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Wheels of Empowered Wisdom – Journal Exercises Root Chakra

Wheels of Empowered Wisdom – Journal Exercises Root Chakra

Safety in the World When I speak with my younger Self about how they feel, they say?

When I discuss safety in the world with my younger Self, they express vulnerability, uncertainty, and a need for protection.

When I converse with my younger Self about safety, they often express various emotions and concerns. For example, my younger Self might share feelings of vulnerability stemming from experiences of being unsure of the world and its potential dangers. They may also convey a deep uncertainty about the future and a need for reassurance and protection. Additionally, they might recount specific instances where they felt unsafe or exposed and how these experiences have shaped their perception of the world. Through these conversations, I aim to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of these feelings on my younger Self’s development and to provide them with the support and guidance they need to navigate these emotions.

When I converse with my younger Self about their thoughts and feelings, they often express a range of emotions and concerns about safety in the world. For instance, my younger Self might convey feelings of vulnerability stemming from experiences of uncertainty and a need for protection. Additionally, they may express deep uncertainty about the future and a desire for reassurance and guidance. These conversations allow me to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of these emotions on my younger Self’s development and to provide the necessary support and guidance to help them navigate these feelings.

Your Relationship With Your Physical Body: When I see my body, I feel the following emotions:

When I see my body, I feel a range of emotions that reflect my complex relationship with my physical Self. Sometimes, I experience a sense of pride and gratitude for what my body allows me to do. Other times, I might feel self-conscious or critical about certain aspects of my appearance. There are also moments when I feel a deep connection to my body, appreciating its strength and resilience. My emotions towards my physical body are a mix of appreciation, self-awareness, and occasional self-doubt. This dynamic range of emotions shapes my relationship with my body and influences how I care for and perceive myself.

When I see my body, what do I say to myself?

When I see my body, I have a variety of internal dialogues that reflect my complex relationship with my physical Self. Sometimes, I express gratitude for my body’s capabilities and feel proud of what it allows me to do. Other times, I become self-critical or self-conscious about my appearance. There are also moments when I consciously acknowledge the strength and resilience of my body, leading to a deep sense of connection. My internal dialogue about my physical body encompasses a mix of appreciation, self-awareness, and occasional self-doubt. These diverse emotions influence how I care for and perceive myself, shaping my dynamic relationship with my body.

Free Floating Anxiety: What do you worry or stress about?

Free Floating Anxiety can manifest as a general sense of unease or worry without a specific cause or trigger. People experiencing this type of anxiety may feel apprehensive or on edge without being able to pinpoint precisely what is causing their distress. For example, I might feel anxious without an apparent reason, experiencing a persistent worry or unease that doesn’t seem tied to any specific situation or event. This type of anxiety can be challenging to address because it lacks a clear focal point, making it essential to develop coping strategies that can help manage these feelings of unease and worry.

What’s not safe about the situation?

In discussing safety in the world with my younger Self, it’s essential to consider the lack of safety stemming from feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty. When my younger Self expresses a need for protection, it signifies a perceived lack of safety in their environment. Additionally, recounting specific instances where they felt unsafe or exposed highlights potential dangers that contributed to their feelings of vulnerability. Understanding these aspects is crucial for addressing the lack of safety my younger Self-experienced and providing the necessary support and guidance to navigate these emotions.

When I think about my thoughts, they are often a mix of different emotions and concerns. For example, when I discuss safety with my younger Self, they express vulnerability, uncertainty, and a need for protection. This highlights the complex nature of their emotions and the impact of their experiences on their perception of safety.

Similarly, when I consider my relationship with my physical body, I experience various emotions. Sometimes, I feel pride and gratitude for what my body allows me to do, while at other times, I may feel self-conscious or critical about certain aspects of my appearance. This demonstrates my emotions’ dynamic and multifaceted nature towards my physical body.

Moreover, when it comes to free-floating anxiety, I often find myself worrying or feeling stressed without a specific cause or trigger. This type of anxiety can be challenging to address due to its lack of a clear focal point, and it requires developing coping strategies to manage these feelings of unease and worry.

In summary, my thoughts encompass many emotions and concerns, reflecting the complexities of my experiences and feelings in various aspects of my life.

When discussing safety in the world with my younger Self, addressing the challenges of vulnerability and uncertainty is essential. When my younger Self expresses a self for protection, it indicates a sense of insecurity in their surroundings. In addition, describing particular situations where they felt unsafe or vulnerable emphasizes the potential risks contributing to their feelings. A deep understanding of these aspects is essential to address my younger Self’s safety concerns effectively and Provide support and guidance to navigate these complex emotions.

When I reflect on my thoughts, they encompass a range of emotions and considerations. When I have conversations about safety with my younger Self, they often see feelings of vulnerability, uncertainty, and a strong desire for protection. This emphasizes the intricate aspects of their emotions and the influence of their experiences on their sense of security.

Similarly, when I reflect on my connection with my physical body, I encounter a range of emotions. At times, I experience a sense of pride and gratitude for my body’s capabilities. At the same time, I may feel self-conscious or critical about certain aspects of my appearance on other occasions. This showcases the ever-changing and complex relationship I have with my physical body.

In addition, when it comes to free-floating anxiety, I frequently experience worry or stress without a clear cause or trigger. Dealing with this kind of anxiety can be pretty tricky since it doesn’t have a specific target. Developing effective strategies to handle these unsettling emotions and concerns is essential.

My thoughts encompass a wide range of emotions and concerns, reflecting the intricacies of my experiences and feelings in different aspects of my life.