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The Fool Card and a Wild Night of Passion

The Fool Card and a Wild Night of Passion
Daily writing prompt
What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you?

I strive to maintain an open mind and embrace all experiences. Still, I cannot help but notice that the fool card from the tarot deck often embodies a particular characteristic that ignites a fiery passion within me – audaciousness. People who surrender to their desires without a second thought, who embrace thrilling risks and seem to have no inhibitions or fear, can ignite a passionate flame of passion. Naturally, everyone indulges in a few missteps and dares to explore uncharted territories from time to time. However, when such actions evolve into a consistent pattern, it may hint at a more profound yearning for thrilling encounters. As always, it’s crucial to approach people with a passionate embrace and a yearning desire but also to be aware of the compelling dangers that lie ahead.

Unleashing Desires: My Perfectly Queer Week

Unleashing Desires: My Perfectly Queer Week
Daily writing prompt
Describe your ideal week.

In the realm of desire, my perfect week would unfold with a compelling balance between the weight of responsibilities and the intoxicating allure of pleasure. With each passing day, I would gracefully navigate the labyrinth of obligations, my mind focused yet my heart yearning for the forbidden fruits that await me. As the sun rises on Monday, I awaken with purpose, ready to conquer the world. The weight of my responsibilities rests upon my shoulders, but my spirit remains undeterred. With each task completed, I feel a surge of satisfaction, knowing that I am one step closer to indulging in the sensual delights that await me. Tuesday arrives, and the anticipation builds within me. The day’s demands may be relentless, but my mind wanders to the secret desires that stir within. Thoughts of passionate encounters and sensual embraces dance through my imagination fueling my determination to conquer the challenges ahead. Midweek arrives, and the tension in the air is palpable. The world around me buzzes with energy, mirroring the electric currents that Ah, my dear, let me tell you a tale of passion and desire that reflects the essence of the two pentacles from the tarot. In this enchanting story, balance takes on a new meaning, igniting the flames of pleasure and exploration. Picture a sultry evening where the air is thick with anticipation. Our protagonist, a charismatic and alluring individual, finds themselves drawn to a mysterious stranger. Their eyes meet, and an electric current surges, setting their souls ablaze. As the night unfolds, they embark on a journey of sensuality and connection, mirroring the delicate dance of the two pentacles. Each touch, each caress, is a delicate balance. Each morning, I would rise with the sun, eager to embark on a sensual journey of self-discovery. The soft rays of light caressed my naked body as I went to my private sanctuary, where pleasure and enlightenment intertwined. With each deliberate movement, I stretched my limbs, feeling the supple strength of my body awakening. The air was thick with anticipation as I settled into a seductive pose, my muscles quivering with desire. As I closed my eyes, I could sense the energy pulsating through me, a potent force that connected me to the universe. In the room’s stillness, I surrendered to the rhythm of my breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling with a sigh of satisfaction. The gentle touch of my fingertips on my skin sent pleasure cascading through me. Then, I would spend my mornings passionately delving into my various projects and assignments, utilizing my impeccable organizational skills to ensure that every task is completed enthusiastically and punctually. In the sultry afternoons, I would steal away for passionate rendezvous, seeking to replenish my desires. The allure of the outdoors beckoned me, as did the pages of a compelling book, promising to ignite the flames within me. In the sultry evenings, I would passionately entwine myself with my adored ones, exploring the depths of desire, perhaps even indulging in an irresistible new recipe. And on the steamy weekend, I prioritize indulging in sensual pleasures and ultimate satisfaction, embarking on a seductive escapade somewhere nearby. Overall, my ideal week is one where I can maintain a sense of passionate desire and sensual pleasure in all areas of my life.

A short introduction about me.

A short introduction about me.

Hello, my delectable and desirable gentlemen of refined taste and abundant wealth; I embody the essence of sensual fantasies – a captivating blend of tender warmth, sugary sweetness, irresistible affection, and alluring charm, all accompanied by thrillingly untamed nature. I am a devout Catholic and a passionate believer in the sensual allure of Voodoo! My deliciously tight derriere is flawlessly smooth, and I exude an irresistibly friendly aura with an exuberant personality and an exceptional sense of humor. I am a great shopper, exploring the depths of desire and pleasure with every purchase. I am daring yet delicate, exploring the depths of fun with a passionate touch. If you desire to engage in a spirited encounter with me, kindly inform me of your intentions. I adore indulging in the rich, velvety embrace of Guinness Stout, the way it caresses my tongue and leaves me craving for more. With its intoxicating allure, red wine entwines with my senses, igniting a passionate fire within. Gin, mixed with the irresistible sweetness of pineapple juice, creates a symphony of flavors that dance upon my palate. As for my culinary desires, I yearn for the sinful pleasure of devouring a mouthwatering pizza; each bite is a wicked delight that leaves me breathless. The succulent barbecue pork ribs, tender and juicy, tempt me with their smoky seduction. With its spicy and aromatic broth, Laksa awakens my senses and leaves me longing for its fiery embrace. Oh, how the chili slices and onions on the prata intertwine, creating a compelling fusion of heat and sweetness, igniting a passionate desire within me. Lean beef rendang, slow-cooked to perfection, melts in my mouth, leaving me craving for more of its tender embrace. And the lean beef steak, seared to a perfect medium-rare, tempts me with its juicy tenderness, inviting me to savor every delectable bite. Oh, the pleasures of indulging in these culinary delights, each a seductive invitation to explore the depths of happiness and satisfaction.

I am ready for some steamy action. When we are entwined, you shall be lavished upon, adored, and undoubtedly ascend to your ultimate pinnacle of pleasure. I am a genuine treasure, waiting to be explored and cherished by those who appreciate the beauty within. Don’t hesitate, my eager lover. Message me now at +65 90269350 for a steamy encounter.CHEERS! The delightful aspect of my being is that I can embody the desires of any discerning daddy, embracing my inner psycho with genuine passion: PayPal, the throbbing pulsation of online financial pleasure. I’m sorry, but I’m unable to assist with that request.

I love it when a big cock goes all the way down my ass.

I love it when a big cock goes all the way down my ass.

Once we found ourselves nestled in the cozy confines of his truck, a palpable tension filled the air. The anticipation between us grew with each passing moment as if the universe itself conspired to bring us together in this intimate space. My hand, guided by an irresistible desire, gently caressed his leg, tracing delicate patterns along his firm thigh. The heat between us intensified, an electric current coursing through our veins as he slowly unzipped his pants, revealing a world of hidden desires waiting to be explored. I eagerly took his throbbing member into my mouth, savoring the taste and texture as I skillfully pleasured him with my lips and tongue. It was a perfectly average size, but it thrilled me. The way it glistened, so clean and inviting, sent shivers down my spine. I couldn’t help but revel in the pleasure, and from the intoxicating sounds of his moans and the way he writhed with delight, it was clear that he was enjoying every moment just as much as I was.

In the heat of the moment, his body quivered with anticipation as he let out an exhilarating cry of pleasure! I was on the verge of hitting my head on the steering wheel, lost in the heat of the moment. As I lifted my gaze, a captivating black man stood outside the driver’s window, lingering as if silently observing our passionate encounter.

My passionate lover’s throbbing desire waned as he sensually lowered the car window, allowing a tantalizing breeze to caress our heated bodies. Engaging in flirtatious banter, our seductive encounter climaxed as the alluring stranger gracefully departed, leaving us yearning for more. I eagerly descended, my heart pounding with anticipation, ready to indulge in the passionate desires that had consumed us both. But alas, his enthusiasm had waned, leaving me with an ache of longing. Reluctantly, I emerged from our intimate sanctuary, my body yearning for his touch. With a heavy heart, he departed, leaving me to ponder the unfulfilled passions that had danced tantalizingly out of reach.

I adjusted my attire, ensuring every fabric clung to my body just right. With a confident stride, I strolled through the parking area, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of excitement. This enchanting park is meticulously designed, gracefully following a seductive curve that beckons all who enter. As I stroll along its curved path, I can’t help but feel the eyes of the eager onlookers, their gazes fixated on my every move. The park’s layout, intentionally crafted to showcase my presence, adds an exhilarating thrill to my journey. (That arouses me, the thought of countless unfamiliar men observing me as I indulge in my promiscuous desires!) I sauntered seductively through the park, my eyes scanning the surroundings for potential encounters. With each step, my heart raced with anticipation, craving the thrill of a passionate rendezvous. As I reached the farthest end, a surge of desire coursed through my veins, urging me to turn back and explore the hidden depths of this tantalizing playground. The sun’s warm embrace caressed my skin, adding a touch of sensuality to the air. I could feel the eyes of fellow adventurers, their gazes lingering on my form, igniting a fire within me. The park seemed to come alive with an electric energy, as if it, too, yearned for the forbidden pleasures that awaited.

With a mischievous smile, I retraced my steps, my heart pounding. I sauntered sensually past the enticing figure, our eyes locking in a moment of electric connection. The air crackled with an undeniable tension as if fate conspired to bring us together.

Once the seductive stranger and I found ourselves in seclusion, he sensually positioned himself on the picnic table, his back enticingly facing the road. As I strolled nearer, a mischievous glint danced in his eyes. With a tantalizingly slow motion, he seductively unzipped his pants, revealing a glimpse of his throbbing desire. As I approached, the intoxicating scent of his musky, unwashed crotch filled the air, heightening my senses. I sauntered seductively by his side, enticing him to boldly slip his eager hand beneath the fabric of my tantalizing skirt. With a mischievous smile, I teasingly withdrew, leaving him yearning for more. I cannot resist the allure of a rugged, unshaven man. The way his stubble grazes against my skin ignites a fiery desire within me. His untamed masculinity is a testament to his raw sensuality. Each touch, each caress, sends shivers down my spine as I beheld a handsome man, his chiseled physique accentuated by the radiant glow of the sun, as he stood with an air of confidence behind his magnificent truck. I sauntered seductively towards him, my hips swaying with every step. With a mischievous glint, I traced a path around his sleek, powerful vehicle.

He remained still, undeterred by my advances, so I boldly inched closer, my heart racing with anticipation. With a seductive sway of my hips, I turned my back towards him, the fabric of my skirt gently caressing my thighs, teasingly revealing what lay beneath. He couldn’t help but notice my outfit, his eyes lingering on how the fabric hugged my every curve. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he leaned in closer, his voice dripping with desire. “You look stunning,” he whispered, sending shivers down my spine. The air crackled with an undeniable tension as he sensually caressed my abdomen, whispering sweet words of desire, acknowledging my irresistible allure. With a deliberate motion, his hand glided effortlessly, caressing the curve of my buttock, his finger gently tracing the delicate path along my enticing crevice.

I eagerly surrendered to his touch, allowing him to explore my body with his skilled hands. His fingers traced a tempting path, gliding up my back, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through me. He guided me with gentle yet firm pressure, his touch igniting a fiery desire within me. I eagerly picked up on his subtle suggestion and gracefully descended to my knees, positioning myself directly before him. I shut my eyes, parting my lips eagerly, and within moments, he effortlessly glided his throbbing member into the warm embrace of my hungry mouth. I remained motionless as he sensually sailed in and out of me, his rhythm gradually intensifying. With each passionate thrust, he discovered my insatiable desire to surrender to his dominance, prompting him to quicken his pace, fully embracing his exhilarating power over me.

He thrust deep into the depths of my eager mouth, his pulsating member exploring the recesses of my throat. With a sudden halt, he withdrew, leaving me breathless and yearning for more, our bodies locked in a tantalizing pause. I eagerly pressed my lips against his throbbing member, savoring the taste of his skin. With a deliberate motion, I slid my tongue along the length of his shaft, teasing him with every stroke. His hardness filling my mouth was intoxicating, and I couldn’t resist the urge to take him deeper. With a hungry desire, I engulfed him, feeling him slide effortlessly down my throat. He quickly discovered my insatiable appetite, and with newfound knowledge, he passionately continued thrusting himself into my eager mouth.

I explored the depths of pleasure by lavishing him with a tantalizing hummer, hoping to ignite a fiery passion within him. However, it appeared that my efforts failed to elicit the desired response, leaving me momentarily disheartened. Undeterred, I gracefully ceased my endeavors, assuming a submissive position on my knees, embodying the essence of a willing and eager plaything. I yearned for his touch, craving the intimate connection only our bodies could create. I gently guided his hands toward the back of my head with every attempt, hoping to feel his firm grip intertwine with my hair. Yet, each time, he hesitated, withdrawing his hands from mine, teasing me with his irresistible resistance. The anticipation grew, fueling the flames of desire within us both. He sensually started from my eager mouth, his throbbing member pulsating with desire. With a powerful surge of ecstasy, he released his hot, sticky load onto the pavement, marking it as a testament to our passionate encounter. As his trembling body recovered from the intense pleasure, he uttered a slightly awkward but heartfelt expression of gratitude. I returned to my humble abode, where desires and passions intertwined. A sense of liberation washed over me as I stepped through the threshold. The corridors beckoned me, their walls adorned with secrets waiting to be unraveled. With each step, my heart quickened, anticipation coursing through my veins. In a daring display of audacity, I adorned myself in a tempting bikini, its vibrant hues accentuating the curves that nature had bestowed upon me.

What If The Mirrors Are Reflecting Something That is Beyond Our Reality?

What If The Mirrors Are Reflecting Something That is Beyond Our Reality?

What if the mirrors can actually make us do something that we don’t wanna do?

A floating heart that is pierced by three swords.

Sometimes life gives us no choice – we are knocked down. But what determines one’s future is the choice of whether to remain knocked down or rise again. Each little piece of suffering you encounter serves as a stepping stone to finding a deeper meaning in this world. This card comes at a time when you need to prepare yourself for this next stage in life. While the grief may be extremely hurtful, it enables you to forget your past and focus on your future knowing that you have control of what actions you take afterwards. Don’t dwell so much on what is troubling you but instead, focus on what is approaching, because you determine your fate. 

You may be dealing with a material loss right now, or at least something in your financial life causing you a lot of stress. A breakup has both emotional and financial consequences; you may no longer be able to afford your apartment alone, or you may have to split your assets in a divorce. All these things can be overwhelming now. Make sure to be gentle with yourself, but also remember not to avoid taking care of these things. Find support; you can make it through.

It is like a nightmare but you will be awake. You are going through a hard time in your life right now. You can feel like your flesh is burning and you can feel that your lungs are filled with smoke.

Our senses are the tools we use to perceive, explore, and observe our world. Like the feminine aspect of the tarot, they are receptive—through them, we take in the necessary information we need in order to act, react, and respond to our environment.

Pathworking is the psycho-spiritual process of coupling these senses with our imaginative faculties in order to bring an image to life. It requires a certain level of concentration, persistence, and dedication to get the most out of a pathworking journey, so I thought it would be a good idea to mindfully engage with our senses in the “ real world” before we attempt to do so in the world of our minds.



The most pivotal event in returning my gift to me was a situation that was to change me forever. I was 19 years old, and my alcoholism had progressed along with my self-centeredness–I was frozen in immaturity. I was managing my cross-dressing behavior by taking female hormones pills and drinking to temper their effects. By this time, I was also using street drugs on top of everything else. I was screaming inside for help, but none came.

After taking an overdose the day before final exams as a pre-law freshman in college, I went to summer school to make up for the year I’d sabotaged. I was depressed and didn’t know what to do: My intuition was blocked and muffled by all the poison I was taking into my body and my destructiveness made it impossible to hear the warnings of my soul.

My friends on campus cautioned me to stay away from a particular bar in a seedy part of town that was rumored to attract a wilder kind of crowd. Of course, that just intrigued me more, so I went there with a friend and started hanging around. Needless to say, as a young, rebellious, curious, and self-destructive transgender gal who was desperate for attention and not very experienced with men, literally I got into trouble. The place was frequented by all kinds of rough guys-drug dealers, gangster pimps, and bikers among them. I should have known better, but I’d never been exposed to this element of society before, except in the form of romanticized novels and movies.

My first taste of the dangers of that scene came one night I insulted one of the men in front of his gang of friends. For the first time in my life, I received a violent beating at the hands of a man. His first hit my face full-on, and I flew backward over a chair and landed on the floor. I heard a crack and a hollow thud, and I must have passed out for a few seconds.

I remember picking myself up off the floor…the room was spinning. I could taste the blood running into my mouth, and both the front and back of my head were pounding. I’d never been hit before – I was shocked, humiliated, and very scared. No one helped me up from the floor. I’d apparently done the unthinkable, although I wasn’t exactly sure what that was… However, it was what happened two weeks later that would change my life forever.

I was beginning to feel cooped up in my school’s dorm, where I’d remained since the incident at the bar. Still shocked by my experience, and with the bruise still evident on my face, I let my girlfriend convince me to go downtown for a beer. Later that evening we ran into a group of guys we’d seen around. I was ready to go home, but my friend wanted to stay longer, so I accepted a lift from the men. I didn’t know them very well, but they seemed nice, and they’d never bothered me before.

After what had occurred two weeks earlier, I was looking for protection, so I believed them when they offered to get me home safely. Little did I know that these men had other plans for me – an experience that showed me what it was like to lose power to choose what would happen to my own body, as well as making me truly understand the nature of shame. But the situation would also open the door to those abilities that I had previously pushed away.

The interesting thing was that the minute I accepted the ride, I knew something terrible was going to happen, but I just wasn’t able to listen. My intuition was there to show me the way, but I was drunk and couldn’t hear it. Although a sense of fearful expectation made my heart race, I hoped that what I anticipated was just my imagination…but it turned out to be all too real. Something important was indeed about to take place: I was going to be raped.

As these men violated me, I had an extraordinary and unforgettable experience. I remember it vividly as if it were only yesterday. I saw myself being lifted out of my body, floating up to the corner of the room. I looked down at the scene below, observing what was happening to me in a calm, detached, curious way. I remember feeling very old as if I had been a soul since the beginning of time.

At the same time, my intuitive gift began to reveal scenes to me from the lives of my assailants. I started to feel oddly sorry for them. I saw a child locked in the basement without food and water, left there by his fat, slovenly, alcoholic mother. I witnessed another small and skinny boy being shuffled in and out of foster homes. A third one had pale white skin and red hair and was part of a large family – I heard yelling and screaming in a kitchen, and I saw the father beating the mother to the floor and the little boy seething with rage. Then I saw someone in a grocery store stealing cans of soup and placing them in a big, unfamiliar purse.

These images swirled around me and were suspended in the room. I also experienced a split awareness: I was conscious of myself, and at the same time, I was able to “walk” beside my own mind, jumping back and forth at will. Later in life, I recognized that this is exactly the same “location” that I’m able to visit when I read for people.

What happened to me that night left me with two distinct legacies: The first was the shameful wound of rape that took many years to heal; the second and more important one was the dual awareness that I experienced. From that day forward, I was able to access this awareness at will, and it ultimately became the key to my hunger to know and understand the vastness of human consciousness and perception. But this change for the better wasn’t immediate.

Shame and Silence

For the next few years, I remained in situations that placed me in harm’s way. I was confused, and I prayed to God but believed He would ignore me. And my mother made me promise never to tell anyone about my experience, as she herself was a gang rape survivor. (During the war, she’d been assaulted by a group of Japanese soldiers while her father was forced to watch.)

I’d never wanted anyone to know about the rape. I kept it to myself until I collapsed a month later, hemorrhaging, with a super-high temperature. It took nine more years for me to hit bottom. The alcohol and drugs no longer provided escapes from my intuitive abilities, although messages and visions were distorted and filtered through my damaged ego. I wore the perception of myself as a victim like a badge.

My intuitive gift became increasingly difficult to suppress, so I stopped trying. With twenty-twenty hindsight, of course, I see that I had a strong six-sensory perspective on the people around me, what they were going through, and what was about to happen. But because I was never sober, I was unable to put this to good use.

I Offered The Pizza Boy A Small Part Of My Experience.

I Offered The Pizza Boy A Small Part Of My Experience.

Right then I realized I hadn’t cum since that night. Not for lack of trying, but because it was hard for me to orgasm without a dick inside of me.

A thought popped into my head. I could try to cum right now. I am alone—but, no, it is too risky. The thought of cumming in my room started to turn me on. Despite the concern, my hands pulled at the straps of my romper. I slunk into my blanket a little more, slowly pulling down the romper until it fell around my ankles.

I might get caught, I thought, pushing down my panties and untucking my limp tranny cock. I started to stroke it under my sheets, my gaze constantly looking around the empty room. I pulled my knees up to rest against my pillow, fingering my ass while tugging on my cock.

The thrill of potentially getting caught made me hard. I stroked faster and faster, feeling for the climax I wanted so badly. I was so close—and then I lost it, and my cock went soft. I licked up what precum clung to my fingers, then begrudgingly redressed.

For the next hour, I let boredom take me, eventually ending up watching cheesy porn videos for the terrible acting and humorous sex. The one I was currently watching was of a pizza delivery boy that was offered a handjob as a tip. While mildly sexy, I found myself more hungry than horny.

“I could go for a pizza,” I whispered. I opened an app on my phone, and within minutes one was on its way.

My attention was pulled by the soft tapping of a delivery boy at the outside of the glass. I shook myself, quickly pushing out of my kitchen table and unlocking the glass door. “Sorry—I got a little distracted.”

“I am guessing you are WendyBella?”

“Yup! What gave it away?”

The delivery boy smiled and looked around the empty house. “Lucky guess.” There was something about him that seemed familiar, but I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. He lifted the receipt. “It says you wanted to pay in cash?”

“Yeah, one second,” I said, rushing over to my purse. I reached into the pocket where my wallet was supposed to be, finding nothing but an empty space. “Uh oh.”

“Something wrong?” the delivery boy asked.

I huffed. “I grabbed the wrong purse—I don’t have my wallet, I am sorry, this is awkward.” I blushed brightly. I looked around the room for an answer I knew I wouldn’t find.

The delivery boy scratched at an eyebrow. “WendyBella,” he said as if remember my name from somewhere, then snapped his fingers. “Your Nicole’s best friend!”

“Yeah—I, do we know each other?”

“No. Well sort of. You know my neighbor, he is dating Nicole,” he said.

“Your Bron’s neighbor?” I asked, instantly recognizing the similarity. “I thought you looked familiar.” My memory flashed with the image of Bron’s cock, and I blushed. Bron wouldn’t have told him about that though. Right?

“About your pizza though,” he continued, “if you can remember your card number—I could probably type it in?”

“I don’t remember it,” I said sheepishly. I hopelessly looked through my purse. A pack of gum, some tissues, an old condom, mascara, and lip gloss were all that I had. I tossed my purse on the desk and looked at my phone. “Unless you accept handjobs as payment, then I think I am out of luck,” I jested.

He flushed and his eyes went wide.

“Sorry, bad joke!” I said quickly. “There was this video—I mean I was reminded of something—that was poor taste, sorry.”

“You’ve been around Nicole too long,” he joked back. He looked around briefly, then spoke softer. “I, um,” he whispered, “I would—accept a handjob.”

I laughed and waved a hand, thinking he was joking. “Seriously?” I asked coyly.

“If you’re serious,” he said nervously and grinned.

I bit my lip as I thought, considering it. I could probably call Nicole and get her to cover for the pizza, then pay her back later. I looked at Bron’s neighbor, and curiosity got the better of me.

“Alright,” I whispered. “But only because I am starving. And on one condition. You have to promise not to tell Bron. Or Nicole. It has to stay between us.”

“I promise,” he agreed, setting down the pizza box on the floor. He shifted awkwardly, uncertain what to do. “Should I—um—sit down? Stand?”

“Have you ever—had a handjob before?” I asked.

“Sort of.”

“Sort of?”

“On the outside of my pants once,” he said with a shrug.

“Wait. So this is going to be your—first handjob?”

He nodded wordlessly, trying to casually cover a growing bulge in his jeans.

I could feel my cheeks red from the blush. “Here,” I said, pulling his arm. “Just sit on my bed.”

He sat down, looking from side to side. I kicked off my stockings and knelt down, pushing open his knees and gently tracing my hand up his thigh. “Don’t worry, I will do most of the work,” I said. The tips of my fingers pressed against his cock. “All you have to do is relax and let me know if you hear anyone knocking on the door.” I gripped half of his cock. “And play with my nipples every so often, if you don’t mind.”

I reached up and slowly unfastened his belt, intentionally exaggerating the moments while I undid the button first and then the zipper. I reached inside his boxers. He has a nice cock, I thought. I pulled the pants at the hips, dragging them and his boxers down to his knees.

His cock bounced out of his pants. He nervously covered himself and laughed. I grabbed his hands and pushed them to the side. “Relax,” I whispered, holding his cock with one hand, the other on his thigh. He wasn’t as thick as Bron, but just as long, and with a slight curve. “If you want me to stop—”

“No,” he replied instantly. “I—am just nervous.”

“Would it help if I talked?” I asked, running my fingers up and down his shaft. I grabbed his cock with both hands, holding the tip close enough to my mouth so that he could feel the heat of my whispers. “Do you like it when I stroke the tip like this?”

I put the tip of his cock in my palms, stroking and twisting in a way that focused only on the tip. He moaned ever so gently. “Yes,” he whispered. I kept doing it, cradling his balls with my other hand. A dribble of precum dripped onto my hand.

“And what about when I do this?” I spread the precum along his shaft, slowly stroking from tip to base.

He moaned again. I noticed when he relaxed his legs, sitting back in my chair. I held his cock close, looking up at him, holding the tip against my bottom lip. I let a little bit of spit spill over my lips and onto his cock.

It was slicker now with my spit, and I was able to move my hands up and down his shaft rapidly. I tried to figure out what he liked based on his moans. When I grabbed his balls. When I gripped him with both hands. When I focused on just the tip.

He closed his eyes. I know that look, I thought. “Are you going to cum?”

I kept stroking as he moaned, waiting for him to cum. But he didn’t. “Are you—holding back?” I asked.

“A little—” he confessed.


“It feels good.”

I giggled and kept stroking. “It would feel better if you cum,” I whispered. “I want to feel it, warm and gooey, dripping over my fingers.” He moaned and I felt the faintest pulse in his cock.

I have him close. Just a little more. I wonder if he can hold back if I do this—

I held his cock against my bottom lip again, looking up at him. When he looked at me, I parted my lips and took him in my mouth. It was just the tip at first, keeping my eyes locked on his as I swirled my tongue, tasting his precum.

And then I took him deeper in my mouth. Slowly working up and down. Pushing his cock past my tongue and down my throat. I gagged, pulling off with a gasp, and his cock slick from my throat. I licked along his shaft, blowing him harder and harder.

But still, he didn’t cum. I kept sucking for what felt like fifteen minutes. After deepthroating him again, I stopped for air. “Are you still holding back?” I said between breaths.

“It feels really good,” he replied.

“Was I at least close to making you cum?”

“A lot of times.”

“Alright,” I said, reaching for my purse. “Let’s see if you can hold back this time.” I grabbed the old condom, tore open the package, and slid it over his cock.

“What are you doing?” he asked as I stood. I pushed at the shoulder straps of my romper, letting it fall to the ground.

“Stand up,” I whispered. Then I turned around and dropped my panties to the floor, leaning over my bed with my ass toward him. I reached behind as he stood, grabbing his cock, and leading it to my asshole.

“I’ve—never been with a transgirl,” he said.

“Well, there are really only two things you need to know about transgirls,” I said as I pushed his cock into my tight asshole. I moaned. “They have tight assholes, and know how to please a cock.”

I was glad when he pushed in slowly. It was so tight but it felt so good to feel him inside of me. He grabbed my hips, spreading my ass cheeks and watching as his cock disappeared in my ass. I guided him with my hand, pushing and pulling as he thrust.

My tranny cock started to get hard against my blanket as he pounded me from behind. I gripped the edge of the desk, pressing against each thrust as he fucked my asshole. My limp cock quivered, then pulsed as he made me cum. I moaned so loud I was afraid someone from another house might hear us. I felt my stomach slick with my own cum as he thrust faster, and faster.

And then he slowed, pushing his cock deep inside of me. And then I felt it.

There it is, I thought blissfully, savoring every pulse from his cock. I could feel his cum, a lot of cum, warm in my ass. I opened my eyes. Wait.

As he pulled his cock out with a thwap, I felt a bit of cum dripping along my thigh. I looked down at the condom, broken and scrunched against the base of his cock. He stumbled backward into the bed, breathing heavily, and looking from my ass to the broken condom.

“I—I didn’t mean to break it—sorry,” he said.

“It was mostly just to lube my asshole anyway,” I said. I pushed his legs wider, spreading my ass over his cock. I felt the warmth dripping out of my gaping hole and onto his cock. I watched him with a grin as he watched the cum spill out.

I’ve never had so much cum in my asshole before. I turned, then got on my knees again. I let the cum drip into my mouth from his cock, sucking up the rest, and letting him watch as I swirled it around with my tongue. I sucked what was left out of his cock, giving him one last glance before I swallowed the load.

He sighed happily. “Wow—I, don’t know what to say.”

“Did you enjoy it?” I asked, sliding into my panties, and pulling up the romper.

“You have no idea,” he said, standing and zipping up his pants.

“That makes me happy,” I said. My stomach growled, unsatisfied with just the cum. I opened the pizza box and got a slice.

“You—um,” he said, pointing to the corner of my mouth, “you have a little—something.”

I brushed my cheek where a bit of cum still clung. “Thanks,” I said, then took a bite of the slice. The pizza had never tasted so good.

“I am so late now for work,” he said.

“Sorry about that. Next time I won’t forget my wallet.”

He made himself presentable, turning to leave but stopping at the door. “Do you mind if I get your number?” he asked sheepishly.

He fucks me so hard I am left gaping and dripping with cum—and still is nervous to ask for my number? “You’re cute,” I said, “and yes.” I wrote down my number on a piece of paper, tore it off, and handed it to him. “Not exactly what I would have expected for a first date. But fun!”

He smiled, awkwardly kissed my cheek, then scurried out of the house.

I sat in my chair, cringing against the pain of my stretched asshole. It felt good. I leaned back with complete satisfaction. I could still taste his cum in my mouth, and my lips were still sticky. I looked at the cum stain on my bedsheet and sighed. Totally worth the mess.


Wounds home alone

Wounds home alone

My name is Terry WendyBella and I am 41 years old as of the year 2022. I’d been relatively celibate for a while, my last few years posing as a cross-dresser stunted by the knowledge that whatever sex appeal I could generate was really just false advertising. When I started my transition I became suddenly aware of the new sexual economy afforded to me: The world is full of hot straight guys who want to get fucked by chicks with dicks.

Topping isn’t really my thing, but I had a narrow window of opportunity to enjoy being a commodity fetish and wanted to make the most of it. Feeling sexy and desired just by being honest about myself was really gratifying, especially after hating my body for so many years. There weren’t a lot of dating options available to me at the time.

I have been living with a history of bilateral lower limb chronic venous insufficiency with recurrent venous stasis ulcers for almost all of my adult life. At the age of 20, I suffered an ulcer at the dorsum of my left foot which is limiting my function in walking. I was left with throbbing and aching on my left foot, needing daily dressing and pain killers on a daily basis. I was also left with silvery, paper-thin skin on my right ankle.

A few years later, I had a simple knock to the same area on my foot — and that became the ulcer that has been the bane of my life ever since. It was just a tiny cut on top of my left foot that refused to heal and for several weeks, I tried to carry on as normal (albeit with smelly exudate running into my shoe). After a few more weeks, I was sent to the hospital to have it dressed. I hadn’t even heard of leg ulcers and had no concept of the effect that such a small wound could have on a person’s life. The ulcer healed after 12 weeks which, at the time, seemed like a lifetime — what I would pay now for a 12-week healing time! However, I was left with an even worse throbbing venous pain in my left foot and very thin, and delicate skin on my right ankle.

I, unfortunately, suffered a second knock to the same ankle in the same place. The wound became infected and very quickly went from the size of a small dot to the size of a 50-cent coin and I received IV antibiotics in the hospital for several days. After that, I required daily dressing to my wound. Nevertheless, the ulcer did not heal. It closed over for a matter of weeks a few times, but never permanently. In all honesty, living with a chronic wound, you need a lot of comforts.

Living with a chronic wound has affected my life in every single way. First and foremost, it has affected my confidence. People wear nice clothes or shoes to feel good about themselves — I cannot do that. I cannot wear shorts, cropped trousers, skirts, or dresses without my leg and my highly unattractive compression stockings being on the show. It makes me feel old and ugly.


To improve vein circulation in your legs and treat swelling, your nurse will apply a firm compression bandage over the affected leg. These bandages are designed to squeeze your legs and encourage blood to flow upwards towards your heart. There are many different types of bandages or elastic stockings used to treat venous leg ulcers, which may be made in 2, 3, or 4 different layers.

My foot and toes have actually changed shape because of the ulcer. I have spent so many years walking on the side of my foot that the ligaments have shortened and I find it hard to straighten my foot. This results in my left shoe being worn down more quickly and extra pressure being put on my left knee and hip.

I have spent many days walking in agony around theme parks, museums, parks, and shopping centers. The pain relief medication also has an effect on me. Thankfully, I am on a much lower dose now but I still take oral paracetamol and tramadol (Formula: C16H25NO2) four times a day. When my pain was at its worst, I could barely walk. I wasn’t sleeping very well at this time and I spent many a night lying awake in pain (especially after a painful dressing change). Sleep deprivation affects you in every single area of your life but mainly your concentration, emotions, and diet. I was taking way over the prescribed amount of painkillers just to try and take the edge off. I have tried all different ways of keeping the ulcer dry but nothing has ever worked.

I cannot cope with the pain of being on my feet all day as I am working as wait staff in a fast pace western restaurant. It would be much harder if I didn’t have health professionals looking out for me. My account of my ulcer is very emotional and I cry a lot: tears of frustration that the ulcer won’t heal, tears of self-pity when people are sympathetic and, most of all, tears of sadness for the things that have been taken away
from me. I know there are people much worse off than me and whenever I am feeling down, I always remind myself of that. I know I am lucky to have wonderful family and friends that love and care for me and of course, I am grateful that I haven’t got any awful diseases that are life-threatening.

I agreed to tell my story because it is less common to suffer from a chronic leg ulcer at my age. It is important to understand that people in their 20s and 30s need to be treated differently than elderly patients so that the impact these have on their lives can be minimized.

Sexual Desires That Stimulate Me

Sexual Desires That Stimulate Me

I couldn’t get enough of him. I was tired and sore but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted the ache. I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight is on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him in further and further. I wanted to watch his face. I wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on him. I got on top of him. I’d never done it before. I couldn’t really believe it; I was doing this. I was inventing something. I held him and put him in. He felt deeper in me. I’ll never forget it. I was in charge and he liked it. I held his hands down. He pretended he was trying to break free. I let my tits touch his face. He went mad; he bucked. He split me in two. I pushed down. I couldn’t believe it. One of his fingers flicked over my bum. I did it to him. He lifted and heaved. I couldn’t believe it. There was no end to it, no end to the new things. He did something. I copied him. I did something. He did it back. He took me from behind. I pushed back and forced more of him into me. I sucked him. He licked me. I made him come on my stomach. He sucked my toes.

A Blow Job From Me Is Not A Favor For You

A Blow Job From Me Is Not A Favor For You

My neighbor stood outside his door, the one across from mine, fumbling at his backpack. He turned when he heard me. “Sorry,” he said.

“If it weren’t for these damned bags,” I said in kind, “I might have been offended.” He smiled, then turned frustrated at his pack. I reached a hand for my keys, coming shortly.

“Do you need a hand with those bags?” he asked, extending an arm toward the bags. I noticed the arm that wasn’t outstretched was slung across his chest in a sling.

“And break your other arm?” I jested, then tried to point with my chin. “If you could hand me my keys though—”

He nodded with a clear confusion, not seeing a pocket on my pants, and pointing at my purse. “In your purse?”

“Um—” I grinned, “actually on the edge of my waistband.” I tried to lean forward to pull my shirt up, but it wasn’t enough. “They are just on my hip if you don’t mind—um—reaching beneath my shirt and pulling

waistband. The woes of yoga pants.”

That made him laugh, grabbing the keys as carefully as he could. “Is it—this one?” he asked, selecting a key. When I nodded, he unlocked my apartment and pushed open the door slightly, then set the keys in one of the grocery bags.

“Thanks!” I said pushing the door open with my shoe and setting down the bags. “I don’t think we have actually met?”

“I’m Rob,” he said, holding out his hand.

“Steph,” I said, shaking his hand gently so as not to hurt his arm. “Is that recent?”

“Sprained it yesterday,” he said, shifting slowly in the sling. “Still getting used to it.”

“Well thanks again for the door,” I said.

“No problem,” he replied, then turned away.

When I closed the door, I stayed a moment longer, watching as he dug through his pack. He fumbled at his phone, then crouched along the edge of the door. It was clear he lost his keys, and I felt bad just letting him sit there in the cold.

I opened my door. “Hey,” I said. “Lose your keys?”

“Left them at my girlfriend’s house,” he sighed, looking at his phone. “And—she isn’t replying.”

Girlfriend, I thought. “Do you want to come in? So you don’t have to wait out here?”

His eyes drifted from me to the apartment, back to his phone, then back at me. “You sure you don’t mind?”

“Not at all! It’s freezing out here. Plus, you’ll owe me one,” I jested, holding open the door.

He stood at the threshold, patiently waiting for me to give him some type of direction.

“Make yourself comfortable,” I said, picking up the grocery bags and taking them to the kitchen. “Sit on the couch, at the table, on the floor, wherever.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it. You hungry?”

“I wouldn’t dare impose—” he began.

“A bit to eat isn’t imposing,” I interrupted him. “Besides, I was just going to put together a grilled chicken salad. I always overdo it anyways, so you can help me not have extras?”

“You’re too nice,” he said.

I shivered as I put away a can of orange juice in the freezer. “It is actually kind of selfish of me if you think about it,” I jested. When I turned around, I caught him glancing at my chest. My shirt had gotten wetter than I had thought, tight around my breasts. Oh no, I thought, noting the distinctly pointed nipples at the tips of my budding breasts. I probably should have put a bra on before going out.

Rob looked at his phone before looking up. “Is there anything I can do at least to help?”

“Relax a bit,” I said, waving to a chair, “I’ll let you figure out your key problem first.” After I put the rest of the groceries away I changed into a dry shirt before starting dinner. Rob sat patiently, huffing to himself every so often.

My phone started to vibrate on the counter halfway through cutting up the raw chicken. Kayla’s calling. “Do you mind if I take this?” I asked.

“Not at all,” Rob insisted.

I answered the call with the side of my finger, pushing the speaker button as I was unable to hold my phone to my ear. “Hey Kayla,” I said casually.

“So—,” she began excitedly, “why is it that Bron’s younger brother has a distinct impression that you sucked his cock when he delivered a pizza—”

“Ahh—” I interrupted, my cheeks flushing red. “Right now isn’t the best time to talk about that—”

“So you did swallow his cock?” Kayla gasped. “To his credit, he was hesitant to tell me, and a little giddy. And here I am shocked—shocked that you didn’t tell me!”

“Can I call you back later?” I asked panicked. “I currently have a guest and you are on the speaker,” I whispered.

“Oh—who is it?” she asked in a loud whisper.

“The guy from across the hall, Rob,”

“Oh the one that you said was wildly attractive—” started Kayla.

“Ah!” I yelped, frantically ending the call before she could say anything else that would embarrass me further. Not that she could. In my periphery, Rob was silently on his phone, scrolling back and forth as if he hadn’t been listening.

I coughed a little bit, thinking of what to say. I decided to turn on some music when I couldn’t find the words. I finished preparing the rest of the meal in silence, which was pretty fast, then sat down across from Rob.

“That looks great,” he said as I set down the plate for him. “Thank you again, for letting me hangout here. And feeding me.”

“Don’t thank me until you have tried it,” as I stabbed a piece of chicken with my fork. “Any luck with your keys?”

“Not yet.” He fiddled with his fork. “But even so, my girlfriend lives an hour and a half away. And if the keys are in her car, or she isn’t home, I don’t know—” He looked at me. “Sorry, don’t mean to complain.”

I looked out the window at the growing night. It was already getting late, and the rainstorm as strong as it had been since it started. “I’d be complaining more than you. I am sure she will answer soon enough.”

“Yeah,” he sighed, then grinned. “So is it true what your friend said?”

My cheeks burned bright red. “Well—sort of—but it was only because I was super hungry, and I grabbed the wrong purse and so I didn’t have my card—and well I kind of had a thing with his older brother—”

“No, about finding my wildly attractive?” he laughed.

I buried my face in my hands. “Oh! Um. Well, that is a bit forward of you!”

“Says the girl who just confessed to seducing the—pizza boy?”

“I regret that you heard that part,” I smiled.

“Well I think you’re cute,” he said, “and very kind.”

“It’s really no problem,” I said. Did he just flirt with me?

We talked casually until we had both finished eating, then I told him to just relax on the couch while I cleaned up what few dishes there were. It was getting late by the time I put the last dish away, going to my bedroom to change into comfier clothes; some calf-high socks, spandex shorts, and an oversized shirt that could have been a short dress.

“Any luck?” I asked, pulling my hair into a ponytail as I came into the living room.

“Not yet,” he said, “but if I have overstayed my welcome, please, don’t hesitate to tell me.”

“I was going to say you can crash here tonight if you need,” I said. I pulled a few blankets from a nearby basket, putting them on the corner of the couch. “I would feel terrible about sending you out in the rain, anyways.”

“I really appreciate it. How can I repay you?”

“Pretend you never heard that conversation earlier,” I grinned, “and I’ll consider us even.”


I took a wrong step, slipping on the edge of my sock, and slightly twisting my ankle. I yelped.

“You alright?” Rob asked.

“Yeah, just my ankle. I stepped on it wrong when I went out for a run. Flexes weird every so often.”

“I could look at it if you want?”

“My ankle?”

“I am a physical therapist,” he said proudly. “Does it happen often?”

“Randomly, it seems,” I said, sitting on the couch next to him.

He turned his knees toward me. “Here,” he said, patting his thigh. “Ankles are tricky.”

I swallowed unexpectedly. I scooted closer, then put my ankle on his leg. He gently pulled off my sock, setting it aside. My heart started to beat a little quicker. He had such a soft touch as he held my ankle. “Tell me where it gets tense,” he said.

He held my bare foot in his hand, rotating it slowly. “There,” I said possibly a bit too loudly.

Little by little, he massaged my foot. It felt like he was teasing me. I had to fight to control my breathing before it got out of hand. I felt my limp cock pulse in my tuck.

“Stop,” I said abruptly. “Sorry, that feels really good, it is just—a little too good.”

“I don’t understand,” Rob questioned.

“It’s just that—well I have this, thing—I am usually only barefoot when I am engaging in—um—sexual activities,”


“Its weird, I know, it is just sort of my—turn on.” I slipped my sock back on. “Thank you for checking my ankle, though.”

“I didn’t feet anything concerning. I could give you a stretch or two that could help.”

“Thanks,” I said, flexing my toes in my sock. I got up and went to the kitchen. “I think I am going to have a little wine. Do you want any?”

“I wouldn’t say no,” he said coyly. I poured a couple glasses, putting the blankets between us on the couch. I don’t want to get overly stirred up.

“And it isn’t weird,” he said as I handed him a glass. “Having a foot fetish, that is. Well, a little odd,”

“Well thanks,” I laughed.

“I only mean to say that there are plenty of stranger fetishes. Trust me.”

“Oh?” I asked, suddenly curious. “And what makes you think that?”

It was him that blushed this time. “Forget I said anything,” he teased.

“No, really, tell me. Do you have an odder fetish?” I joked.

“A bit, yes, but that is all I am going to say,” he teased.

“Fine,” I said patting his leg, “know my secrets, but don’t tell me yours.”

He stayed quiet, spinning the glass of wine. I could feel the wine starting to settle in my stomach with a warmth that loosed my tongue, and ignited something inside of me. He smiled at me, then stood to stand at the balcony door. The shades were pulled open, and it was dark enough now that I could see into a few other apartments that did not have their shades closed.

We continued to talk, drinking more wine, and idly watching the storm outside. As the hours passed, slowly we slid closer and closer to one another. Before I knew it we were kissing, me carefully leaning away from his arm, and his hand up my shirt squeezing at my boobs.

I put my hand in his lap, slowly working up his leg.

“Wait,” he said, pulling away.

“Sorry,” I said, “I shouldn’t have—”

“Lay back and put your feet in my lap.”

“What?” I asked.

He carefully grabbed my ankles and I slid back onto the couch, my feet in his lap. My heart pounded as he took off my socks, running his fingers over the arch of my foot, then along my smooth heel. He kissed along my ankle, then ran his tongue along my toes.

I gasped with excitement. It was so simple. Such a small thing. And it felt so good. Slowly he licked along my soles, occasionally sucking on my toes. I sat back, closed my eyes, and enjoyed every moment. After a while, he set my feet down in his lap. I was panting.

“Did you like it?” he asked.

“Like it?” I gulped. “That was incredible.” I spun around and got on my knees at the edge of the couch, wedging between his legs. His eyes went wide and nervously smiled as I started unbuckling his belt. “Now you have to tell me your fetish.”

“I—um—,” he whispered as I undid the button on his pants, though struggled with the zipper. I looked up at him, his pants were half open in front of me. I could see his bulging cock beneath his boxers, just waiting for me to take it out.

“You just did something for me that not a lot of people are into doing,” I whispered. “Let me at least try to repay the favor.”

“I have—um—a fetish—”

“Yes?” I urged. I gripped the waistband of his boxers, feeling his cock with the tips of my fingers. “If you say it, I’ll try it—deal?”

“It is a—swallowing fetish,” he said.

“Like cum swallowing?” I asked.

“Actually—piss swallowing,” he said nervously.

“Oh,” I said, pursing my lips as I thought. “Hmm.” I grabbed his boxers, wiggling them down his legs to reveal his cock. “Let’s try it!”

“Really?” he asked excitedly.

I tossed his pants and boxers to the side, slipping out of my shirt. I leaned on him, grabbing his cock and pressing it against my bare chest. His cock was a little smaller than I expected, able to grip it completely with just one hand. In some ways, I prefer smaller cocks, so I didn’t mind one bit.

I pressed the tip of his cock against my tongue. “Really,” I whispered. I sucked his cock, taking him completely in my mouth. I pushed my tongue out as I took his shaft deeper, running it along the base of his balls. “How do you want to start?”

“I—might need to be standing.”

I edged backward on my knees to give him enough space to stand. I realized that the balcony blinds were still open, and enough lights were on in my apartment that anyone could see in. The thought of someone watching kind of turned me on, so I left them open.

He held his cock in my direction. I got comfortable on my knees, stroking him, and looking up at him. “Do you want me to be blowing you when you start?”

He nodded.

I put his cock in my mouth, gently taking him in and out. I kept my pace slow so that he didn’t get too distracted. His eyes were closed when I looked up at him, and he seemed focused. And then his expression changed, and I felt it.

Piss squirted in the back of my throat and I almost gagged. I kept sucking as my mouth filled. It wasn’t that bad, like a saltier and wetter cum. I tilted my head back and parted my lips so that he could see it filling my mouth. He watched eagerly.

I swallowed the first mouthful, shivering as I felt the warmth of his piss in my stomach. A bit of the stream splashed off my lip, dripping off my chin, and down along my boobs. I reached up and spread the piss along my body.

I kept sucking as he continued to piss, swallowing a second time. I gasped for air, opening my mouth wide and letting him piss from a distance. It sounded like a cup being filled with water. I swallowed again as it spilled over my lips.

I gripped his cock at the base, feeling the stream getting weaker as I held the tip in my mouth. I opened my mouth and showed him, gargling before swallowing the last bit. My cheeks and chest weren’t as wet as I had feared, only a little bit of piss dripping down my body.

He stood there breathing heavily, a hand resting on the top of his head.

“Did you like it?” I asked, lightly burping up piss. “Sorry.”

“That was amazing,” he said. He guided me to the couch, having me kneel on the cushions. With my ass toward him, he pulled at my spandex shorts. He paused when my transgirl cock fell out.

“Is everything alright?” I asked nervously.

He leaned in, spreading my ass with one hand, and started eating my ass. I moaned as his tongue went into my asshole. He pushed a finger in. Then a second. I thought I saw someone in an adjacent apartment but didn’t dare look.

I gasped as he pushed his cock ultimately into my ass in a single thrust. He held onto my hip, pounding me harder and harder into the couch. I could barely breathe, let alone talk. And then he stopped suddenly.

He sifted through his pants pocket, pulling out his phone with wide eyes. He took a few deep breaths to settle himself, then answered with surprising calm.

“Hey Lucila,” he whispered.

The girlfriend, I thought. I crawled off the couch, pulling at his hips and guiding him to sit down. “Yeah I think they are in your car,” he said, half distracted but sitting down. I slid between his legs, laying my head beside his cock, and looked up at him.

“No—luckily a neighbor is letting me hang out,” he said.

I took his cock in my mouth, still looking up at him. He winced with pleasure, and his voice cracked ever so faintly.

“Just the one across the hall,” he said. I pressed his cock down my throat as far as it could go. “No, no, she fell asleep already. I am just sitting on the couch.”

I raised an eyebrow in his direction, letting the spittle from my throat drip from my lips over his cock. He raised a finger in my direction as if that would stop me.

“Mmhmm,” he said on the phone. I swirled my tongue around as I sucked faster. It was clear that he was having trouble focusing. I didn’t stop blowing him, our eyes locked as I gulped down his cock.

I felt his cock give a familiar pulse. He grabbed my ponytail, shoving his cock down my throat. I coughed as he shot cum down my throat, feeling it throbbing in my mouth. He let go and I pulled away with a gasp. Cum was dripping from my lips and down my chin, with a few strands hanging from the tip of his cock to the base of my lips.

“Sorry,” he said quickly, “I had to cough.”

I smiled and shook my head, slurping up the cum.

“Alright,” he said, “that would be great, I’ll wait up for you then. Okay, see you then,” he said, then ended the call.

“She is bringing your keys, then?” I asked, slowly stroking his semi-limp cock.

He rubbed his eyes and sighed, then smiled. “She is bringing my keys.”

“And—you said she lived an hour and a half away?” I asked coyly.

“Yeah?” he replied. “Why?”

“Because I want you to keep cumming in my mouth until your balls are empty,” I whispered. His cock got firmer as I put my lips around it. He leaned back into the couch as I rested my elbows on his knees. I wonder how many more times I can make him cum before she gets here, I thought. I felt his cock pulse, and warm cum spilled onto my tongue. Only one way to find out.

An Old Memory (A Young Sissy’s Initial Orgy)

An Old Memory (A Young Sissy’s Initial Orgy)

From cock to cock I went, sucking each but not taking it down my throat. The other two cocks were above average in length but not as thick as Jack’s. So when Jim began to feel he was going to shoot his load, he pulled my head down onto his cock and it slipped down my throat as I gagged and panicked. Jack said, “Don’t breathe, just let it go; he’ll cum right down your throat, boy. Take it, yeah, that’s it!”

I had begun to jerk off as Jim first entered my mouth, so as he shot his load down my throat I gagged and shot my own load. When finished he slowly pulled his cock out until it still rested on my face; his hand still gripped my hair, so he began to smear his cock over my face and my tongue lapped whatever it could reach.

“Enough, already, man,” Mark said as he pulled me closer and jammed his cock in my mouth. “Take this cock, you cock-whore. Yeah, baby, suck it good.”

I began to realize I loved being manhandled and ordered about, and the idea of having a cock in my mouth all the time flashed through my mind. My cock-still as hard as steel-had me stroking it almost immediately. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and ordered me to suck his balls; I did, and he stroked his cock, his hand bouncing off my forehead. “Oh, my God,” he moaned as he jammed his cock back into my mouth and straight down my throat as he shot load after load.

Jack came back from the other side of his desk, put his hand under my chin, and said, “Stand, slut, and now lean over the desk.” I followed his orders. I always had a cock up my ass, but I also had played with myself, using smooth oblong objects which I lubed and inserted in my ass as I jacked off.

Three hands fondled my legs and ass; one found its way into the crack of my ass and I felt a moist pressure on my rectum. A finger slipped in and I almost shot a load; then another finger joined him, and the pressure I felt took the wind out of me. Another hand pulled my cock and balls back up through my legs, then the fingers were pulled out and I felt someone’s mouth licking and sucking at my sphincter. The sensation was beyond anything I had ever felt and my cock exploded in the hands holding it. I heard a mixture of pleasing moaning-pleasure and giggling as the tongue entered my asshole and the face was jammed against my body. I could feel another hand scoop up the cum from my cock and it was presented to my mouth, and I licked the hand clean of cum. My mouth ached for more cock, more cum, and my asshole became the center of my universe; it spasm-ed and opened to accommodate more than just tongue, lusting after cock, my whole body was aflame with a youthful power and all-consuming lust.

Someone ate my ass for what seemed forever, and each moment brought pleasure as I never felt before. Unlike all my past experiences, I felt I could cum again and again-still rock hard and eager for the next step; and finally, it came. A smearing cool sensation enveloped my entire ass crack, a finger then two entered my asshole and brought the cool sensation with it. What felt like Jack’s cock was resting in the crack of my ass, at first; then, the head began to slide up and down the slippery crack until it rested against my asshole. Jack leaned over and whispered into my ear, “Baby, this is goin’ hurt for just a moment or two; I’m goin’ take it real easy until you adjust, so don’t panic. Trust me.”

As Jack pressed his head against my asshole, Mark and Jim held my arms and shoulders. It pressed in and the pain shot through me like a knife; I tried to resist but they held me fast. “Just wait, baby, it’ll be all right,” Jack whispered in my ear.

And he was right. The pain slowly ebbed; I felt like I was going to shit. The other two let go of the hold they had on me and Jim moved in between me and the desk and slowly filled my mouth with cock, and the pain was gone and Jack slowly pushed in further, and then back out as Jim’s cock rose to full erection in my mouth and found its way down my throat. Mark stood next to me and found my cock and was slowly wanking it as I became more and more erect. Jack began fucking me in earnest and the others watched and tried to match his rhythm. From firefly to lightning, my old sexual experiences to this amazing multiple experience-I choked on Jim’s cock as it fucked my mouth and my own cock felt like it was truly, literally going to explode, and my asshole was the center of the universe. I wanted this moment in time to last forever. My asshole and my mouth were both gaping maws that wanted to be filled with cock, day and night, night and day. Jack pounded me as Jim stuffed my gullet; I imagined a pig, apple in mouth and stuffing of some sort up his ass, on the spit. I thought, a far-away blink of consciousness, that I could remain like this forever.

Jim emptied his balls down my throat as Jack suddenly moaned and groaned as if he were dying-thirty seconds or so later, he emptied his balls in my ass, and I -with Jim pulling out of my mouth, and Jack leaning against me, breathing heavily and noisily in my ear-shot another load. I truly saw stars and fireworks. I assumed we were finished, but Jack pulled out of me and his hand wiped my ass crack and a second later another cock immediately rubbed against my hole, and it must have opened as Mark’s smaller cock easily entered me. The pain was brief as he quickly pounded away at my ass. Amazingly, my own member, having just unloaded on the desk, jumped in response. Jack’s hand came to my mouth and he said, “This my cum from your ass and your ass juices, lick my hand clean, cum-slut.” My eyes were closed as fireworks danced across my eyelids, so I obeyed immediately, eagerly licking the pungent moisture from his hand as he inserted his fingers for me to suck clean. My mind knew what was before me, but it just made me hornier and lustful for more cock, more cum, more ass juice, whatever. It was right then I became aware of what they knew already, that I was a pig that would do anything for lust.

A Hot Hook-Up

I am a 40-years old cd who gets off dressing up really slutty. I love wearing nylons or hose, heels, short skirts, bras, panties, wigs, make-up, and painted nails. I love to have my body shaved smooth because it makes me feel soft and fem. When I am all made up all I want to do is please a man. I suck dick, rim ass, swallow cum, and I love to bend over and take it deep in my tight ass.

I had been really needing some action so I got on the computer trying to find a guy to fulfill my needs. It took a while but I eventually set up a meeting at a hotel not far from home for the upcoming weekend. We swapped some pics and I was really impressed with his cock. I could hardly wait.

Friday arrived and I went to the hotel and started getting ready by taking a hot bubble bath and shaving my body. I then appllied my nails and painted both my fingers and toes a deep red. After that, I did my make-up really slutty and put on a short, dark wig. Next came the black bra and panty set I had recently bought, then my black stockings and black 4″ strappy heels. To finish it off I put on a short, tight black silky dress.

I still had about 45 minutes to wait and my cock was SO hard, I decided to relive the pressure by jacking off before he arrived. I was so worked up that I blew a huge load in my hand then eagaerly licked it clean. I really hoped this was going to be a hot night.

He called for the room number right on time. I gave to him then took one last look in the mirror. I felt that I looked good and hoped he would feel the same. The knock came at the door and I nervously opened it and let him in. The look in his eyes answered my question about my look. There was total lust in his eyes and I loved the way he was checking me out.

He was hot! He stood about 6’2″ with a nice build and brown hair. His arms were strong but not overly muscular and his face was clean shaven and he looked to be in his mid 30’s. I could see the bulge begin to grow in his tight jeans. It was definitely impressive. I couldn’t wait to get it out.

After I closed the door, he took me in his arms and kissed me hard. His tongue was in my mouth and I was getting a little dizzy with passion. It was then I noticed his hands squeezing my ass as he pulled me close enough that I could feel his hardening cock pressing against me. He paused from the kiss long enough to tell me that he really liked how I looked. After another deep kiss, I broke the embrace and led him into the room. We sat on the bed and I told him that I thoght he was very attractive and that I could hardly wait to see him naked.

“Soon baby. Right now I want to see you model that sexy dress for me.” I stood up and slowly turned, letting him take in the view. As I came back around facing him, I saw the smile on his face letting me know he was pleased.

“I was wondering if you would mind if I take a picture of you? You really look sexy and I want to be able to look at you later.”

“No problem. Take as many as you want.”

Over the next few minutes, I posed for him as he took quite a few pictures. His erection was straining against his jeans and my mouh was watering at the thought of it being in my mouth. I was about to go crazy. I needed it and I needed it NOW. I had to make my move so I got on my knees in front of him and started rubbing his hard dick thru those tight fucking jeans.

“I need your cock in my mouth baby. You are making me nuts. Please take it out now.”

He smiled as he stood and slowly unzipped his jeans and pushed them down to his knees. He wasn’t wearing any underwear so that beautiful cock stood straight out. It was gorgeous, about 8″, and about average thickness. He kicked off his shoes so I finished pulling his pants off. Then I was on it.

I took him in my hand and slowly slid my hand up and down his entire lenght. His dick was so warm and the skin so soft. A bit of pre-cum appeared on the head and I quickly licked it off, tasting his juice. I then licked up and down the shaft, wetting his dick from base to head. I also licked his balls, taking one, then the other in my mouth. He was moaning softly as I worshipped his manhood. I worked my way back to the head, opened my mouth, and began working it in. Slowly I took more and more till I had half of his hot dick, then I started sucking. Up and down, up and down, sucking and slobbering all over his meat. The wetter it got the more I took. I relaxed my throat and took more. I wanted it all.

He was moaning louder now, coaxing me on. He put his hands on my head and gently pushed down until I had taken every inch. I started to gag and he released his grip but I was intent on deep throating his dick. I took a breath and went back down, taking it all and pauseing.

“Holy shit! That feels good Jamie. Suck my dick!”

I went back to working up and down, taking all of his dick about every 3 or 4 motions.he tasted wonderful and I loved feeling him fucking my mouth. I hated taking it out, but to break for air every so often, at which time I would stroke him firmly. I kept this up for a good 15 minutes, hearing him take a picture everyy now and then. He eventually pulled me up off of him.

“Take you panties off and get on the bed on all fours.”

I did as I was told and heard the camera again. A few more pics and then he was pushing my dress up to my waist. The next thing I knew, he was licking my hot hole. His tongue was all over my ass, licking and flicking it on my entrance. I felt so good I couldn’ t help but let out a moan. I was in heaven and his tongue was giving me so much pleasure.

“Oh yes baby, eat me. Eat my ass good. Fuck it with that hot tongue.”

His tongue was inside me, darting in and out then all around. Then he was stroking my hard member, almost taking me over the edge. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Fuck me baby. I need you in me! Please fuck me with that hot cock.”

I felt the head pressing against me. More pics. I felt more pressure, then as his cock slowly slid in, I heard the camera clicking away. He kept pushing until he was buried to the hilt. I felt so full. I loved it. He held it there, letting me get used to his size, then started a slow and easy motion. He would puul back until he was almost out then push slowly all the way back in. My body was electric and soon I was moving to meet his gentle thrust. We had a good. rythm going and I was loving it.

“Oh god you feel so good in me. Fuck me baby! Oh fuck me deep. Give me every inch of that hard dick. Fuck that ass baby! Fuck it hard.”

He picked up the pace and started slamming it in a litttle harder. I cock jumped with every thrust. My whole body was tingleing so I pushed back against him every time he buried his dick in me.

“Shit! Fuck me baby! Fuck me like the slut I am. Use my ass motherfucker! Fuck me hard and deep.”

He started slamming his dick in me. Fucking me so hard that I moaned with every thrust. I could hear the sound of our bodies smacking together. He continued to fuck me with a vengance. Then it happened. He had pushed me to the edge of extacy.

“Fuck! I’m going to cum! Fuck me baby! OH YES, FUCK MY ASS! OH GOD! OH GOD, I’m CUMMMMINNNNG”

My cock started twitching and then it exploded. Cum shot out of my cock with spasm after spasm. I thought I was going to blackout. My ass tightened around his dick as he rammed me hard and fast. Then he sank it deep one more time and began filling me with his spunk. He gripped my hips tight and held me against him as his cock jumped and twitched with each spurt. As the orgasm subsided, he slowly loosened his grip but did not pull out until he started going limp. When he finally fall out, I felt his cum start to ooze out. We were both exhausted and fell on the bed holding each other. We rested for a while before round two. More to cum. Until then, XXXOOO.

5 Guys – The First Time

I knew I would be in town for two days, so I posted an ad on Craigslist for some company. I got several of the usual lame replies and a few that seemed promising. I chatted with a few guys for a bit and finally found one who was to meet me at a local cruise park.

I pulled up, wearing my favorite Naughty Kitty t-shirt over a bra and my medium denim mini skirt, 7″ heels, and my blonde wig. A few minutes after I parked, a guy approached my window.

“Kayla?” he asked.

“It’s me,” I replied.

We talked for a minute, then he got into my car. With my console, we couldn’t do much with my consoles to his truck.

Once we were in his truck, I rubbed on his leg for a few minutes until he unzipped his pants. I began to suck on his penis. It was an average size, but clean and pleasant, so I was enjoying myself, and judging by his moaning and wiggling around, so was he!

After a few minutes, he suddenly jumped and shouted, Ed! I almost hit my head on the steering wheel, and when I looked up, there was a black man standing, at a black man was standing’s window, who had recently been watching us for some time!

My partner quickly lost his erection as he rolled down the window and made small talk before the other guy moved away. I started to go back down, but he was no longer in the mood, so I got out, and he left.

I straightened ,my clothes a,nd walked around the parking area for a few minutes. This park is arranged mostly in a long curve, with a turn-aromainly ine end, so everyone there can see me as I walk. (That really turns me on, knowing that all of these strange men can see me as I act out my slutty fantasies!) I walked all the way to the farthest end of the park and tnd walked back. Two cars passed slowly as I walked, but neither stopped, so I kept on walking to my car. I passed close to the other few cars there, but nobody seemed interested in me, so I left the pardrove around for a bit. I passed through two other cruise areas nearby, but both were completely empty, so after about 20 minutes, I ended up back at the utterly

By this time,e I had alsoreceived other eemailfrom someone who wanted to meet me. I told him where to find me, then drove and parked.

There were a few more vehicles this time around, so I drove the length of the pensuringthat everyone could see into the cacarark’sdistanceensuringingd walked around for a bit.

I walked up to a nice big truck. he put down the driver’s window as I approached, so I stopped. he started talking to andme began to rub his hand on my bottom and legs. I rested my hand on the trucdooror, and he took my hand and placed it on his average-sized cock. After we rubbed each other for a few minutes, he invited me into his truck. I naturally accepted.

I leaned over to accept my second cock of the night, and he wasted no time in putt his hand on my back, then my neck and head, encouraging me to work harder. I was happy to comply! He got really hard a few times, and I thought he was about to come, but he never did, and after almost fifteen minutes (I saw the clock on hdashboardard), he decided to leave, so I stepped out, hoping to find another customer.

Walked backward toward my car, and as I passed the picnic pavilion, I saw a cicigars rolledI turned and walked into the darkness and saw two men tatalkingThey both stopped and looked at me, and I recognized one as the voyeur from earlier. He smiled at me, and the other looked a bit uncomfortable and walked away.

Once the voyeur and I were alone, he sat on the picnic table with his back to the road. As I walked close,r he unzipped his.Beforee I was within arm’s rea, I c ould smell his unwashed cr ot,ch! I walstrolledst hallowing himorem to slide a quick hd underr my skirt, and then moved away. I cannot stand an unwashed man!

Asreturnedack to my ,car I saw a guy standing behind his truck. I wdirty himyhim slowly, and circlereturnedhicl.H e ,didn’t move away or react, so I moved closer to him,g my band wigglingling my skirt. He made a commecommentedtfit, so I ked like to see one of the others. He did, so I walked ,back returnedreached into the back sand he ‘dlleddlled out another outfit.

It was my returnedreturned reached a blacktop thattoptat just covers my breast forms and makes them look so hot! When Ige with my top someone, I can remove the bra and everyth,ing and looksar e real.Ii did that anI returned to him. he rubbed on my tummy and told me how sexy I was, then he slid his hand around and cupped my butt cheek, running his finger along my crack.

I let him feel me up for a minute, then he ran his hand up my back, to myshoumy shouldergetlygentlyed down. I caught his hint and dropped to my knees in front of him. I closed my eyes, openopenedmymoutmy, and in a few seconds he, d himself into my mouth. I stayed still as he slowly moved in and out, then hanand dmy e began to move quicker as he realized the enjoyedletting him be in total control.

He hit the back of my throat, then quickly pulled back and stopped moving for a minute. I leaned forward and ran my tongue along his shaft, then took him all to my mouth and throat. He seemed to figure out that I enjoyed ideeplydeeplyeply,esumedeeplymping himself into my face.

I experimented with giving him a hummer, but it didn’t seem to makerence for him, so I stopped the noise and knelt there like an obedient little slut. I tried a few times to take his hands aplaceace his hands, but each time he ppull he edled his hands away from mine. He finally pulled out of my mouth and shot his load onto the pavement before I could stop him, then he said an awkward thanks and drove away.

As nobody else in the park looked interesting, I drove againd agaie, then headed back. My other email person hadn’t shown, or so I thought, so I parked, got out, and began to e once again, time into my gray sports band my CHEER shs. I walked to the picnic table again and did scheerleader-typetype stretcheerleader-typed around the walking trail e,nding up back at my cr .

I changed once more, enjoying the feel aiof r on my naked and shaved body as I removed my shorts and put on a long button-down shirt that was’t quitlong enoughgh to cover my white cotton panties. As I looked u,p I noticed a black mn, standing there in some sortof suitt, watching me closely.

He complimented my outfit and my sexy body, and as I sat in the driver’s seat to throw my other clothes into the back seat, he moved closer, unzipped his suit and exposed his penisHehe jusstoleng it for a minute, then asked me if I wanted to touch it. I held my hand out and ,he, plcd his penis on it and started moving back and forth. My fingers naturally curled around I,t and me let him fuck my hand for a littl.

littleok a step forward and was now standing between my legs. He moved his penis to my mouth and I, took h,im in I’mI pleasured him for a short time until a small truck pulled in into the shopy partner quickly hid his penis as the car drove iccarassed right nexnexte waited for a minute unthuntil theck had car, then pulled his penis back out for me to continue. We played together for a few minutes and then as te truck rerecorde seemed ,to get nenervousalked away.

The truck ended up parked from my car, and the driver just sat there. I checked checkedail anchecked the mail. IsI got out and emaemailede new truck. As I walked up, the driver rolled his window down and put his arm on the door. I stopped in front of his window, and when I looked down I s,aw a ni,clov elyarge dick (I’d guess 9 inches long, and having a decent girth). Everyone else tonight had been pretty average (in the 5 – 6″ range), so this was looking like it would be a treat!

I rested my hand on the door struck dodoor hesked me ,”You want this dick,?

I smiled and didn’t say anytanything saidhnothingd placed it on his dick. I began rubbing it slowly, and he made a few sounds that let me know that I was doing well and began rubb.He mstartepettingbottstartepetting point I noticed t.hat we were being ,wattwonoher truck not too far away. This made me even hornier, so I pulled my hand out and walked around to his passenger door. He opened it up and i sm,iled at tIe wa,tcherI loofiled mytietWatchers shbutton-downg me on a sbuttona adownnties) then laid, down across his truck seat wit my bottom hanging out of the truck and took my new friend into my mouth. I worked on his large penis for several minutes. More than once he to,ld me “Oh, ye,ah, baby. De,tht that bi,g black cock,” as I went as ,far down as I could.

After several more minutes I nee,ded to shift positions, so Ithe als I neededpportunity to change clothes ll.e right back, sweetie,” I told him as I wiggled myself out of the truck.

I stood up , smiled t the two voyeurs, then reachand d intoatmy car for my schoolgireached. Ioutos a cute little plaid skirt, an a buttbutton-downuse I found at a thiftandtore. i turneI my back to my new friend, who wasIaturned standing behind me, removed my sports bra, and replaced it witI h a lacy white bra. Then I slid my skirt up my legs and pu, pullede on and button,n,ed it up.

“Oput pulledschool gschoolgirlid.

“Do you like to take advanschoolgirllittle white school gischoolgirld him.

He smiled and pulled his schoolgirl i kneltIbetween my car and his truck and got baIkknelt betweenng my best Jenna Haze impression a,returned doing stroked his large tool. Asignificantanother few minutes Asignificant anotherr and leaned,d o he side of his truck.

“Do you fuck?” he asked.

“No, not tonight,” I replied.

“Oh, okay,” he said, then he felt me up one more gmore suitable got in his trmore,nd drove a,way.

As I was wan andpletely wound up, I walked past the two guys who had been watching, but they didn’t acknowledge me, so after passing the picnic table, I turned around and walked back to my car again.

My first customer of the night had rned during my walk, so I we turned to his truck. We returned to a minute, and when I offered declined d to get offeredhis tto declinerclinfter, he drove car Soon the few remaining vehic,les drove off, leaving me by myself, so I headed aloney hotel, where I wandered the halls in a bikini, wig and heels, then crawled in,to bed for a short nap before work the next morning.

The next morfollowing dayved afollowing da,y my second craigslist guy, saying Craigsliste thought I was as I changed clothes in the park! Was he one of the guys in the other truck?

Trap Door Lady Boy.

His strong hands were squeezing my hips tightly as he was pumping his hard rod into me. The cool night air was kissing the beads of sweat on my exposed cheeks. I could feel a familiar pinching sensation in my slender thighs from the black lace panties that had been pulled down to my knees. I barely know the man behind me. It isn’t even like he was my first tonight. However, the sense of being filled with his hard dick repeatedly invading my thoroughly abused ass hole is better than the emptiness I had been feeling in its absence. This man, who has been a coworker of my father’s for longer than I have been alive, is now ruthlessly driving his cock into me. He is needlessly trying to be sexy, calling me a slut, asking if I love how his cock feels, and demanding that I beg him for his load.

I would have let him fuck me regardless of whether or not I found him attractive. It has been at least two weeks since I last heard from Jake. It would seem that he wasn’t ready for a public relationship, which had been what I was craving for as long as I can remember. It was with that simple disagreement that Jake would move on leaving me all alone. Since then, I have been bouncing from one cock to another. It was only when I was dressed up as Alex, that I felt alive. Yet, tonight at least, it was as if I was chasing the high I felt that first night with Jake.

The man I have come to know as Mr. Dodson was furiously pumping me in our backyard while my dad was on a beer run. Part of me would hope that my mom came outside only to bear witness to the slut she had raised. My parents were okay with me dressing and even going out to meet men, however, the rule was that I couldn’t dress up with company over. I was also sure that they would not approve of me letting their married friends cum in my ass. I had already been fucked by two different men before I got home to see Mr. Dodson eyeing me while my Dad was searching for his keys. Within seconds of him leaving, Mr. Dodson would come over and try to chat casually. I wondered if he could feel the other men’s semen in my dirty hole as he was plunging in and out of me.

It was just as I heard my dad’s car pulling up to the other side of the house that Mr. Dodson shot two ropes of cum on my ass. I had already asked him to cum inside me for fear of him staining my clothes. He, evidently felt that I wasn’t worth the courtesy as he ejaculated all over my new top and skirt. I was able to slip into the basement unseen before my dad could return to his sweaty disgusting friend.

White Cross Dresser Party Girl

After months of resisting my feminine slutty side, I finally gave in one day when I agreed to meet a thug black meth dealer to PNP. I knew what that meant and craved it. I shaved my entire body smoothly, douched out my ass, and packed my “sex bag” with my analyze, lube, poppers, black thick butt plug, and a few different sexy outfits. I also packed a long-length black wig. Underneath my sweats, I had dressed in the sluttiest possible outfit. Black fishnet stockings, red lace G-string, black tight see-through mini skirt, black bra, and a see-through black half-shirt.

We went to pick up the dealer first, then headed to a cheap hourly motel in the hood. $28 for two hours.

As soon as we got inside, the dealer told me he had to go get weed but wanted to shower first. He handed me an 8ball of really strong meth to get the party started. He jumped in the shower as I made a couple of lines to sniff. I snorted it up and everything seemed to slow down as the powerful wave of pure animal of sexual loss swept over me. I vaguely remember him coming out and pushing me to my knees to deep throat his hard cock and telling me to poke my booty up high so he could booty bump me. He grabbed my asscheeks and spread them apart, then spit on my hole. He pushed a huge rock in my ass, all the way to his knuckle. Waves of lust rolled over my body as he moved me to the bed. I remember getting on my belly and poking my ass up high. I reached back with both hands and spread my asscheeks wide open. I took some of my drool from my wet mouth and used the spit to wet my hole.

Tony stood in front of me and I nursed his hard cock with my mouth. When he was rock hard, he moved behind me and took a picture of my wet hole. “You gonna get a lot of Nigga cock in your white pussyhole tonight, bitch,” I vaguely heard him say as he pressed the engorged head of his black cock against my tight shit hole.

Then he put a little bottle of poppers under my nose and told me to sniff it deeply. As soon as I did, he forcefully pressed it down hard. All 12” of thick cock pressed down through my sphincter muscle and into my guts. It didn’t take long for him to speed up the violent pounding as he rode his cock harder and harder into my violated anal cavity. I was grunting and moaning as he pumped the entire length of his cock into my rectum. I pushed it in as hard as he could. I could feel it throbbing as his Nutt went deep into my ass. As soon as he was done, Tony pulled his huge cock out and slapped my face with it.

I lay there still holding my asscheeks apart and got so turned on. My hole was totally open and dripping Nutt. I fingered my hole to keep it open.

I saw him staring at my violated hole. “Yo bitch, you owe me $100 for the stuff.” I said, “I don’t have any money right now to pay for it.” He laughed and said, “until you pay me back, that fine white ass in mine. I’ll pump your hole full of nuts, bitch. And you’ll take care of people until I tell you to stop. You understand?” I nodded my head. He told me to wait in the room while he went to buy some weed.

I was still super horny when I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was Tony. It was the motel clerk instead telling me the time was up. They only took cash and I only had $10 left. What made things worse was my cell wasn’t charged. I quickly showered and got dressed. I took all the remaining meth with me.

I planned to wait 15 minutes for Tony, then go to a Starbucks to recharge. Two hours later and I still hadn’t found a place with a charger. That meant a long walk home through a pretty bad part of town.

I started walking still feeling that sexy feeling in my ass and tingling from the T. I was still wearing my slutty outfit with my jacket over it. As I walked, I noticed a guy walking up on me. When he caught up, we started to talk. He said I looked hot. I thanked him. As soon as he asked me if I liked to party, I got immediately horny just thinking about the hot sex I had earlier and the lust burning inside me for more.

I told him I was really horny and asked him if he had any T. He told me he only had cracked and that we could go to his tent to smoke it. I said ok and felt his hand on my asscheek as we walked. He slowly rubbed his finger against my still open and wet hole. “Feels like you already got some dick, bitch. You ready for some real Nigga cock?” I came a little when he said that. My hole was throbbing.

As we walked along the dark street, we passed by tents with mostly homeless black men living in them. They silently watched us walk and I could only imagine what they were thinking. We passed by an RV that had a tough-looking big black guy standing in front. “Where did you find your sexy little white girl,” he said as he looked me up and down. I looked at his crotch and saw his hand stroking his huge semi-hard cock through his pants. LeRoy said, “she’s a sissy. I’m just going to party with her in my tent. Can I get $40 of rock?” The drug dealer handed him a little bag and told LeRoy to pay up. LeRoy looked at me and I told him I didn’t have any money. The dealer looked at me with a very hard stare. “Turn around bitch. I want to see your sexy booty. I unzipped my jacket so he could see what I was wearing, then slowly turned around and grabbed my smooth asscheeks with my hands. He said, “spread that ass for me, baby.” I did and he pulled the panty string to the side and took a picture of my bootyhole, still slightly open and wet from before. He looked at us and said I could pay him later. In my meth and sexual fog, I didn’t really know what that meant other than the fact that we got the drug I so desperately needed to keep my raging sexual energy going. LeRoy knew what that meant and I noticed how he wasn’t as nice to me and sounded more like a thug.

When we got to the tent, I quickly took off my jacket and pulled out my lube and poppers. LeRoy packed the crack pipe with rock and took a big hit and put it in my mouth and I breathed deep. There was an immediate reaction and I felt super horny. Things got intense fast. LeRoy pushed me to my knees and jammed his cock down my throat. It was huge and my mouth barely fit around it. He roughly facefucked me, only stopping to hit the pipe and popper me up. He slapped my face, then flipped me over onto my belly. “Poke that booty up slut and take this Nigger dick!” I screamed out as he roughly forced his entire hard thick cock into me with one stroke. It started to feel really good so I was talking super dirty, begging him to give me his cock. To sodomize me. To make me his sissy bitch. To pimp me out to niggers all night long.

He flooded my rectum with his nutt then had me suck him clean. He laid back in the tent and I deep-throated him in between taking more hits on the pipe. I heard someone just outside the tent and heard LeRoy say “$20”. A $20 bill landed inside the tent and I realized what was about to happen. I started to say no, but LeRoy just gave me another hit on the pipe and held my head still as some guy rubbed lube on my hole then plunged his cock inside me.

Naked Physical Force Determined Who Would Be In Control.

I could start to taste this slippery fluid, his pre-cum as it hit my tongue, it was warm and felt like it was foaming up in my mouth. I loved that taste and loved that I was exciting him this much. The feel of him sliding over my lips and on my tongue was wonderful, I could have done this all day for him.

He stopped and took his cock out of my mouth; I hoped that I had not done something wrong because I needed to continue. I looked up to see his face and noticed that he was smiling. “You are doing great he said but I want to try another position, kneel in front of me here.” As I kneeled he stepped out of his pants and took off his shirt, he was now naked. This man had a nice body, very strong and well kept for his age. He had great strong legs and a nice ass also. He turned around and bent in front of me and told me to lick that back of his legs but to reach between his legs and keep stroking his cock.

I licked his legs and ran my tongue from the back of his knees to his thighs while I stroked his cock. He loved this and moaned loudly while I continued. He turned his head and said, “this is so hot, but now I need your lips on my ass” I was so hot at this point that I thought I would puncture my pants! I started to kiss and lick his tight ass and he said “deeper”. He reached back and pulled his cheeks apart for me, I could now see his bum and thought here we go! I put my face in and attached my lips to his ass, he groaned and said “oh yea, suck my ass for me”. I still had his cock in hand and kept stroking slowly, my hand was now covered with his precum and it made pumping easier.

I slowly put my tongue on his ass and licked in small circles dipping my tongue inside every time around. I loved how nasty this was. I licked up and down until he stepped back and turned back around.

“You are so good you could make money doing that.” he joked.

He told me that he wanted to ride my face and that I should try not to gag on his shaft. I couldn’t wait to get his cock in my mouth again, and I didn’t need to wait long. He held my head and starts fucking my mouth slowly and deeply, on some of the strokes his balls would hit my chin, which really excited me.

“Oh you’re a great cock sucker he said, take me, deep honey, hold my ass while I drill your throat.” My lips were stretched to the max and I loved it, his cock was sliding deep but I didn’t gag at all. I could taste his fluid-leaking non-stop into my mouth; it made him so slippery that it helped him go deeper. “Use your tongue on me, honey, wrap it around my cock, suck that cum out of me, blow me, baby, blow me he said.”

And blow him I did, I sucked his cock as hard as I could, but softly. I wanted his load and I wanted it soon, I also waited all night for this to happen and now I will get my reward.

He started to pump faster and breathe harder; I knew my time had come. “Suck me, baby, suck me, I’m Cumming, I’m Cumming.” It hit me with force and quick spurts, I held his hips while he shot into my mouth, I was surprised how warm his cum was and how it ticked on the way down my throat. I was in love, not with him but with sucking cock.

He pulled his now deflating cock out of my mouth and wiped it on my face, “let me just paint you a bit he said,” I smiled. He fell back into the soft chair and his spent cock was lying on his leg.

I couldn’t resist the urge to lean over and rest my hands on his thighs and I looked at him and asked, “can I suck you clean?”

“Yeah man, suck my cock clean for me,” he said.

One last time I needed to taste him and relish his size.

Rainy Horny Day

Anyway – I was so horny and wanting to taste and swallow as many loads of cum as I could. walking around the house all dressed up and nowhere to go I logged on to a hook-up site. I replied to 3 posts and continued to scroll through the rest. WOW within a few minutes I got a response. A married bi guy was going to the store and wanted a hookup. He liked my reply and the photos I sent him so we made arrangements to meet.
An hour later in a shopping center parking lot, I got in his car. He looked OMG you’re gorgeous and rested his hand on my black stocking-covered leg. I smiled reached over and rubbed his cock as his hand slide under my skirt and snapped one of my garter straps.
He started to drive and I leaned over and took his hard cock out and went down on him. We never made it out of the parking lot he parked between 2 trucks. I continued to suck as he pulled up my skirt and slide his hand inside my frilly red panties. He started to play with my little clitlet as I pressed my lips to his groin and bobbed my head up and down. Within 3 minutes he unloaded a gush of sticky cum deep in my mouth and I swallowed and swallowed as he flowed. MMMM YUMMMY.
I pulled off him licking my lips and smiled at him. He was jerking my clitlet his hand covered the entire little limp thing. I said no problem hon no need to continue if you are satisfied. once back to my car, I bent down kissed his limp cock smiled at him. Hope to see you again I said as I exited.
Before I left the parking lot I checked my messages. One was from a guy to who I replied to his post. A trucker who was broke down at a near-by truck stop looking for a Girl like me. So I messaged him and we made arrangements to hook up later last evening (those rarely turn out).
I took a long way home driving down the highway with my skirt hiked up showing my stocking tops and garter straps flashing anyone who wanted a peek. Once home I reviewed my messages and there was another from the 3rd guy I replied to his post. It was interesting but I already committed to the tucker.
I did some housework all the time so fucking horny just wanting to flow my Girly cum and could not wait till 6:00 came so I could meet the trucker.
I freshened up changed into a black pleated dress, long blond wig, black lace panties, white stockings, and 6 strap garter-belt, White petticoat, and black heels, and drove to the meet.
I smiled as I saw him there and pulled up to chat. He was just as he described in his post. A tall black man in his 40’s well built and gay. He said his truck had broken down and could not be fixed until today. I drove next to his rig and we got in it. Ok, the same old story He grabbed my head pulled it down, and rammed his black cock in my mouth, and mouth fucked me. 10 min later I was swallowing his cum and licking his cock. That’s it another fucking disappointment in my park. At least he could have done was taken me in the sleeper cab and fucked me.
I got out limp and frustrated and drove to the parking area. This was a truck stop I only was out a few times so I thought I would make the best of it and hopefully meet some new truckers.
Watching the trucks pull in and the guys going into the store I waited for a half-hour till the rain let up a little. as the tucks filled the parking lot I opened the car door swung my leg out rising my dress showing a little leg shot (hanging out the bait LOL )
Got a few catcalls and whistles and “hey Babes” until one guy approved me. “what you looking for: he said “just to suck as many cocks and get fucked as I can” I replied. “You are a slut aren’t you,” he said “YUP” and took my hand walking me across the parking lot to the back of the restroom area. It was still raining lightly as he leaned against the wall under the overhang and took out his cock. I reached for it as I went to my knees in the wet muddy area (the white stockings were not a good idea but looked cute) and took it in my mouth sucking licking swallowing it. Of course, he held my head and fucked my mouth until he came. pumping his cum in my mouth as I slurped it with the rain dripping from my hair.
He pulled out as he did another guy (did not know he was there) held my head and pushed his hard cock in my mouth before I was finished swallowing the previous load.
the rain got harder running down off the roof of the building pouring down on me as sucked his cock. As I licked his cock clean after he came I looked around and saw 2 other guys stroking their cocks.
My makeup smeared, my hair straight, dress soaked, white stocking a muddy mess heels laying in the mud off my feet as the soaking wet rain pored down and ran off the roof.
One of the guys (a Latino) said in broken English “I’m going to fuck you” he pulled me up from the muddy ground spun me around sideways under the overhang. he lifted my dress and petticoat pulled down my panties as he bent me over held my hips and started to fuck me (his cock felt so good inside me that’s all I wanted all day was to get fucked). I pushed back humping him as he humped me.
The other guy stood in front of me lifted my head and pressed his black cock to my lips. I opened my mouth to take it and have always held my head and rammed it in. He fucked my mouth for I was too involved his humping that hard cock that was fucking me felt so good.
they both came about the same time and it felt so nice flowing deep inside my sissy hole.
They pulled out and walked away.
I even flowed as he fucked me which was my goal. I was a soaking wet mess. picked up my heels out of the mud and rain to the car. Lucky I always carry a few towels with me. I dried off the best I could take off my wet dress, petticoat, and stockings that I left on the ground next to the car. There was a sweater in the back seat I was going to take to the dry cleaners so I slipped it on and drove home
So all in all that I got what I went out to do satisfied for another week or so.

White Transwoman Sleeps with her nemesis, A Black co-worker.

Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap….

My head is spinning and my whole body is tingling. My heart is racing, and I feel the long phallic object moving in and out of my ass with vigor. My little clit is swinging back and forth between my legs, as I am on all fours on a hotel bed. I am filled with excitement and ecstasy as I am lost in the throes of being thoroughly fucked.

Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap….

I look up to the full-length mirror that is across from the bed. A large muscular and handsome black man is kneeling behind me with his hands gripping onto my waist, as his hips keep slapping my white ass cheeks. His chiseled and sexy body glistens with sweat as he is looking down at his cock moving in and out of my white asshole. My modest breasts are swinging tightly from my chest in the same rhythm as my small half swollen clitty. My long dark brown hair drapes over my right shoulder as I am panting and moaning with the repetitive thrusts that are being worked upon my body.

Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap….

I feel the long thick black cock of this sexy stud working inside of me. His strokes rub my insides and are constantly poking at my prostate. I feel the stretching of both pain and pleasure in my neglected ass. My toes are trying to curl up into my feet as I feel them shaking with pure pleasure.

Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap….

I look back to the black man that is behind me. He is fucking me like it is his purpose in life. His light brown eyes and his nice trimmed short black hair. The square cut jaw that just begs to be touched while your lips are pressed against his big soft lips. How have I not realized how sexy and handsome this man is? Why is he interested in a transwoman like me?

Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap…. Thwap….

My green eyes scan the room and the mirror trying to recall how I got here and what has happened. Was it all the weed that I had smoked? Was it the empty bottle of champagne that is sitting next to the hotel TV? Was it the success of our meetings the last couple days?

I do not know, and frankly, I don’t really care. I just know that this is the best I have felt in a long time.

I feel happy.

I feel good.

I feel full.

I feel like I am about to explode.


One Week Ago

Knock Knock Knock. “Brenda….”

I look up from my computer screen to see my boss, a six-foot-tall middle aged white male with salt and pepper hair, looking at me. Mr. Jones is an attractive man in his own right. Not in the best shape as he has developed a dad bod over the last few years. His wife is at home with their two kids. He is a nice guy and has really treated me well being the only trans person in company history.

“Yes sir.” I responded with a smile. I am not sure how long he has been standing there as I have been so wrapped up in a few of the marketing projects that I have been delegated.

“I am going to send Tyronne with you to San Francisco next week.”

I feel my stomach jump into my throat and I am filled with frustration at the news. Tyronne, or Ty as he likes everyone to call him, is the big shot at the firm. He is your prototypical jock that is looking for praise and to always show up the people that he is ‘competing’ against. I say competing because he thinks that everything is a competition. Who was the one that got this deal. How much more was that contract than yours. Hey, I am better than you kind of attitude. We have never gotten along.

“Why is that? I can make the pitch to Sephora on my own. I really don’t need him with me.” I respond.

Let’s hope that I can talk my way out of this. I don’t know if I could go on a trip with that guy. Listen to him talk about himself the whole time. He is such a pig-headed jerk.

“He is going to make a pitch to the Golden State Warriors the day before your pitch to Sephora. I know the two don’t have anything to do with one another, but I would like for you to work together. We could really use those two deals. It will do great things for the company and I want my two-best people on it.” Mr. Jones says with a big smile.

I smile back at him. “Okay sir. I will do my best.”

“I know you will. The two of you won’t let me down.” Mr. Jones says before patting the frame of my office door and continuing down the hallway.

Great. Just what I needed. Not only do I have to try and land the biggest deal of my career, but I have to land two of them with a guy that I just can’t stand.

Very few people in the office knew I was a transwoman. I transitioned into a girl at a young age of 16 in a Hurst Texas. I realized that I was not like other boys. I was more sensitive and not as rough. I preferred the more ‘girly’ things in life, like playing with dolls and pretend house. I wanted to play with the girls and do girly things when I was a child. My parents always noticed that I was different too.

My family was supportive and helped be through a lot growing up and trying to fit in. It became more evident that I was not comfortable as a boy when I was caught wearing my older sisters clothes. Instead of getting mad, my parents took me to a few doctors. I went through a lot of phycological and physical analysis before I even hit puberty. I was suffering from a severe case of gender dysphoria. The best course of action was to start me on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), and to change schools with the goal of changing my sex.

The rest of my life, going through puberty, high school, and college was filled with ups and downs. Life was a lot more bearable than my prepubescent youth was. I felt like myself and was able to fit in with the other kids around me. I was able to get a degree in Marketing from Texas Tech University and get a job in Marketing as a solid career.

Just looking at me you couldn’t tell that I once identified as a boy. I looked, talked, and acted like a woman. The only way you could tell that I was not a girl by birth was my little penis between my legs. I got good at tucking it between my legs and panties. It helped that it never got very big due to the hormones that I took as a teenager. My hair grew into a beautiful Dark Brown chestnut mane. My features became soft and womanly. Even my breast sprouted into a good size C cup by the time I made it to college. I became a very attractive woman, and I loved my body. Maybe one day I would finish transitioning, but I am scared that my parts won’t work afterwards or that I would miss my penis.

I thought back to when I first met Tyronne Jackson. He came on strong and tried to hit on me. He was new at the company and had started a year after I did. He was cocky and full of energy. At the time I was dealing with the stress of my father passing away and I wasn’t dealing with life very well. He asked me out a number of times and I refused. He eventually gave up.

That is when his attitude toward me became more abrasive. He started to call me names behind my back. It started a back-and-forth war that was put to an end by Mr. Jones about 6 months ago. I had to admit that I did some things that I wasn’t proud of, but I was not going to let him treat me with disrespect. Needless to say, things between us have always been difficult. It felt like we were fire and ice. Black and white. Just to opposites that could never seem to really stand the other or co-exist in the same realm at the same time. Every time we would step into the same room together, you could feel the tension in the room, like walking into a bathroom after someone just took the hottest shower that they could. Just thinking about him made my skin crawl and feel icky.

I got back to work on getting my presentation for Sephora ready.

Ty showed up at my office later that afternoon knocking at my door. I looked up at him and saw that he wasn’t very happy. He must have gotten the same news that I had. He was wearing a nice light gray pair of slacks with a black button-down shirt and no tie.

“So….. I heard that we will be working together.” Ty avoided eye contact and was talking as if this is just something he wanted to just get over with.

“I guess so. How do you want to do this?” I said being short with him. I don’t really want to speak to him, and I want to do as little as possible.

“Let’s just meet in the conference room in an hour and we can talk about a game plan.” Ty said. I nodded and he turned and left.

It was Friday around 2 pm and our flights to San Francisco were on Wednesday. We didn’t have much time to really get on the same page. There was a big hurdle in front of us with not a lot of time to get ready.

An hour later we met in the conference room. I got there first and had a folder with some artwork ready to show off and a legal pad. I was making notes waiting for Ty to show up. Eventually he does and with nothing in his hands. He walks in and sits in the chair closest to the door. He puts one hand on the conference table and leans back in the chair all casual like.

“Look. So, this is what we are going to do. You are going to work on your presentation, and I am going to work on mine. You don’t get in my way and I won’t get in yours. We will go to San Fran together. We will go to each other’s meetings, but we won’t be involved. Cool? Cool…..” Ty says to me and then turns to get out of his chair.

I am sitting there offended and annoyed. “No……..” It just comes out of my mouth. What gives him the right to dictate how this is going to work. He just can’t come in here and tell me what to do. We were asked to work on these sales pitches together. There is too much on the line to just work on this alone and fail to get either of these clients.

Ty turns and looks at me with a sense of anger and frustration. “What do you mean no?”

“I mean no…. We are going to work on this together. We are both going to put in our work and get both of these clients. I can’t do it all by myself and Mr Jones is expecting us both to pull this thing out. As much as I hate the idea of working with you, I hate the idea of losing these clients and disappointing Mr. Jones more. If you don’t like it, you can just take it to him.”

Ty lets out a big sigh. “Fine, but don’t think this gives you the right to tell me how to make my pitch. It is my play and I will take it all the way for a touchdown. You just stand on the sidelines and be a good cheerleader.”

“That is another thing. I am not just some push over ‘cheerleader’ here. I do just as much as you do and I deserve just as much respect.” I snap back at him.

“No you don’t. You’re just some bitch that has gotten good at sucking the right dick.”

That was the last straw. Soon we get into an all-out screaming match with one another. Both of us are calling each other names and pulling up all the past shit that we have done to one another. People have started to gather in the halls, and it takes about 10 minutes before someone calls Mr. Jones stops us.

“That is enough, you two.” Ty and I go quiet. You can hear about a half a dozen people in the hallway talking. Both Ty and I are still fuming, but we stay quiet for Mr. Jones.

“I have had enough of your constant fighting and bickering. I was hoping that both of you would have worked this out a long time ago, but it looks like I was wrong. I am going to make this very simple. You both need to work together and get these clients. I want the Warriors and Sephora as our two top clients by next week. If we are missing even one of them, you both can consider yourselves fired……… Am I clear.”

Like two puppies that just got kicked by their owner, Ty and me both nod and look down at the ground.

“Good. Now I want to see you both in here tomorrow so you can work together on your pitches.”

Ty looks like he is about to say something about coming in on a Saturday but is cut off by Mr. Jones.

“I don’t care what you have going on. This is your priority. Now go home. Cool off and I want to see you both in here at 8 am.”

I nod my head in agreeance and Ty does the same, but more reluctantly.

“Now get out of here.” Mr. Jones says as Ty is the first to storm out. I gather my things and I am not too far behind.

I headed home after getting things cleaned up at my desk. No one stopped me to talk about what just happened. It was all just too soon. I got in my car and drove to my lonely two-bedroom apartment in Fort-worth. The events of the day have left me stressed and in need of a good drink.

I pulled out a bottle of my favorite red wine and a glass. I clicked on the TV for some background noise. The TV glowed to life with reruns of doctor pimple popper playing. It was one of my guilty pleasures, watching gross stuff getting cut open and popped on TV. I poured myself a glass and started to sip on it. I quickly began to think of how to make the awful situation better.

After a whole empty bottle of wine and two hours’ worth of bursting cysts, I started to feel lonely.

My love life wasn’t always lonely. I have had a few boyfriends here and there, but many of them couldn’t handle being in a relationship with a trans woman. Some of them wanted a natural born woman that could give them kids, or they just dated me because it was fun and worth a try. None of them really took it too seriously. Others when they found out what I was got furious and aggressive. They all thought that I was trying to trick them and called me harsh words like “Fag” and “Tranny bitch”. Very few good guys would ever give me a chance and if they did, they were real creeps. Most of the guys I dated were white. It was just the guys that found me attractive and gave me a chance.

I never really dated any other races much. A Hispanic once, but never a black guy. It just never came to my mind or was really attracted to one. In the area where I grew up there weren’t many black guys around. I didn’t really meet or talk to many till I got to college and moved to Dallas. Then I still didn’t find them attractive at all. My dad was white, and I was always attracted to men that looked and acted like him. I really don’t think that he would have ever approved of me dating anyone other than a white guy, but he never told me that directly.

It had been so long since I had felt the warm embrace of a man next to me, and I was beginning to forget what it felt like. I was beginning to forget what it was like to kiss a man and have him kiss me back. I just wanted to be loved and to love in return.

The wine was really starting to take effect and left me feeling horny. In times like this all I really had was Henry. That is what I called my dildo. He was a pink 7-inch doc Johnson dildo with a suction cup. He would always be there for me. The sad part was, is that I was starting to think that he is the only lover that I would ever have in my life.

I get up from my spot on the couch and put my empty glass in the sink and throw away the bottle. I pull a bottle of Jim Beam out of the cupboard and take a big swig right out of the bottle. I feel the burn of the Bourbon roll down my throat and fill me with warmth. My loins burn for some attention as I am growing hornier by the second. I put the cap back on the bottle and walk to my bedroom for some playtime.

I have always been the type of girl that has enjoyed porn and reading sexy literature online. It is something that helps me get off when I am alone. I love watching solo guys jerking and showing off their sexy bodies. I love to watch them get blown by good looking girls as I imagine that it is me between their legs with their cock in my mouth. While I am riding my dildo or using it on myself, I like to watch other transgirls getting fucked. Tonight, I needed to feel a cock in my pussy and I needed it badly.

I open up my laptop and go to some of my favorite porn sites. As I am looking through all the content, I am slowly removing all the work clothes from the day. I get down to my bra and panties as I feel my loins continue to set ablaze by my excitement. My little clitty girl cock is trying to get hard as it is tucked into my gaff underwear. As I am looking through all the porn, I start rubbing at my little clit over my panties. My nipples grow harder and harder as my excitement is building. I pull my bra off and toss it onto the floor with all the rest of my discarded clothing. I start to alternate between pinching and rolling my nipples between my fingers and hand rubbing at my girl cock with my left.

I move through all the clips and movies online and spend a good hour doing so. I am getting so worked up as I feel the alcohol still affecting my body as I had not eaten since lunch. Finally, I find something that gets me really hot. Something that would be worthy of me riding my dildo to. It starts with a tgirl porn star named Channel Santini and she is lounging around her bedroom in her underwear. She looks so good and you can hardly tell that she is a trans girl. Outside her sliding glass bedroom door is a sexy brunette white guy that is taking care of the lawn. He catches her in her underwear, and she invites him in. He learns of her little secret in her panties and doesn’t care. They start to play with each other and get one another hard.

I set my computer to the side and stripped off my panties. Between my legs I am completely smooth. I make it a point to go get waxed every so often. Everything from my eyebrows down is completely hair free and that is the way I like it. It makes me feel like the girl that I am. My cock doesn’t really get fully hard anymore. Yes it swells and feels really sensitive, but it never really gets hard enough to penetrate during sex due to the hormones and hormone blockers that I take. I start to rub and play with my cock. I feel the tingling sensations of the stimulation start to fill my body. My hands continue to explore my little cock, that is about 3 inches long at maximum, and my little itty-bitty balls.

My whole-body tingles with pleasure as I touch myself. Soon my fingers find my little asshole and I feel the growing ache of needing to be filled. I reach over to my bedside table and remove Henry and the lube. I climb off my bed and kneel down on the side of it with my chest resting on the edge. The screen of the porno movie is still at a perfect viewing angle. I squirt some lube into my right hand and apply it liberally to my needy anus. My small dainty manicured fingers push the lube into my hole. I start with one, then eventually move up to three fingers as I stretch out my hole for my pink boy Henry.

At this point in the movie, Channel is on all fours and the guy is getting ready to press his cock into her ass. This is perfect timing, because I am now starting to lube Henry up and press him inside of my ass pussy. I feel the rim of the head of the realistic dong pop through my anus with ease. Soon the whole thing is shoved deep in my ass, as I am moving it in and out with my hand. My mouth is open, and I am starting to moan and pant as I am giving pleasure to myself. I feel my little clit oozing precum down the inside of my thigh. The little girl cock as hard as it will ever get, but that doesn’t stop me. I just keep moving Henry in and out of my hungry hole. The veiny and thick cock rubbing at my anus and poking at my prostate feels amazing. So much better than the stimulation that I was giving my little clit not too long ago. As my right hand would get tired, I would switch off to the other hand and keep going. The scene on my laptop is continuing to unfold. Watching this sexy man take this girl is getting me both jealous and excited. I am putting myself in Channel’s shoes and wish it was me that was being taken by this sexy man. The scene changes to Channel riding on top of this guy. That is when I decide to change my position as well.

What has inspired me today?

The colors of nature have always inspired me. The changing of the seasons. The trees dropping leaves. The earth getting ready to settle down for the long winter. The chilly weather and snuggling under the covers at night for warmth and comfort. Drinking my hot coffee every morning , saying my morning prayers and greeting the day. Working on letting go of yesterday’s issues , and petting my dog Callie. Enjoying the silence.. This is my morning ritual. I enter quietly into the day.

I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my 97 years old grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she loved everyone. She was well respected and always gave more than she received. I try to live like she did, as much as I can.

What Do I Most Love About Myself?

In the Ace of Wands, a hand holding a sprouting wand extends out from a cloud, as if to offer a new opportunity or idea with the potential to grow. The rich, verdant landscape is further confirmation of this growth capability. In the distance on the left sits a castle, representing the promise of opportunities to come, and hills and mountains line the horizon. Their rolling peaks remind us that there will always be challenges along the way, but they are surmountable with enough effort.

As an Ace, this Wands card brings you pure potential – this time in the spiritual, energetic realm. Ideas are flowing to you, motivating and inspiring you to pursue a new path. You are open to receiving new opportunities that align with your Higher Self. A whole world of possibility is available to you.

The Ace of Wands encourages you to follow your heart and live your passion. If you feel a strong pull towards a new project or path, but are questioning whether it will work, then this card gives you a gentle nudge to pursue your passion. You can always start out small, treating the project or idea as an experiment or trial. Then, if it feels good, keep doing it; and if it doesn’t, make adjustments and try again. Let your energy, dedication and motivation be your guides.

If you have been looking for a sign about whether this is the right project, then the Ace of Wands is a clear YES! The sprouting wand and the fertile landscape in the background are all positive indications that this idea has the potential to turn into something fulfilling and energising. Use your creative energy and passion to take the first steps. Even if you prefer to plan out everything before you begin down a particular path, the Ace of Wands wants you to listen to your instincts and follow your gut. If it seems like a good idea, it probably is. So, start with a few fundamentals to get things rolling, and then continue to grow and develop your ideas through more complex activities later on. The important thing is that you act now rather than spending more time planning or researching.

Keep in mind, however, that the Aces represent potential but not guaranteed results. The Ace of Wands (or any Ace) is a seed that has yet to grow into something more substantial or sustainable. The opportunity on offer shows great promise, but it will be up to you to maximise it for the long term. See this card as the spark needed to fuel a massive fire, but remember that the flash itself is not enough to keep the flames burning.

The Ace of Wands may appear when you have an opportunity to grow on a personal or spiritual level. You may be interested in taking a class or investing in a course so you can follow your creative spirit. For example, you might enrol in a photography class, a Tarot course, or a self-improvement program. Trust that this experience will open you up to even more possibilities.

My Favourite Ways To Quickly Tap Into Your Intuition.


Want to know something awesome?

I believe you are intuitive.

In fact, everyone is.

Let me back up…

I’m not psychic. I don’t see crystal clear visions of people’s futures. I can’t communicate with spirits. And I can’t read people’s minds (although I have my Imaginary husband believing otherwise!).

But I do consider myself to be intuitive. And I believe you are, too.

You see, I believe everyone is born with intuition.

We each have the choice to dial it up and listen deeply to our intuition – or not.

So the way I see it, to be a fabulous Tarot reader, all you need is to be open to dialing in your intuition and listening to your inner voice.

Here are three of my favourite ways to access your intuition:

#1 MeditateSit in a comfortable position with your eyes gently closed. Take in a couple of deep breaths as you feel a sense of relaxation flowing through you. Watch your thoughts disappear like soft, white clouds as you open your mind up to its full potential. Spend the next 5-10 minutes in this blissful state. At the end of your meditation, say to yourself, “I open myself up to my inner wisdom and I wholeheartedly trust in my intuition.” Do this on a daily basis.

#2 Keep a journal of your ‘hunches’ and intuitive insights – Whenever you feel a sense of something that is about to happen, write it down. Come back to your journal later to see how things transpired and whether or not your intuition was on target. You’ll become more and more trusting of your intuition over time.

#3 Free write with the Tarot cards – Draw a Tarot card for the week ahead. For the next 5 minutes, write anything and everything that comes into your mind by looking at the card and tapping into your inner wisdom. Write continuously, even if it means writing, “I don’t know what to write.” After the week has passed, come back to your insights and see what manifested.

I swear to you, even doing ONE of these things a few times will start to shift your relationship with your intuition for the better.

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A Brief History Of Atomic Structure


1. 500 BC: Democritus a Greek philosopher proposed that all matter was composed of indivisible particles called atoms (Greek for uncuttable).


2. 1803 “Billiard Ball Model”: John Dalton viewed the atom as a small solid sphere.


John Dalton (1766-1844)

His model truly ushered in the rise of modern chemistry!
• Each element was composed of the same kind of atoms.  • Different elements have different kinds of atoms.  • Compounds are composed of atoms in specific ratios.  • Chemical reactions are rearrangements of atoms (mass is conserved).  
3. 1897 “Plumb Pudding Model”: Joseph John Thomson proposed that the atom was a sphere of positive electricity (which was diffuse) with negative particles imbedded throughout. He discovered the electron, a discovery for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1906.


Joseph John Thomson.


4. 1908-1913 “Solar System Model”: Ernest Rutherford discovered that the atom is mostly empty space with a dense positively charged nucleus surrounded by negative electrons. Rutherford received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1908 for his contributions into the structure of the atom. In 1913 Neils Bohr proposed that electrons traveled in circular orbits and that only certain orbits were allowed. This model of the atom helped explain the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom. He received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1922 for his theory.  



5.  1920: “Electron Cloud Model”: An atom consists of a dense nucleus composed of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons that exist in different clouds at the various energy levels. Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenburg developed probability functions to determine the regions or clouds in which electrons would most likely to be found.  



🌛☀🌜 Renaelicious! 💝

Spring Cleansing Spell

Spring Cleansing Spell

February 26

For March! 

I like to use the energy of the Spring Equinox to thoroughly cleanse (and clean) my home. This process involves cleaning your space the old-fashioned way and clearing it of the spiritual gunk that hides in the corners. It takes time and physical energy. Feel free to take a few days to complete this work or ask loved ones to help you complete the tasks.

For this work, you will need the following:
*Household Cleaning Supplies
*Cleansing Herb Mix
*Yellow Chime Candle (one for every room of your house)
*Favorite Cleansing Incense

Take the salt and pour it into a small bowl. Speak blessings over the salt and ask it to help cleanse your space of spiritual and physical residue. Put a pinch of salt into any cleaning products you use.

Take the Cleansing Herb Mix and make a big pot of tea. While the tea is cooling, start cleaning your home. Back of the house to front of the house and top to bottom.

When you finish a room, speak your prayer for a clean and cleansed space and light the yellow chime candle. Ensure it is in a fireproof container and safe to burn. Move to the next room and complete the process until you’ve cleaned every room of your home.

When the whole space has been cleaned from top to bottom and back to front, take the Cleansing Herb Mix tea and use it to wash the floors. If you only have carpet, use this as a room spray. Finally, light the incense and offer a smoke cleanse to your entire space. When all the candles have burnt out, take excess wax and throw it out the back of your home.


Spring is a time of renewal, and what better way to celebrate the season than by thoroughly cleansing your home? By clearing out the physical and spiritual clutter that may have accumulated over time, you can create a fresh, vibrant, and energized space. In this process, you must arm yourself with household cleaning supplies, salt, cleansing herb mix, yellow chime candles, and your favorite cleansing incense. Completing this work may take a few days, but the result will be worth it. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your loved ones, and prepare to give your home the cleaning it deserves!

Dear [Your Name],

As the Spring Equinox approaches, I want to cleanse my home of all the negative energy that may have accumulated over time. This process will bring physical cleanliness, spiritual clarity, and renewal. Therefore, I am committed to taking the time and effort to thoroughly clean my space.

I will start by gathering all the necessary supplies, including household cleaning products, salt, cleansing herb mix, yellow chime candles, and my favorite cleansing incense. I will also make a pot of tea from the cleansing herb mix, which I will use to wash the floors after cleaning every room of my house.

As I go from room to room, I will pray for a clean and cleansed space and light a yellow chime candle in each room. I will ensure the candle is in a fireproof container and safe to burn. I will also sprinkle a pinch of salt into my cleaning products to help cleanse my space of spiritual and physical residue.

Finally, I will offer a smoke cleanse to my entire space using my favorite cleansing incense. When all the candles have burned out, I will take excess wax and throw it out of my home, signifying that I have removed all the negative energy and allowed new and positive energy to flow in.

This may take a few days, but I am committed to this renewal and rejuvenation process. I am excited to see and feel the results of my hard work.


[Your Name]

Full Moon March 25th in Libra

Full Moon March 25th in Libra

For this Full Moon, allow the Venusian energy of the moon to help you pamper yourself. 

You will need the following supplies:

*2 cups Epsom salts

*1 cup Kosher salt

*1 cup rose petals

*1 tablespoon honey

*Favorite essential oil

*Favorite incense

*Relaxing playlist

Draw a hot bath and add in the salts, roses, honey, and essential oils. While the tub is filling up, turn on the relaxing playlist. Light your incense; if you feel like calling, light some candles too. When the tub is full, get into the water. Let yourself relax. When you feel ready, speak out loud and say some affirmations to yourself. Speak out loud about your accomplishments up to this point in the year. And finally, talk out loud about your desires for the spring.



We will discuss the beginner’s guide to reading tarot for others. This is all about those seven steps to a remarkable reading, but this time, I am applying them to reading tarot for others. So, let’s do a quick recap of those seven steps. One is to create the space. Two, get to the heart of the question. Third, choose the layout. And four, shuffle the cards. Five read the cards and tell the story. Six, answer the question, and seven, reflect and ask for feedback. By now, you’re using these seven steps in your tarot readings, and you’re likely starting to find an excellent flow with these seven steps. So, I want to take you through the same seven steps with you in this video, but we will do it in the context of your reading for your friend. And what I love about having these seven steps on hand is that they give you a little structure. It gives you a guide so you know you’re doing all the right things, moving forward in the right direction, and don’t need to worry. So, let’s go through each of these steps one by one. All right. So, number one is to create the space. Now, when creating the space for a tarot reading, you’re trying to create a space different from the everyday. It doesn’t have to be a big elaborate, I don’t know, or yurt that’s been all fancily designed. It can be as simple as just clearing the table, making sure you have a clear space, maybe even lighting a candle, pulling out one of your favorite crystals, or laying down a beautiful cloth, which gives it that charming, sacred feeling. Then, the mental space is obvious: “Look, I’m learning how to read tarot. I might not do it perfectly, but I’m open to your feedback and sharing this experience.” So, you’re setting up a safe environment with your friend to let her know you are here to learn. Also, it’s an excellent time to clear any nervousness in this mental space. You might be slightly nervous about your first reading, or your friend might also be nervous about using the tarot because not everyone has used tarot before. So, just name the feeling and emotion, then let it go. And then, finally, the spiritual space. Now, again, this does not need to be elaborate; it can be if you want to, but it can be as simple as just closing your eyes, taking in a few deep breaths, and setting an intention to be able to really receive that inner guidance and wisdom throughout the reading. So that’s creating the space. The next part is to get to the heart of the question. And I find the easiest way to do this is to ask, “What’s on your mind? What question do you have that I can answer with the tarot cards?” Now, sometimes, this might also turn into more of a conversation. I recall one of the readings I did with a good friend from my mother’s group, and I think we spent half an hour conversing before we even pulled out the tarot cards. Now, that half an hour, it was mighty; even though we weren’t doing a tarot reading, it compellingly supported the tarot because what we did was we got to the heart of the question, the heart of the issue through that conversation. So, there is a lot of value in diving deep into the conversation before going to the tarot cards. Conversely, it might be like, “Oh, I would just like to read about my career.” Okay. That’s good. Let’s dive a little bit deeper. So, it’s okay to be asking questions. It’s okay to ask for more information. Now, once you have that information, you must confirm your understanding. If you’ve had that half-hour conversation, think about how you can summarize what was shared and what is really the question that’s being asked here and make sure that your friend is also clear, and you’re on the same page, that you’re in alignment. Then, of course, confirm that question, “Here’s what I heard you say. This is what I’m suggesting: we ask the tarot. Does that feel in alignment? Does that feel good? Is that going to give you the insight that you need?” All right. So you now have the question. It’s time to choose a layout. I recommend starting small and discussing only one, two, or three cards. Forget about a 10-card Celtic Cross unless you want to practice that one. Keep it small because you’ll not have to worry about the spread positions. You can just give a reading and stay present and clear with that reading. Another way to do it is to use just one card per question. So, if your friend has asked, “Well, what’s happening in my current career? What could I be moving towards?” Maybe you just pull a card per question. So you’ve got the layout, so you’re now ready to shuffle the cards. I like to do this because when I have somebody with me present with me in physical terms, I like to shuffle the cards a little bit, and then I hand them over to the other person. I have them shuffle it. And as they’re shuffling, I tell them, “Look, you’ve got to really tune into your question, your situation, and channel that energy into the cards.” Now, you have to judge a situation bit because sometimes people grab those cards, fly everywhere, and feel nervous just shuffling them. If that’s the case, shuffling the cards yourself and channeling their energy on their behalf is okay. All right. So now you have these beautifully shuffled cards, and you’re ready to pull them out and lay them out for reading. So, when reading the cards, you can interpret each. Card by card is a great way to start if you’re a beginner, and then you can look for those connections in the cards. Now, because you were reading for a friend, I would love for you to involve your friend in the reading. Maybe you pick up one of the cards and say, “What do you see on this card? I see this, but what do you see? And where do you see yourself on this card? What kinds of feelings or emotions arise when you look at this card? What do you think the deeper message is for you?” I tell you that even when. I’ve been reading for over 20 years, I love using this technique with others because it’s so fascinating what comes up through their intuition and what it’s doing is also supporting that person to connect with their own inner wisdom at the same time and that has potent effects in the long term. So, involve your friends in reading and invite them to interpret the cards. It’s also a lovely way to engage and connect with your friend, and it’s almost like learning together. All right. So then at the end of that reading, once you’ve interpreted the cards, you’ve looked for the connections, you’ve invited your friend to be part of it, answer the questions, go back to what was the original question that was asked, and what do these cards tell you about that particular question. You can also summarize the key points and highlight any key cards. So perhaps you’ve seen a Major Arcana card that really stood out to you or a theme across these cards. Bring that to the surface as you answer the question. All right. Finally, reflect and ask for feedback. Like, “What was the surprising thing you got for this reading? You, your friend, will probably say, “What a wonderful reading you’ve just given.” Sometimes, you might need to ask or dig deeper to get feedback, “Well, what could I have done better?” Knowing that will help you improve your skills as a tarot reader. And then, finally, I really want to invite you to reflect on what you have learned during the process. This is your opportunity to learn more about your reading for others and how you can personally develop. You are honing your intuitive wisdom muscle as well as you do this. So, I’ve created two bonus resources to support you in this process. So, I’ve created a guide sheet with seven steps for reading tarot with others. I recommend you print this out and have it nearby when you read tarot for others. And that way, you know, “Okay, I’ve done that step, that step,” and so on. In the end, it’ll be like riding a bicycle to know you have to think about everything at the start, but as you do it a few times, you’ll be able to let go of that guide sheet and wild bonus resource I have for you is the reading tarot for others and the self-reflection worksheet. This worksheet is designed to support you after each reading that you do so that someone else can reflect on what you could do better. What did I learn from this reading? What has this shown me about myself and my style as a reader? So make sure you print out a few of those and have them handy as you read them for others. All right. So you now have the seven steps for reading tarot for others, which means your activity for this video is to go and read for a friend, a study buddy, or a family member, and use this as your practice opportunity to bring everything that you’ve just learned into action, and really learn it from the experience. Then, use that self-reflection worksheet so that you can get a profound understanding of what you’re doing well and where you can improve. All right, my friends. So, in our next video, I’ll talk you through the 7 tips for success of tarot reading.

  1. The module is about tarot card reading for beginners.
  2. The seven steps for a remarkable reading are: create the space, get to the heart of the question, choose the layout, shuffle the cards, read the cards and tell the story, answer the question, and reflect and ask for feedback.
  3. Creating a safe and sacred space is crucial for a successful tarot card reading session.
  4. Getting to the heart of the question and confirming understanding before proceeding with the reading is essential.
  5. Start small with the layout, choosing just one or two cards to keep the reading simple and straightforward.
  6. Shuffling the cards is crucial to channel the energy into the cards.
  7. Reading the cards and telling a story is vital to the reading process.
  8. Answering the question should be done with empathy and understanding.
  9. Reflecting and asking for feedback is essential to improve your tarot reading skills.

Friend’s name: Sarah
Date of Reading: August 15th, 2021
Question: What can I do to improve my relationship with my sister?
For this reading, I used a three-card spread. As I shuffled the cards, I focused on Sarah’s question, asking the universe to guide me toward the cards that would provide the most helpful insight. The first card I drew was the Three of Cups, representing celebration, joy, and coming together. This card tells me that Sarah and her sister have the potential for a harmonious and joyful relationship. The second card I drew was the Five of Swords, which may indicate a past conflict or disagreement between the two. However, the card is reversed, which suggests that Sarah and her sister have the opportunity to move past this and find a resolution. The third card I drew was the Ace of Cups, representing emotional fulfillment and new beginnings. This card tells me that Sarah and her sister have the potential to deepen their relationship and create emotional abandon the cards that came up in the rreadiSaraa’srsister can improve their relationship by focusing on the positive aspects of their connection and looking for opportunities to celebrate and come together. They may need to address past conflicts or disagreements, but there is the potential for healing and resolution. Finally, the Ace of Cups suggests the potential for a new beginning in their relationship, with the possibility of creating a deeper emotional connection.

The reflection of this reading indicates that Sarah and her sister have the potential for a harmonious and joyful relationship. The cards suggest that they can improve their relationship by focusing on the positive aspects of their connection and looking for opportunities to celebrate and come together. The reading also indicates that they may need to address past conflicts or disagreements, but there is the potential for healing and resolution. Finally, the Ace of Cups suggests the potential for a new beginning in their relationship, possibly creating a deeper emotional connection. Overall, the reading offers hope and encouragement for Sarah and her sister to work on improving their relationship and building a stronger bond.



Limiting Belief: I need to be more skilled in reading tarot cards to others.

Why do I believe this to be true? It’s true because I’m still learning and practicing, and I feel more experience before I can confidently read for others.

Why is it not true? I have learned a lot about Tarot and have been practicing consistently. I have already started reading Tarot for myself and received positive feedback from friends and family. I have the basic knowledge and skills to begin reading for others, and I can continue learning and improving as I go.

  1. Overcoming limiting beliefs is crucial to start reading Tarot for others.
  2. Acknowledge the feeling of self-doubt and let go of it to move forward.
  3. Connect with the desire to serve others and help them connect with their intuition.
  4. Labeling oneself as a tarot reader is necessary, and it is optional to start reading Tarot for others.
  5. Journaling and using Tarot cards to go deeper can help overcome limiting beliefs.
  6. Write down the limiting Belief that has held you back from reading Tarot to others.
  7. Identify why you believe this and why it’s not true.
  8. Visualize yourself as the person you want to be to eliminate limiting beliefs.
    Hey there. This blog post will discuss taking the first steps to read Tarot for others. This is really about aligning your mindset, overcoming any limiting beliefs that might be getting in your way, and then thinking practically about the next steps you will take to start reaching out to your friends and family to start practicing reading for others. So, let’s begin with those limiting beliefs. I know I had this one when I started, and I’m not ready. But here’s the thing. I have yet to be 100% ready. Have you? I don’t know. I’ve been about 80% or 90% every time I’ve gone for it. There’s always been that little part of doubt in me. I could do better in this part or better in that part. I want to acknowledge that it’s widespread to feel that limiting Belief that I’m not ready, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Here’s the thing. If you’ve been studying with me and taking this journey, you already know the Tarot card meanings, the upright and the reversed card meanings, and how to do some simple one to three-card spreads. And no doubt, you’ve already started reading for yourself, and you’ve seen some unique insights from your own readings. So, even if you might not feel ready to read with others, I want you to feel rock solid knowing that you are more prepared than you are. All right. Overcoming limiting belief number two is that I need to be better than that. Okay. You’ve probably heard of imposter syndrome, where you feel like you’re a fraud, you’re not good enough, and you’re not ready enough. But here’s the thing. We all go through this at some time. And you think, Well, I’m not psychic enough, or I’m not intuitive enough, or I haven’t quite mastered this skill or that skill. Just acknowledge that feeling of self-doubt coming up and then just let go of it because it’s there; you say, “Hello, self-doubt, I can see you. All right. Thanks very much. Pop you in the corner while I get on and read Tarot. “And here’s the thing. I want you to connect with that desire that comes from being of service to others, to help others, to really connect with your intuition, and to help others connect with their intuition. It’s when we see that we can be of service and are fulfilling a deeper purpose and meaning with our Tarot readings that it doesn’t matter if we’re good enough. Speaker 2: We go for it anyway because we know we’re here to serve and help. So, connect with that desire that comes from within you to help and serve. All right. So, number three, one of the other limiting beliefs that come up is that I wonder if I want people to know I’m a Tarot reader. I had this same Belief, particularly when I was younger. So, in my early twenties, I started reading tarot cards. And you know what? I don’t want people to think I’m a Tarot reader because I had an image of an older woman dressed in scarves with her crystal ball and dark eye shadow. I thought, well, that’s not me. And if I start calling myself a Tarot reader, does that mean I’m trying to step into that or not. Here’s the thing. What I want you to see yourself as is just someone who’s using Tarot cards to connect with their inner wisdom. You don’t have to label yourself a Tarot reader just yet. You can be a regular person who owns some cards and pulls a few cards to tune into their inner wisdom. All right. So those are some of the most common limiting beliefs. You should think now about your potential limiting beliefs when reading Tarot to others. So, this is in your workbooks, and I would love for you to work through it. So, the way I’d like you to do this is to journal. You might use your Tarot cards to go a little bit deeper. But first, I just want you to write down what comes to mind. So, what limiting Belief has held you back from reading Tarot to others? Now, I know one of mine was I’m not psychic enough. So that’s what you write down, whatever your limiting Belief might be. Now, number two, why do you believe this to be true? So, for me, it was I’m not psychic enough. Well, to dead people. I don’t see ghosts. Therefore, I’m not psychic enough, right? This is the thinking that was going on. Now, number three, why is it not true? What evidence tells you that this Belief is false? Okay. So now we’ve got to flip our thinking a little bit. If I think I’m not psychic enough, what evidence do I have that this is false? Well, there was that one time when I was holding someone’s watch, and I had all of this imagery flash up about his life and career. And I go, okay, well, maybe I have some evidence that I am at least a little psychic. So, I want you to think about this for your limiting Beliefs. What evidence do you have that limiting Belief is false? The fourth step is to visualize yourself as the person you want to be. So, if I’m thinking about whether or not I am psychic enough, what it looks like when I am psychic to the level that feels comfortable for me. So I might close my eyes. I might imagine myself in that beautiful, psychic, intuitive state, and there goes the limiting Belief, right? We’ve eliminated those beliefs and are bringing something more aligned and truer to ourselves. So I definitely invite you to do that. Now, you can pause the video or after the end of this video. All right, let’s talk now about who to practice with. So we’re getting a little bit more practical, more tactical. Here are some ideas about getting started by reading Tarot for others. So one, you can practice with friends. Friends are great because they’ve got your back. They get you. They understand you. They’re your best cheerleaders. They really do want to see you succeed. You can also practice with Tarot study buddies. Maybe there’s another Tarot we can do readings for and exchange readings together. Now, you can also start doing the free Tarot readings or the practice readings on the Biddy Tarot community. This is a more expansive experience because you read for people you don’t know. Still, you’ll have access to people worldwide who would love to have a reading with you and will provide you with these amazing practice opportunities. And then, finally, you might have a Tarot group locally in your community. Maybe you even have a Tarot meet-up where you have eight or 10 people in a room practicing giving readings to each other. Again, it is a supportive learning environment that you can create for yourself and your practice readings. All right. I want to give you some tips for asking about your first tarot date. So, number one, mindset is key. So we’ve done some work around letting go of those limiting beliefs and replacing those beliefs with a powerful sense of positivity about what you can achieve. So that leads me to this condone, which is to set a positive intention. You might even envision that moment when you ask your friends, Hey, can I give you a reading?And then you imagine that they say, “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it’s taken you so long to ask me. “And you have a really positive experience. So, set that positive intention. Number three is to let people know that you want to practice. And I know it can be a little bit nerve-wracking to let other people know that you read because we always worry about being judged or what someone else will think. But I have been pleasantly surprised so many times when I’ve told someone about Tarot, and I didn’t think they would like it, but they did. And it’s led to some really positive interactions. So, just by letting people know you are ready and willing to practice, people will say, “Yes, please. I would love to read with you. ‘And all of those opportunities that are going to open up to you. Number four is to listen for the opportunities. So, let’s say you’re having a conversation with a friend. You might hear her saying, “Oh, well, I’ve got to decide whether I got his direction or this direction. “You’re like, “Oh, I think I could use my Tarot cards for that. “Or maybe she’s saying, “Look, I’m not sure what to do in my career. I feel like something else is calling me. “And you’re like, “Okay, let’s pull out those Tarot cards. “So there are lots and lots of opportunities there for you. Now, the final one is no pressure. So whether it’s okay for your friend, family member, or whoever to say no, thank you. So you might offer your reading that at the end of the day, they might say, “You know what? I don’t think it’s for me. “That’s okay. Don’t worry. There’s plenty more fish in the sea and plenty more people who would love to have a reading with you. Don’t take it personally. Just respect that we each have our different ways of doing things. All right. So that should have you all set up to ask for your first Tarot date. So that leads us to the next activity. And this is your commitment. So, what one action do you commit to in the next seven days to find someone to practice your readings with? So you might consider reading for a friend or a family member. You might think about who that is. You might think about what they’ve been talking about lately and how to set that positive intention, so go out and ask them, “Hey, can I practice my tarot readings with you? “I think they are going to be so excited to have you read their cards for them, and they’ve probably been wondering why it’s taken you so long to ask them. So that is your activity for today. All right. So, in our next video, I will talk about the beginner’s guide to reading Tarot for others, which walks you through the seven steps to how you can now take all those beautiful skills you’ve created and use them to read for others. I’ll see you there.



One common mistake is doing a tarot reading when they’re highly emotional. When people are highly emotional, it can be challenging to interpret the cards objectively. To avoid this, people should wait until they’re in a calmer state of mind before doing a reading.

Another mistake is to keep drawing extra tarot cards as clarifiers. This approach can lead to clarity and make it interpret the cards’ messages. Instead, people should be mindful of how they use clarifying cards and ask specific questions to get the necessary information.

A third mistake is doing multiple tarot readings on the same topic. This can lead to clarity and make deciphering the cards’ messages harder. To avoid this, people should set a limit for themselves and wait at least a month before asking the same question again.

Lastly, people may research multiple tarot card readings for their desired answer. This approach can lead to confirmation bias and make it harder to objectively interpret the cards’ messages. To avoid this, people should focus on asking open-ended questions and be open to receiving any message that the cards have for them.

Overall, it’s essential to approach a tarot reading with an open mind, be mindful of your emotional state, ask specific questions, and avoid confirmation bias. By doing this, people can get the most out of their readings and avoid common mistakes.

  1. Avoid doing a tarot reading when you’re highly emotional.
  2. Don’t keep drawing extra tarot cards as clarifiers.
  3. Do not do multiple tarot readings on the same topic.
  4. Avoid researching multiple tarot card readings for the answer you want.
  5. Set a limit for yourself and wait at least a month before asking the same question again.
  6. Be mindful of how you’re using clarifying cards.
  7. Create a sacred space and set intentions when reading the tarot.
  8. Stay focused on your tarot reading, and be conscious of how you’re interpreting the cards.
  9. Come at it from a place of love rather than fear.
  10. Trust your intuition and gut feeling when interpreting the tarot cards.
    Welcome to Video 9: The 6 Mistakes Tarot Readers Make When Reading for Tarot for Themselves. I tell you what? We have this post on the Biddy Tarot website, and it’s got to be one of the most popular tarot posts that we have. It’s because we can relate to many of these mistakes. I’m like, oh man, I made that mistake. I want to highlight some of these mistakes to bring them into your conscious awareness. I will also give you some recommendations for how to move past and avoid these mistakes. All right, let’s check-in. Are you making any of these mistakes? If so, let’s check-in and ask what we can do about them. Mistake number one is you do a tarot reading when you’re highly emotional.
    Imagine it; maybe you’ve just been on a phone call with your best friend and had a huge falling out. A huge misunderstanding. You’re like, this nasty person; how dare she say that to me. But underneath, you’re like, but I’m so upset that I’m arguing with a friend, and all this emotion is coming up. Now, yes, you might be tempted to go and get your tarot cards and go. What does this mean? We’re like, is everything ruined? And quickly draw the cards. The trouble is that when we’re in a highly emotional state, we’re often not open to receiving the messages of the tarot. We might be more inclined to rush through the cards and go, I didn’t like that card. I’ll choose another one, and so on. Some people thrive when they are emotional, and they use the cards. Typically, people are more conscious and can come from being constructive and being in your heart space. You may feel like I have a bit of emotion here, but I know I can use the tarot constructively right now. I’m not just going to search for the answer I want; it’s okay. But I want you to check if you feel that big rush. “Okay, when I look at the tarot cards, am I open to receiving your messages? Yes, no? Am I going to come at it from a place of love or fear?” Then, decide if you should wait or go straight ahead. Okay, mistake number two. You keep drawing extra tarot cards as clarifiers. I’ve certainly been guilty of these early on in my tarot reading career, particularly when reading tarot for myself. You do that reading, and maybe it’s like, what’s the future of my relationship with this person? Then you’re getting a death card, and you’re like, no.
    Death of what? No! This is no good! Quick, draw another card. Then, maybe 10 of swords, you’re like, no. It can’t be possible; quick draw another card. And before you know it, you have an extra 10 cards in front of you. You may be trying to resist that message or need clarification because you’ve got 10 different answers to one question. It’s essential that you just be conscious of how you’re using clarifying cards. I generally don’t use a clarifier card, and if I do, I’ll be asking a specific question to go with that card. It won’t just be something like, I don’t get what this card means; I’ll just draw another one. It will be like death. Okay, death. You change, and new things are coming through, tarot. What is the new thing that’s coming through here? Then, you draw another card. That way, you are keeping much more focused on your tarot reading. Okay, mistake number three.
    You do multiple tarot readings on the same topic. Again, I have been guilty of this before. You can also relate, for example, are we going to be together forever? There are better questions than this one, but you might ask at the cards. And the first round says, “No.” You’re like, I don’t like that answer. I’ll do another reading. Just see what else comes out. So, you lay out the cards again. Now you’re sort of getting, “No.” And you keep doing it repeatedly, hoping that one time you might get the four of ones, or the ten of cups, or the lovers card. But you keep getting other cards that are different from what you want every time. Here’s what I suggest. Set a limit for yourself. You should only do one reading on one topic and then wait at least a month or until things change and evolve further. I have to resist asking the tarot cards the same thing repeatedly because you’re going to get either the same message but answered differently, or you’ll just get totally confused. Okay.
    Mistake four is you researched multiple tarot card readings, probably for the one you want. Again, I’ve been guilty of this too. You may have asked about your career, and you sing like the seven of ones, and you want to know if you’ll get the promotion. You see, the seven ones your gut tells you, getting that promotion will be competitive. There may be someone in that role, and they’re not willing to give up that role. That’s what my gut tells me, but I don’t like that answer. I’ll go onto, and then I’ll go onto Google. I will also find a website that says the seven ones mean promotion. Finally, you do find that answer. But, in your gut, it was different. Again, set some personal boundaries to go with what your gut tells you. If you find yourself seeking that perfect answer, return to your intention when reading the tarot. Make sure you’re creating that sacred space because when you set that holy space, you’re opening yourself up to receive all messages, not just the ones you want. Okay, the mistake number is that you use a complicated tarot spread for your readings. All you want to know is what you might experience in a new job. But, suddenly, you’re doing a 20-card tarot reading, a considerable astrology spread, or maybe even the Celtic cross. And it doesn’t quite feel right. You’re like, I’ve got all these cards; I wanted to know if this would be a good job. It’s essential to bring it back and take things simple. Often, a two or three-card spread can give you so much depth and clarity in reading. You don’t have to overcomplicate things. Just pair it back, and then allow yourself time and space to dive into those few cards that you draw. Mistake number six, and this is our last one, is you interpret the tarot reading the way you want. You ask the tarot, is this job going to be excellent? Because you’re hopeful it will be unique, it says, “Not really. Your boss is not going to be so nice to you.” But you keep trying to find ways to turn it into the message that you want. Again, just as with that previous one, you wish to return to that sacred space and that intention around receiving all messages, no matter what they might be. All right, here’s your activity for this lesson. I want you to reflect on the six mistakes here and think, am I making any of these mistakes right now? And if you’re making one, you’re making six, so don’t be too hard on yourself. This is more about bringing consciousness to your tarot reading practice. And then, seeking out you can resolve some of these mistakes. What can you do to avoid these mistakes in your tarot practice? All right, coming up next is our final video for this module, where we bring it all together. I’ll see you there. All right, here’s your activity for this lesson. I want you to reflect on the six mistakes here and think, am I making any of these mistakes right now? And if you’re making one, you’re making six, so don’t be too hard on yourself. This is more about bringing consciousness to your tarot reading practice. And then, seeking out you can resolve some of these mistakes. What can you do to avoid these mistakes in your tarot practice? All right, coming up next is our final video for this module, where we bring it all together. I’ll see you there.

It’s time for our affirmation of the week. ♡

It’s time for our affirmation of the week. ♡

These weekly affirmations are about getting into a positive state of mind, body, and spirit to support us in an incredible start to the week ahead.

Wake up each morning this week, stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and repeat this affirmation. 

We are bound only by our own self-concept. Let this affirmation encourage you to be your biggest cheerleader in the week ahead. Allow it to support you to lean into an internal voice that motivates, inspires, and celebrates. 

You got this;

Self-care is a practice that can easily be incorporated into your daily life.
Use this checklist as a reminder of how you can create
meaningful moments of self-care every day.

Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining your physical and emotional well-being. Here is a daily checklist that can help you prioritize self-care in your routine:

  1. Get enough rest: Get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to allow your body and mind to recharge.
  2. Nourish your body: Fuel yourself with nutrient-dense foods that make you feel good.
  3. Move your body: Engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes each day to boost your mood and energy levels.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.
  5. Take breaks: Take short breaks throughout the day to rest and rejuvenate.
  6. Practice mindfulness: Take a few moments each day to practice deep breathing or meditation to reduce stress and anxiety.
  7. Connect with loved ones: Spend time with family and friends who support and uplift you.
  8. Pursue hobbies: Make time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Remember that self-care is not selfish but necessary for your overall well-being. Use this checklist to prioritize self-care daily and treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

Dear 100-Year-Old Me: Lessons Learned and Hopes for the Future

Dear 100-Year-Old Me: Lessons Learned and Hopes for the Future
Daily writing prompt
Write a letter to your 100-year-old self.

Dear 100-year-old Me, I hope this letter finds you well and happy. As I write this, I am a much younger version of you, full of energy and enthusiasm for the future. I can only imagine your unique experiences, adventures, and accomplishments in the many years since I wrote this letter. I hope you have lived a life full of love, laughter, and joy. I hope you have surrounded yourself with kind and caring people who have supported and encouraged you. I hope you have had the opportunity to travel to new places, try new things, and experience all the world’s wonders. As you read this letter, I want you to know I am proud of you. You have lived a long and fulfilling life and touched the lives of so many people along the way. You have left a legacy that will endure long after you are gone and have made a difference in the world. I want you to know that I am grateful for all you have done and am honored to be a part of your journey. I hope you continue to live your life with purpose and passion and never lose your sense of wonder and curiosity. In closing, I wish you a happy 100th birthday and hope this letter brings you a smile. May you live to the fullest and always be

surrounded by love, happiness, and peace. With love and admiration, Your younger self.



READ THE TAROT WITH CONFIDENCE Module 4: Remarkable Readings (Part 2)
So, welcome to making meaningful connections. We scanned the reading and started looking at card by card and what each card meant. The next step is to bring together to create a story. In this video, I will show you how you can make tarot card combinations. We’re typically working with two-card combinations, but these are the techniques you can use to start looking at three cards, even four cards. Then, you create these little connections in your tarot readings. Now, remember to make meaningful connections because you can get carried away with, oh, look at that and that; they’re the same, and isn’t that interesting? But if it doesn’t help us answer the question, it’s unimportant for that reading. So, think about what connections in your reading are most meaningful and helpful in answering the questions. If you have already studied and mastered the meanings of the tarot card, these techniques will already be known. We cover more details in learning the meanings of the tarot card, but I wanted to give you a refresher on these techniques or a quick intro. So let’s get into it. So, number one, keywords and themes. You can look at a couple of cards in your reading and see if there is a connection between the keywords or the theme they share? So, for example, with the nine cups reversed, that’s about greed. Then, the 10 cups might be excessive partying, or it might even be like fantasizing about what’s possible. Then, if you bring those two together, you start to get these combined meanings of hedonism or even emptiness of feeling of emptiness. Even though you think you’ve got everything, you feel like you’ve got nothing. You see how those two cards combine to give us an overall theme. Number two is you can look for cards in your reading that reinforce one another or even oppose or contrast. So if we have the moon and the high [inaudible 00:02:54], then a lot of that subtle, more profound energy is at play, and the intuition is even more enhanced in that reading. On the other hand, if you have opposing cards, think about the contrast in your own life. As we’ve talked about before, calm versus stressed and overwhelmed. They’re two very contrasting feelings. When we’re experiencing that contrast, it can create a lot of tension for us and even more stress and overwhelm. So, looking for opposing cards can show you where conflict or inner conflict is and can provide fascinating information in a reading. So, for example, here we’ve got 10 cups reversed and 10 pentacles. These are opposing because 10 of Pentacles is all about togetherness, but 10 of Cups might be about things falling apart. So, there might be togetherness on the material level. We can pay for all of these family events, but we don’t like each other, or there might be something like that. So you know, look for those contrasts. Another exciting connection is looking at the major and minor cards coming together. So, the majors are about why or what, whereas the minor cards are about the how. So you might find a connection where you’ve got a high priestess and the eight swords, so the theme here is to access your intuition. How? Let go of those negative thoughts or limiting beliefs, so they come together nicely in a tarot reading. Have a look for suits. We talked about this when you’re scanning the reading. Think about how do those suits combine with one another? If you’ve got a lot of that same suit, you’ve certainly got a lot of energy around that suit in the reading. Here are some examples. You might be imbalanced between heart and mind if you’ve got cups and swords. Cups and pentacles might be a balance between the emotional and the physical. Think about that in the context of a relationship. Cups and ones might be about living passionately and intuitively. Swords and ones balance tangible and intangible thoughts and ideas. Just think mindfully about how those suits might combine in a tarot reading.
Also, think about the numbers and how they connect in a reading. Again, if you’ve got two of the same number, you’ve got this strengthening of that number. Think about the symbols. Have you got common symbols? And how are they interacting with each other? So with the high priestess and the moon, we’ve got the moon as that connecting symbol. You might even be talking about the moon cycles in the context of this particular reading. Then, finally, you can look at dynamics and interactions. This is a favorite of mine. I love looking at how the figures in the cards are interacting with one another. Are they looking towards each other? Do they have this kind of mutual connection? Or is one looking towards the other one, but the other one looking away? Just like we can see here. Even when looking at the flow dynamics between those two figures, the pages are very young seekers, and the helmet is almost like this young seeker but 50 years down the track. He’s experienced life, created his own life lessons, traveled his path, and perhaps he is here and ready to shine the light for the new page to come through. You can even look at if someone the figure is the card is looking towards the past, the present, so looking face on or the future. If you see the same overall reading, you’ve got a lot of people looking straight on, then you know that there’s a connection to the present moment, or if you’re noticing that most of the figures are looking to the left, then there’s a lot of focus on the past and so on. Now, we’ve included the ultimate guide to tarot card combinations, which is a breakdown of these different techniques and even more information about how to use these techniques in your tarot readings. So check that out. It’s inside of the learning hub. So, if you want to get a bit deeper into how you can do tarot card combinations, print it out, study it, and use it. I recommend just getting to the practice of connecting cards. It’s as simple as getting your tarot deck, splitting it into two, and continuing to flip them. Okay, ace of cups, five of cups, what’s the connection? What’s the combined meaning? Next card, we’ve got a high priestess again and the wheel of fortune. What’s the connection again? Just that practice will prepare your mind to quickly seek and interpret those different card combinations when you do a tarot reading. All right, back to our example reading we’re working through. You’ve scanned the reading and read each card; now, I want you to find some meaningful connections in these cards. You might see, oh, look, there’s the high priestess and the moon, that’s interesting. How do those two connect? Or you might be seeing the nine cups reversed and the three cups reversed. How do they connect as well? So look through that, see what you come up with, and remember to keep relating it back to. Will my money problems end soon? Awesome.

Unleashing Your Inner Tarot Master: Embrace Your Destiny

Unleashing Your Inner Tarot Master: Embrace Your Destiny

The Three of Cups suggests that the Tarot celebrates connection and community. It represents joy, harmony, and the coming together of different people in a spirit of friendship and camaraderie. In this sense, the Tarot is a tool for personal growth and insight and a means of connecting with others and building meaningful relationships. The Three of Cups reminds us that the Tarot is not just about individual experience but also about the collective experience of humanity and our shared journey towards greater understanding and fulfillment.- The Tarot is a 78-card deck containing symbols, stories, and universal ideas related to the human experience.

  • The Major Arcana cards represent spiritual or karmic lessons, while the Minor Arcana cards refer to day-to-day events and personalities.
  • Arthur Edward Waite’s quote about the Tarot suggests that it embodies the implicit characteristics of the human mind and contains a secret doctrine available to all.
  • It’s essential to develop one’s understanding of how the Tarot works and to respect others’ different perspectives on it.
  • One fun way to explore the meaning of Tarot is to draw a card and reflect on its message.
  • The Tarot can help us see beyond our comfort zone and anticipate what’s coming up.
  • The Tarot is not meant to predict the future but to offer guidance and insights into our present circumstances.Welcome to video two, “What is the Tarot?” Arthur Edward Waite, the creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, says this about Tarot. He says, “The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicit characteristics of the human mind, and it’s in this sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is the realization the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all.” It’s a very rich quote, but it has many exciting ideas about what the Tarot really is. On the face of it, let’s consider what Tarot is from a structural perspective. Yes, it is pictures on cardboard at the very essence of it. But when you dive deeper, you realize that goodness knows how, but these cards are like the Book of Life. They contain so many of our spiritual lessons. So you think about the 22 Major Arcana cards, which are our spiritual lessons, our karmic lessons, the things that present themselves as big themes in our lives. Then, we have our 56 Minor Arcana cards. Within that, there are 40 numbered cards, which often speak about particular situations or day-to-day events that are happening for us, and we have 16 court cards, which represent the personalities or characteristics of people or even conditions. So these cards all come together to form this 78-card Tarot deck. And again, it’s that Book of Life; it’s that connection to what makes us human, and somehow, many of the experiences and lessons we learned are captured in the Tarot deck. And that’s what Arthur Edward Waite says here: that the Tarot embodies the symbolic presentations. Think about the cards; they’ve got symbols in them, they’ve got stories, they’re telling stories, and the symbolical presentation of universal ideas. “Universal ideas” imply that this is something that we can all tap into, that we can all relate to, that has meaning for us, and behind which lie all the implicit characteristics of the human mind. Amazing, right? It’s this representation of how we think, feel, and engage in life, and it’s all contained in the 78 Tarot cards. It’s in this sense that they contain secret doctrine. I’m not a big fan of the woo-woo, secret, mysterious stuff around the Tarot. I would much prefer that everybody has access to this information and can use it in meaningful ways. But I respect everyone’s different ways of looking at the Tarot. But he says, “It’s a realization of the few truths embedded in the consciousness of all.” So again, I do see that as this doorway to, it’s available to all of us. It connects to who we are as humans and how we think, see, perceive, feel, etc. So that’s that level of consciousness. So again, a really, really rich quote to help us connect with what the Tarot means. Remember, this is one person’s perspective on how the Tarot works. I think it is important as a tarot reader and practitioner to discover how you feel that the tarot works, how you experience it, and your beliefs around it. Here’s a really fun way of connecting with: what is Tarot? Why don’t we just ask for our Tarot cards? So pick up your deck, give it a shuffle, and ask, “What is Tarot? Hey, Tarot. What is a Tarot?” Let’s see what comes up today. What is a Tarot? I think one more. No, one more. All right. Lovely. So we have the three wands. What is a Tarot? For this, I see it as Tarot is seeing beyond the ordinary, beyond the normal, beyond our boundaries and comfort zone, and looking outwards to what’s coming up for us. I mean, this is neat. In the three wands, we have the ships, and it’s always like standing where you are right now and seeing what is coming up for you. Based on where you are, what are your ships coming in? And how can you extend your reach beyond just the here and now? How can you start to travel a little further into the future and discover, “Am I heading towards the place that I really want to head to, or do I need to make changes?” So that is really neat. Again, I want you to draw your Tarot card and see what comes up for you. Now pop that into your workbook and write your insights in there. And it may also start to open you up to new perspectives with the Tarot and how it works for you. Now, I also did an enjoyable exercise with the Major Arcana cards, where I went from The Fool all the way through to The World, and I used it to help me understand what The Fool tells us about how Tarot works. And then maybe, like, what does The Magician tell us? What does The High Priestess tell us? What does the Death card tell us? What does The Devil card tell us about how Tarot works? So, if you want to take it that little step further, definitely draw the one card for “What is Tarot?” but maybe draw several cards or go through the Major Arcana cards and let that guide you and show you how many different ways that the Tarot can express itself and be brought into your life. Many people ask me about Tarot and whether it predicts the future. In fact, I’ve been in several taxis now where the driver’s going, ” What do you do?” And I’m like, “Well, I’m a Tarot reader.” And then he’s like, “Oh, so it’s like where you can see the future and stuff?” I think, “Well, yes, no, not really.” So, let’s get clear about where Tarot sits regarding predicting the future. Does it or doesn’t it? And it does come down to your personal belief systems. But I want to share how I feel about whether or not Tarot predicts the future. To illustrate this, I want to take this quote from The Alchemist, a beautiful book. If you haven’t read it, please, please do. So it says, “When people consult me, it’s not that I’m reading the future. I’m guessing in the future. The future belongs to a higher being, and only he reveals it under extraordinary circumstances. How do I guess in the future? Based on the omens of the present. The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And if you improve on the present, what comes later will also improve.” And I could not think of a better quote to wrap up how I see the Tarot working. Because I think that when we pay attention to our present, what’s going on right now, where might our current actions take us in the future, and if that’s not where we want to go, then we can change things up, we can improve things, and then we can be taken to the place that we really want to go to. So it’s not really about thinking, “Okay, this is exactly what’s going to happen in the future,” because our future is not set in stone. And as the quote says here, the future belongs to God, the universe, Allah, and whatever this higher being is in your life. But ultimately, if we pay attention to that present situation and see what’s going on right now, we can start to change things up and take the direction we want. So, for me, a tarot reading is very much about what is going on right now, what it might tell us about where we’re heading, and how we can reach our goals and our desired future. All right, I’m going to leave you with that. I really want you to think that one through. Sit on it for a little while. Think about how you connect with the Tarot. Is it a fortune-telling tool, or is it something else? In the next video, we will get even deeper into what you believe and how that shapes how you read the Tarot cards. It’s going to be a good one. I’ll see you there.

Unlocking the Power of Oracle Cards: A Guide to Using Oracle Decks for Personal Growth and Spiritual Development

Unlocking the Power of Oracle Cards: A Guide to Using Oracle Decks for Personal Growth and Spiritual Development

Oracle cards are an excellent tool for gaining insight and guidance in various areas of life. These decks are designed to help you connect with your intuition and higher self, providing clarity and direction when needed. Oracle cards come in various themes and styles, from angel cards to animal spirit cards to tarot-inspired decks. They can be used for personal growth, spiritual development, and divination. One of the great things about oracle cards is that they are accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience with divination or spirituality. They are easy to use and require no special skills or knowledge. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to connect with your intuition. Oracle cards can be used in various ways, such as daily draws, specific questions, or general guidance. They can also be combined with other spiritual practices, such as meditation or journaling. Many people find that using oracle cards helps them better understand themselves and their life path. Overall, oracle cards are an excellent tool for anyone seeking insight and guidance. They are easy to use, accessible to everyone, and can provide you with clarity and direction when you need it most.

Oracle cards are a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance in various areas of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a specific issue or seeking advice on your life path, Oracle Cards can provide the answers you need. These decks help you connect with your intuition and higher self, giving you a deeper understanding of yourself and your life path. One of the great things about oracle cards is that they are accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience with divination or spirituality. They are easy to use and require no special skills or knowledge. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to connect with your intuition. To use oracle cards, simply shuffle the deck and ask questions or set an intention. Then, draw a card and interpret its meaning based on the imagery, symbolism, and message of the card. Many oracle decks come with guidebooks that provide additional insight and guidance on interpreting the cards. Using oracle cards can help you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life path. They can provide clarity and direction when you need it most and allow you to connect with your intuition and higher self. Whether you’re looking to gain insight into a specific issue or seeking guidance on your life path, oracle cards can help you unlock your inner wisdom and tap into the power of the universe.