it’s taken you so long to ask them. So that is your activity for today. All right. So, in our next video, I will talk about the beginner’s guide to reading Tarot for others, which walks you through the seven steps to how you can now take all those beautiful skills you’ve created and use them to read for others. I’ll see you there.



One common mistake is doing a tarot reading when they’re highly emotional. When people are highly emotional, it can be challenging to interpret the cards objectively. To avoid this, people should wait until they’re in a calmer state of mind before doing a reading.

Another mistake is to keep drawing extra tarot cards as clarifiers. This approach can lead to clarity and make it interpret the cards’ messages. Instead, people should be mindful of how they use clarifying cards and ask specific questions to get the necessary information.

A third mistake is doing multiple tarot readings on the same topic. This can lead to clarity and make deciphering the cards’ messages harder. To avoid this, people should set a limit for themselves and wait at least a month before asking the same question again.

Lastly, people may research multiple tarot card readings for their desired answer. This approach can lead to confirmation bias and make it harder to objectively interpret the cards’ messages. To avoid this, people should focus on asking open-ended questions and be open to receiving any message that the cards have for them.

Overall, it’s essential to approach a tarot reading with an open mind, be mindful of your emotional state, ask specific questions, and avoid confirmation bias. By doing this, people can get the most out of their readings and avoid common mistakes.

  1. Avoid doing a tarot reading when you’re highly emotional.
  2. Don’t keep drawing extra tarot cards as clarifiers.
  3. Do not do multiple tarot readings on the same topic.
  4. Avoid researching multiple tarot card readings for the answer you want.
  5. Set a limit for yourself and wait at least a month before asking the same question again.
  6. Be mindful of how you’re using clarifying cards.
  7. Create a sacred space and set intentions when reading the tarot.
  8. Stay focused on your tarot reading, and be conscious of how you’re interpreting the cards.
  9. Come at it from a place of love rather than fear.
  10. Trust your intuition and gut feeling when interpreting the tarot cards.
    Welcome to Video 9: The 6 Mistakes Tarot Readers Make When Reading for Tarot for Themselves. I tell you what? We have this post on the Biddy Tarot website, and it’s got to be one of the most popular tarot posts that we have. It’s because we can relate to many of these mistakes. I’m like, oh man, I made that mistake. I want to highlight some of these mistakes to bring them into your conscious awareness. I will also give you some recommendations for how to move past and avoid these mistakes. All right, let’s check-in. Are you making any of these mistakes? If so, let’s check-in and ask what we can do about them. Mistake number one is you do a tarot reading when you’re highly emotional.
    Imagine it; maybe you’ve just been on a phone call with your best friend and had a huge falling out. A huge misunderstanding. You’re like, this nasty person; how dare she say that to me. But underneath, you’re like, but I’m so upset that I’m arguing with a friend, and all this emotion is coming up. Now, yes, you might be tempted to go and get your tarot cards and go. What does this mean? We’re like, is everything ruined? And quickly draw the cards. The trouble is that when we’re in a highly emotional state, we’re often not open to receiving the messages of the tarot. We might be more inclined to rush through the cards and go, I didn’t like that card. I’ll choose another one, and so on. Some people thrive when they are emotional, and they use the cards. Typically, people are more conscious and can come from being constructive and being in your heart space. You may feel like I have a bit of emotion here, but I know I can use the tarot constructively right now. I’m not just going to search for the answer I want; it’s okay. But I want you to check if you feel that big rush. “Okay, when I look at the tarot cards, am I open to receiving your messages? Yes, no? Am I going to come at it from a place of love or fear?” Then, decide if you should wait or go straight ahead. Okay, mistake number two. You keep drawing extra tarot cards as clarifiers. I’ve certainly been guilty of these early on in my tarot reading career, particularly when reading tarot for myself. You do that reading, and maybe it’s like, what’s the future of my relationship with this person? Then you’re getting a death card, and you’re like, no.
    Death of what? No! This is no good! Quick, draw another card. Then, maybe 10 of swords, you’re like, no. It can’t be possible; quick draw another card. And before you know it, you have an extra 10 cards in front of you. You may be trying to resist that message or need clarification because you’ve got 10 different answers to one question. It’s essential that you just be conscious of how you’re using clarifying cards. I generally don’t use a clarifier card, and if I do, I’ll be asking a specific question to go with that card. It won’t just be something like, I don’t get what this card means; I’ll just draw another one. It will be like death. Okay, death. You change, and new things are coming through, tarot. What is the new thing that’s coming through here? Then, you draw another card. That way, you are keeping much more focused on your tarot reading. Okay, mistake number three.
    You do multiple tarot readings on the same topic. Again, I have been guilty of this before. You can also relate, for example, are we going to be together forever? There are better questions than this one, but you might ask at the cards. And the first round says, “No.” You’re like, I don’t like that answer. I’ll do another reading. Just see what else comes out. So, you lay out the cards again. Now you’re sort of getting, “No.” And you keep doing it repeatedly, hoping that one time you might get the four of ones, or the ten of cups, or the lovers card. But you keep getting other cards that are different from what you want every time. Here’s what I suggest. Set a limit for yourself. You should only do one reading on one topic and then wait at least a month or until things change and evolve further. I have to resist asking the tarot cards the same thing repeatedly because you’re going to get either the same message but answered differently, or you’ll just get totally confused. Okay.
    Mistake four is you researched multiple tarot card readings, probably for the one you want. Again, I’ve been guilty of this too. You may have asked about your career, and you sing like the seven of ones, and you want to know if you’ll get the promotion. You see, the seven ones your gut tells you, getting that promotion will be competitive. There may be someone in that role, and they’re not willing to give up that role. That’s what my gut tells me, but I don’t like that answer. I’ll go onto, and then I’ll go onto Google. I will also find a website that says the seven ones mean promotion. Finally, you do find that answer. But, in your gut, it was different. Again, set some personal boundaries to go with what your gut tells you. If you find yourself seeking that perfect answer, return to your intention when reading the tarot. Make sure you’re creating that sacred space because when you set that holy space, you’re opening yourself up to receive all messages, not just the ones you want. Okay, the mistake number is that you use a complicated tarot spread for your readings. All you want to know is what you might experience in a new job. But, suddenly, you’re doing a 20-card tarot reading, a considerable astrology spread, or maybe even the Celtic cross. And it doesn’t quite feel right. You’re like, I’ve got all these cards; I wanted to know if this would be a good job. It’s essential to bring it back and take things simple. Often, a two or three-card spread can give you so much depth and clarity in reading. You don’t have to overcomplicate things. Just pair it back, and then allow yourself time and space to dive into those few cards that you draw. Mistake number six, and this is our last one, is you interpret the tarot reading the way you want. You ask the tarot, is this job going to be excellent? Because you’re hopeful it will be unique, it says, “Not really. Your boss is not going to be so nice to you.” But you keep trying to find ways to turn it into the message that you want. Again, just as with that previous one, you wish to return to that sacred space and that intention around receiving all messages, no matter what they might be. All right, here’s your activity for this lesson. I want you to reflect on the six mistakes here and think, am I making any of these mistakes right now? And if you’re making one, you’re making six, so don’t be too hard on yourself. This is more about bringing consciousness to your tarot reading practice. And then, seeking out you can resolve some of these mistakes. What can you do to avoid these mistakes in your tarot practice? All right, coming up next is our final video for this module, where we bring it all together. I’ll see you there. All right, here’s your activity for this lesson. I want you to reflect on the six mistakes here and think, am I making any of these mistakes right now? And if you’re making one, you’re making six, so don’t be too hard on yourself. This is more about bringing consciousness to your tarot reading practice. And then, seeking out you can resolve some of these mistakes. What can you do to avoid these mistakes in your tarot practice? All right, coming up next is our final video for this module, where we bring it all together. I’ll see you there.